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Turkej declares sha will close the Dardanelles in case of war. The work of re building the City of Colon, destroyed by insurgente, has conmeneed. Daring the destrnction ofCjlon 8 mar derera were taken red-handtd and f hot down like dogs. Liter details state thftt the A'g'nan loases by RussUü ballets, cold and hanger amonnt to 1,000 meD. A rapare was racjivad o.i the 2lst that Oiiuw Oiijnihal baan kitle i by his fallo várs. Tae rapars iiks ojuirjutua. (iaa. Ktnar ff reporta that the Afghans evdCïitiJ all taa iroatier posta and that cae Kcmiia oatp9S;a ooaapy their former positions. Oludátne denits very emühatically that Prbjdth is to be ceded tcRusLÍa,bat intímate tbat Kussia has already taken posseesion oí that point. Sir Peter Lumsden'a report of the seige o PiiO 'ehbas been received, accordingto whi.ih che responaibility tui the fracas resta with the KiHsians. The czar has notified the Rassian govercment that in his opinión war wauld be most deplorable to bjth couutries, and txprtesing the hope that an amicable settlement may 0e ettubiished. Tajkty bas been warned nat ta allow Eoglisli vesstls to pass throngb the Bospomp, in the event of war with Bnssia. 3reat txcitm-nt exigts in England over this evidence of emnity. Tha Frince cf Wales' vifit to Oork was the canse of a bloody riot and a deperj,te, alloight tijglit in the stieets. A. number oí policemen were seriourly itijartd in their attempts to arrest the rioters. Vessels of all nationalities are crowding into the Black Sea tor the parposs of tiausportiag gruin lrom Knsaian porta btfore an oatbreik shall oocur between England and fiasüia. Eighty-eeren Eaglish TesBels arriVcd in one weet. Lord Duffurin has wired the Btitish government that Peajdeh is not worth going to war with Kussia tor, and that to sned one drop ot Brn is h blood for its possession is ihe shterest nousente. Mmbers of the cabiuet are inclined to accept Duilerin'e, view of the matter. The London PosS of the 15th has rrason to belitre that the governinent received nnsatis'actory úispacchts .'rom St. Petersonrg. Ra.isia iniistd on luamtaining tae poaition Hiie has already occupied and mtitnatea that nnlesa Eugtand holds herbfcli rtponsible for acqaiesoence of the Ameer in these ad vances, tíc,i. Kouaarcff will advanosaadseiie Herut. ïhe Post has also heard that the Afghans at Penjdeh were sarprised by the recent attack and a ruthless massacre loliowej. Subject to the satkfactory explanation irom Easbitt of the conflict between her troops and the Afghaas ncar Fenj ieh, Eogland and Bassia bave agreed on the basis ol (routier delimitation bttwen Afghanistan and Turkestaa. This arrangement inoludes the cession by Afghanistan to Kassia of P.iji'eh. It ia onderatood that the amear has given his consent to tbis proposition, ha acknowledginir that hia title to the iatter was in doubt, and that in order ts reaoh a peaceful settlemeut he would waiye his claim. Military movemtntB in Afghanistan are txoeediiigiy üifficult at presenten account ol the almcsc nnprecedented teverity of t'te weatlitr. Incessant ütcrts o! Bnosr and nail en the monntaiua sed rain in the valleys have swollen the rivera into flaoda, wnioh aie impassable by any means ot transportaron with which Gen. Lumsden's torces are supplied. Tne weather is exceptionaily cold, and thia liet tella more severely on the British efficers and Indian troops, who are irom the soath, than npun the Eassian?, who come íjpia tke north. The Üffioial Messenger pubnshcs a telagram fiom Gen. Komarofi which statss that ttae remnant oi the Aigbau detachnient that was defeated in the Kuahk river engagement &4& to Herat. Komhrofl also states that the lossta of the AJgnans Jargriy ixoesded the firfct estímate. Many perished as they struggled threagh ta roogh country on their retreat to Herat. The weatfcer was extrvniely cold ad saox had tallen for 12 daya. The Atghans hate h'arned the camp at Salatuurjthab vthich Sir i'etei Lumsden abandoaed. A provisional govetnment is being oiganized at l'eijieh to prevent anarchy. A Knssian dttachment remains at Diishkepri. Tne dispatóh conclades witn che statement that there is no ueceaeitf ior a forward moreiaeiit at present. The iolJowing is the basis of the oom promisa between Kassia and ürent Brilain: Eushia consents to E.n immediate meeting bttween Zelenoi and Sir Peter Lumsden at Pal I-Khatun, Rn'sia end Lngland h&ving agned to limit the zone to be detated to the territory betwttn the Lessar line on the south and a line from Ak-Tppe to Pal IKhatan on the north, excluding Pal IKnatun and including Peiijdth. Kassia renews her usturance that no mtther advance will be mde, providtd the A'ghans do not tempt to nuiu thtir ioruitr pomtijns Tne oommUsio!' &r iaotraottd to nud prdctijble írontier uuí .ü 01 Maruohak and to the soush of t'ul-1-Khatan, leatoring Zaldcar and Akrobat to Afghanisiaa. Punjdea is to be oeded tu Kassia and a Iriendly agreement is to be made with tne Ameer.


Old News
Ann Arbor Democrat