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Gen. Grant

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The American Homceopalhisl nas iin article on tho treatment of Gen. ürant by the Allopaths, In which it says: "General Washington was murdercd by his medical aUendants; but at least tkey rere heroically - too horoically endeavoring to extinguish tho discasc. Thoir brutality was of the activo and in purpose commondablo, thougfa disastrous in result. Gen. Garuólo maltro&tod for months undor aa error of diagnosis, and at last escapn', bej nd the reach of his eminent lortui Here, also, thero was inucli heroism and aetivity displayed, nlbeit miadirected . Other ïllusuïous pal i -nis have suffurod frorn oniinoncu i o Lbo profession; but Gom. Grant seeiDt served as a shining exHmplo of culdblooded expectaney. To hin tho liiilu group of eminonco htwonothing io 11 r but a diagnosis. For bim ibi jr.. no relief but in tho gravo, latniujt the only source of therapeutic salva on, they gather round bis bedsido tu observo his unaidod strugele. l'ho (i:tt has gonoforth that nothing eau lo Jone; and nothing wiü bo permi'ted to be done. Those who question tuoh a dcision aro quacks and cranks ; but who ought not to bo proud of sucli a t'osination from such a SOUVCsP Sjholurh, retined, cultuio.1, earuest gen tlemen as thoy ere, of what avail all these good qualities in the pregones of suoh tlierapeutic bankruptcyP U.i the contrary, whiie so-callcd suioniüimedicines is to tho foro, wuil ra.iy tho daily papers announco in startling hollines, 'A bad diy for Gunerul Grant - Seven doctors in consulta tiou.'' Yes, tho hero of Appomatlox 13 dyiug! Ho who kcew no fear in war, knovvs no fear in suflering. Ilis quiot forlitii'lo winsuiaivorsal adrmralion. Prosidont Lineal 1, ia visiüng a hospital during tho lato war, noticed a poor Confederado boy, mortal ly woumfea. With his nativo tondernoss he pul his arms around his neck in sympatby. The sight meltod tho hospital to tosrs. Tho hoart of the American peoplo in like manner bleeds for Grant, tbo silent sulïorer. It would havo him gotwol!, by any (ffc'Jve means. His physioians say ho cftnnol ucver. Thoy lili him w;th anodynes but dojpilo thoit favorablo bulletius lio is !ai!y growiiig w. rse A specialist who has wou ropuUlton in the treatment of cancar visita liis bedside. The opj)osiüon ho euounlers from the attonding physicians briogi painfally to uiinil tliy story of the dog in tho manger. And General Grant 7 perhaps, musí die bocauso of Ibis intolerance! Is il possible that thoro U no liopo of curu outside ot tho medical rofossion? Preposterous! For yeurs medical men nsistod that oertain fiytrs woro incurable, butCVu'cona piovcd thecoctiavy For conluries they havo protesteü that certain renal disorders were incnrablo and yot a special proparaliou has cured and poriiianontly cored the vory worsl cases. Why may it not bo pos.iiblo in hke manner to cure a caso oL cáncer? B F. L:irrab20, of Uostou, was doomod todeath by many eminent IJosixu physicians. J. B. lluniun, M 1) , of Itooh ester, N. Y., was given up by lbo best doctors of all sctjools. Klüir J. S. Prescott, of Cleveland, Ühio, waa gravoly informed by theni that ho could not live, and yot these men and thousam! like thom havo bcon cured and curei' pernianently, of sarious kidnoy ('iiordors, by a remedy not oflicially known to I he code. Wbat has been dono roay be donfc aain. Gon Anson Stager diod of Bright's d'sjase iti Chicago l;vat week. "Joo" Gjss, the Bostou pugilist, dicd of it. Hundredá of thousanils of pooplo porish of it eveiy year whilo in their doctor's hands. The causo of doath may bo oalled blood poisoning, paralysis, beart disenso, convulsión?, apoplexy, pneumonía, or soruo othor comuiun ailmeiit, but tho real diQiculty is in the kiiluojs. Physieians know it but they cOnceal tho fact fron?. their patients. realizing their inability lo cure by any "authoricd" meaus. Tbo romody that cared Lanabeo and Henion and Proscott [i. o , Warnor's safo cure) is a special, independent discovery. lts record entitles it to recognilion, and it gots it from intelligent peoplo. lts manufacturers have an unaullied reputatioii and are entitlod to as grent consideraron as any school of pbysicians. Professor R. A. Gunn, M. U.. Dan of ttio Unitod States Medical Coilego of Now York City, risos above professional prejudice and on its personal ly pro ved meiits alone gives it sevoral pages of tho warmost coniniendation iu his published woiks - tbe only instance on record of a hio;h professional oudorsement of such a preparation. Tho unprejudiced poople do not waut General Grant to die. lf there is ie all naturo or asywhero in the world 9 rumedy or a man ablo to euro his cancer, give thom a chance. Willthoy doit? No. Why? Is il not tooofton tho c.t3e that rnaay excellent physic'.ans who are grcatly devoted to tho code, would pretor ihat their patients should die rather than that thoy should recover health by the use of any remody notrecognizoii undor their codoP


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