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WONDERS NEVEE CEASE. Prof. C. Donaldson, New Orleeng, La., proprietor of Mrseums, who suffered eighteen years with rbeumatic pains, states that he has spent ten thousand dollars to get cured . Af ter trying doctors, fanious baths, electric appliancee and legions of liniments without relief, he tried St. Jacobs Oil, which complötely cured him. it is a wonderful remedy he says, and he has sold his crutches. Red Star trade7mark. fOUGHIURE Vrat from Oplatea, limctics and l'oisonn. A PROMPT, SAFE, SURE CURE i Cougha, Kom 'ihritHt, HoarsencM Influenza, Colds. Üroi.chtiU, C'poup, Vltooplna Coujch, Athm:i, ulny, Patns In C'hent, and otber U of (hoThrontaud Luns 50 ernta a bottlc Bold by Drutrclsts and Dealers. Iirtiei unabte to induce their dealer to promptly 'tt f it ; titóm wilt recette two bottUExpi'csk charges '. i y sendlng otie dollar to THE CHARLES X. YOtíELTR C03IP1KY, . Sol9 O rSMld MnnufacturPTf. Italtlmorc, 3arjUnd. L'. S. 1. W ' BEST TÖMÏc! Thls medlRlne, comWnlng Iron wlth prc voRetable tonics, quickly and complctclj urcs nyscplíu Índi8'''n, Weakneus, Impuro BlooÜi Jiuiaria,ChUls and Fever, and Ncnralifla. tt Is an unmiUnc rcmcly for DIseoses of tl.' Kiilneys and I.lver. It is inva'.uab'o tax Distases peculiar to Women, and all wiio lead sedentary lives. It does not lnjurc tte teeth, cause headache.o: produce constipat'on- other Jron medicines d.) 1 1 curiches and pnrifles the blood, stlmniatt? tiie appetite, aids the assimilation of food, relieves Heartbiirn and Helching, and strengt rm t!ie rauscles and nen'es. Vt lntermlttent Fevere, Lsssltuflc, iJtCk Oi ïnergy, &c , it ïias r.o equal. t3 Tln gennlne bas above trnde mark and crofiácd r funoson Tapper. Take no otber. mAr ■! WIW Rim I. f.. 81LT1S0RE. hD. Men Think hey know all ábout Mustang Lin iment ïïov '■' "Wnfc Vnow is rot to buAr? AAVLTVlk Tbs Snest tonto gffll I l Dk for nervou ppople tl49 ■■ I tlïV'sHostetter'BStcmfï W CEUBBATEB 'IA ch M'tters. whlch Pp W lnsuros Derfect dt_ Bestión and apslralrMvIj&jéÍMm 7-' tem acqulros tone i JJüSHb ÜP" XTmT" metc'netn6 nervta jtfTrffipyJMjy; Wft' more tranquil, heao - 'yKwr!SpinÍiryí tbat nameless anxi dyspeptlOi (rlves ■ STOMACH _ ff "ar to ehecrfulSP5te.ïrtB "esa, To estahllsh QlrVlTKjS hoalth on a üure I tf B' foundation. ne the O a BS pcerleisinvigorant. For ale bT all DruggtBta and Dealers generally. HALLS gatarrhgure Is Rocommended by Physlciansl h 1 00 mm Wiáxii i Womaniifao'.ure and se'.l itwltha positivo guarantco that it wlll cure any pasa, aud v.owiU the abuvoimuuut lfitfaiutn a cingle 'istante. 1 1 ia ynfiko ay otner Catarrh roraedy, 33 i Staken intafnally, acting upop (ha blood. lf you a:5 troubkd lïitb this üiatrosung disea-so.ask yourDruggist for it, and ACCEPT ï0 IMITATIOX OH SC3CTITÜTE. If hO )t jot it, f-nd lo u and we %?111 forward ■ '- prfco, i ceata ine" bottl. .'■■ '■■ : r -iRdo. ohia, ASK DRUCGIST ron HUPS MALT BITTERS. TAKE NO OTHEK ii you wish a CERTA1N IKI: for B&.ÍOUSNESS, INDIGESTIÓN, UYSI'EPSiï, LOSS OK AFPETITK an.i sl.JiKl. Nnthinfr vras ever iuvnti 1 (lint w.ll TONB UI' TIIH SYSTKM in the Sorinc of the inronual to 1IOP.S ui MALT BITTERS. The only GENJUriNB tri ronuLa-tare.i by Ou HÖFS AN'II MALT rrrKBS CO. of Dotrolt, Mioli.


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Ann Arbor Democrat