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Mury Moore of Li Cresoent, Wis , H daya and died. Oae man was killed and five others teriously ujured by a snow-slide near Wüeeler, Ooi, reucntly. President ÜJevtlaud has Lsueda proolamítioa orderinR tne reinoyal of settliirs trom the Crow Creek reservation, Gov. Ireland of Txíb has vetoed the bill plaeioj; the btate univer.-iiy lauds on the m&rLtt at five ueiits an acre. Ex-Prestdent Arthnr has resaoied law praoiice in New York, aud has returned to his old home on Lexicgton avenue. Th Canadian goveromtiit will at onoe instiiuta measures to prohsbit the sale of arras and auimunitiou lo inctian'?. Memorial services in honor of Abraham Liucolu were ha)d iu Sringtitld, Illinois, on the löih. Qeu. Ljgan was tha orator of töe day. John A.O'Neil of New Jersey haa baan mada eaperintendent of the bureau of tngravng ana printiEg, vioe Q. W. Oasilear, removed. Mts Bmma McMann of Solpio, while leading a herse to the b&m, was kieke-i by the vioiona animal and had her jiwbone broken. Tüe attornej-.íenaral rults for the presiden that the speoial ttgeats oi the mttrnal rêvenue bureiu do not come withia the tennra of office act. A prominent Caradian official u&jsthere will be no more blooduhed in the northweet diflljulty and that the mafer will be settled very soon. A Winnipeg paper issued anxlra onBunday in re gard to the Riel rebellio?, ani the whoie stafl of the wera promptly arreeted or areaking the Öabbath. Th9 bilí providing for a free park aroand Niágara falla, nel nuking an apprepriauon fnr the purebase of the land has patsed the Nir York legislatuie. Mrs. 8. T. Browu of Rigdad, N. Y., has been awarded $40,000,00ü oí a $500,000. 000 estáte ia ohancery in England. She will now prooeed to get it. George H. Humpf killed his wife aud lït - tle babe and then shot himself, near CiBtle Chnreh, Herkimer county, N. Y., on the 14th.. He was iimne. The cffioe of the Bnffalo EiprES3 was destroyed by fire on the 16th. Tfie loss is very heavy. JTour hundred parsons are thrown out of employment. Seoretary Swank, of the American iren and s:eel atsooiation, thinks the iron trade has oen its lowest level mi a period of impro vemen t must set in soon. Seoretary Lámar has informed Oklahoma Oouoh that he would. under his oonstruotion ol the law, be obliged to keep both boomers and cattlemen out bt Oklahoma. W. H. Edwards bas resigaed bis pcsition ï as chiei ot the diplomatic bureau of the state [ dopartment, acd M. Sidney Everett, on or the late Edward Everett, will take the place. The TTnite 1 States steamer Juniata is at a standstill in the Min river, eight miles below Foo Chow, China. Ëhe oannot asceud, because the stream is too shallow ; nor descend, lor torpedoes. Maj. T. H. Logan oí the fifth infantry, saya no tronóle is to be apprehended f.-om the Chryenne Indiana of Montana. They are intent apon gardening and have not a warüke thought. Repre sentatiye Shaw, a Danworatio mamber oí the legislatura o Jlljnois, died very suddtdy in Bpringfield, April 12. His death canses another deJay in the senatorial elec tion of tnat state. It is the general opinión among ofBeers on duty at the navy department that the marines who were rectntly sfnt from New York, will laave Aspinwall on their return home within the nezt two weeks. The United States supreme oonrt has decidtd that a wüe's separate estáte was not l'able tor provisión snplied the lamil;, nor for any promissory note by her fcusband aetinz as her trustee. The order allowing the Northern Pacific road to change ita lines of limit in Washington territory so as to include valnable landa in its grant, has been revoked by the oommks oner ot the land office. The New Orleans board of health have pïs ei resolations reqnesting the governor to issue a qaarantine proclamatiun imposing a detention of ten days on all vessels ariiving there from infected rorts on and after May 10. Army cfficsrs at Washington are yieing witb (aoh otber to secare the position oí superintendent of the soldier' home at that ciiy. The home is a deüght ui suburban residence. and the cuperintendency involvcs liitle labor. Gen. Grant's Washington tobaocouisS as cribes his Ihroat troableto his habit ot keep ing an unlighted cigar in his mouth and rever ezpectoraticg. Hg claims that th popular idea that Oract smoked many ei gars ia a íallac?. JoR?h W. Nichol ot lndiaaapoli'', Ind., bas been appointed hw clerk ot the postoffice depattment, Washington, vice John A Hecry, rtsigneJ. Mr. Nicbol iaabio;herin-Uw of Arms Bright, of the titad States Snate. In oppotition to the petition of the business men of Sioux City, Iowa, against stiiot enforoement of tbe prohibiiory liquor laws, the ladies of Sionx City, to the number of nearly 600, f-ave nnited in a protest against the toleratijn of the opea saloons. The s'atement of the condition of the nation; 1 banSs of the country oa March 20th, showed that gold ceitifieatea and coin held by banks had increased $27,C00,C00 in less than tfciee montha. Thia indicatioa of the hcarding of gold occasions considerable comnient in the treastiry departmsnt. Edmnnd MeCurtin, principal chiel of the Chociaws, has issaed a pro iamation calling cpon tbe treedmen resiaiDg in the Choctaw Nation and eotitled to citizeiship acevrdiüg to ihe treaty of 1836, to assemble at the diitererent precincta June 1, to be identified and registered as Cnictaw citizens. O;herwise ihey will be eipelled from the naiion as intmders. At a fire in Httiser's piano factory in New York City a number of the ïaembers of the re department were at workin the building, weet tno secead floor gave way aad all on it weie prt c pitated to the cellar. Tne nntortanates were picksd out as qaickly as possible, bat all had sast&ined brames and contusions of mor or less serioosness. Two of the men were fataüy injared. A kt'er from Turtla Monntain, ia the vicinity of Wakapa. states that a bani ot American Indians namberiog a'iout 10U had paseed throngU there on the 13ih inst., and were goiag Eorth, presamably to join Kiel. They distarbed seme cettlers hy breaking winr ows anl endeavoring to effect au ent?aEca into honses. They killed some sheep, aod at one piare, whcra a wuman was alone in the heuse, they told her to get a i, or they would kill her.


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