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Grandville is to have a 120,00 I roller Hom-in mili. Battle Creek will have an art loan exhibition in June. The business portiouof McBrideswas burned on the 16th. Willan! Stearns lias been appointed postmaster at. Adrián. A floiirinj; miil and beadtng works are to be started in Bastingg. Willinm Barilev. Gray for 56 years an estmeed citizen of .Viles, is dead. Forest lires have done great damage in various parte oí the state thls spring. The Jury in the Carr murder c-ase In Harri■on, dlsagreed aml were discharged. Mrs. North of Hesperia, has just finished a eradle quiU containiDij -i-2Si pleces. There u-e 08 Xatlenal banks in the state representing a capita! of 10,000,000. Charlovoix is trying o iuduce a live, ambitious mercbunt taiior to oeate there. Henry McComb, agcd 1 years, of Milan was arowned while bathing In Saline river. The Valley City Manulacturlng Company of brand Rapids. has made an 8Sia;nment. Georte W. Blükeinau, a farmer near Osseo had 18 hogs killed by Ifghtning the other dayl Mrs. Ida Ladner of Cedar 8pringi has been made a coaíirmed invalid bv tkatlnï at the rink. President Brook of Kalatnazoo college was visited the other mornins by burglars 35Ó worth. A maliguant type of diphtheria has made lts appearance at Allegan and the chooh have closed. The eold and storm of .May has been verv destructive to young lambs in manv portions of the state. Mrs. Leman Strone. aged 74. died at Litch fiel a few days einee. living only a week after her husband. Wil] E. Lowe has been appointed Asylum keeper at the Jacluon prison in place of J E Blue, remove;]. Plainfield, Livingston county, can boast of a map who is 11!) years old and works dally at the carpenter's trade. A sanitary convention under the auspices of the state board of health, will be held at Ynilanti June 30 and July 1. v Xil1?.üclRal)ids mun?ïï 'as resolved to expend ïli,500 for hospital purposes, provided the soldiers' home sball be located there. A change of vemie ha been granted in the caseofjim of Harrlson, reeentlv tried for murder, and ('air admltted to bail. ' Mr. George V. N. l.otbrop, recently appointed Umted Staies minister to Russta, quálified I at the department of state on the 13 th. The Upper Península presa assoeiation will meet at Marquette, June 2, and will include ! several northern Wisconain lournalists. Brighton eitizens seem unanimously in favor of bonding the city for not to exeeed f 10 000 in favor o? the T., A. A. & N. extensión Daniel Smith of Alpena, couvicted of a criminal assault upon a woman 60 years old nas been sentenced to 10 vears atJackson. ' In the last ten years Kast Saginaw driviii" park association has pah! $107,650 in premiums! and this year will add $10,9, 0 to the amount. Benj. Youngs oí South Bond, Indiana, was found dead in his bed at the reildenoa of Thomas Hope in Fulton, Kalamazoo eounty. urveyors have eommeneed work on the Toledo & Arbor road between Howell and South Lyon. In March Howell voted ïaO,OüO to tliis road. Explorers are goin to do some searehing lor the tin whieh is believed to exist in the Huron mountain district, says the Ontonagou Herald. The Alpena lish hatchery has had three sueoessful seasons and not a failure. About .5,O0l),C0O whiteflsh. altoirether. have been hatehed. A Sturgls butcher has obtained a verdiet for $100 dainages at Bronson, walmt George Munroe of Mattison, for sellina; him meat unflt for food. Dr. McNabb, member of the legislature from Newavgo eounty, will accept thè'consulship to Auckland, New Zealaud, if the rnwers urge it upon him. By a majority of ninety-eight the citizens of St. Clair voted to issue bonds to the amount of Í31.000 for the purpose of putting in a system of water works. About $210,000 worth of dainage by rtre was done to lumber on the docks at Oscoda, and the same day $50,000 worth of valuable lumber was burned in Muskegon. Sullivan M. Cutcheon, United States district attorney for the eastern district of Michigan, has resigned. His suceessor is thought to be C. P. Black of Tuseola eounty. A. H. Mershon, for over 23 ycars a prominent lumberman of the Sagina w valley, and inspector general of lumber under the oíd state law, died in East Saginaw recently. Peter Dumon, who lives near Monrofc, recently received 1400- a gift from friends in Germany. A few nights ago sonie one enterad Peter's home and stole the entire suin. At Washington, Macomb county, a few days ago, Miss Fannie Davis, daughter of Mr. añil Mrs. Homer Davis, was married to Mr. M W Davis of Davis, by Rev. L. P. Davis of Bav I City. J j At a meeting of the Board of Trastees of the Michigan Asylum for the Insane Ilon. Stephen S. Cobb of Kalamazoo, was eleetud treasurer of the institution in place of Hon. Allen Potter, deceased. The G. A. R. post of Alpena applied to the war department for the use of a cannoa and blank cartridgcs from the fort at Mackinac to be used at Alpena Decoration day. The request was refused. Philo Parsons and J. H. Wendell of Detroit, have been appointed by Governor Alger, delegatestothe National Commercial Convention, which mects at Atlanta Ga. at the close of the present month. Mrs. Gibson, who has resided in the townshipof Canton,nearPlymouth,for the past fifty-three years, is dead. She was bom in Cluckmanshire, Scotland, in 1804, and came to this county in 1832. George Wilson, the Detroit murderer, wh escaped from Jackson prison several month ago, has writen to friends in Detroit from South America, for whieh country he sailed on the 24th of March last. John S. Osborn, principal of the schools at Phoenix, U. P., lost his wife and took the body to Battle Creek for burial. Upon reaching there he reeeived a telegram announcing the death of his only child, whieh he had left behind. West Bay City is stirred up over a haunted house In the fif th ward, and wonderf ui stories are told of unnatural noises in the structure at night. Many of the inhabitauts in the neighborhood are much alarmed in consequence thereof. Elias Brockway of Oak Grove, insane, escaped from the Pontiac asylum recently and a few days afterward was found near his old home. He had opened his mother's grave and was in the act of lif ting the lid of the coffin when discovered. Morse W. Jones of Riehland, Kalamazoo county, blew hls brains out while temporarilly tnsane. The young man was a gradúate of the agricultural college, respeeted and industiïous aud his untimely end caused great sorrow in the eommunity. The present term of the supreme court has been one of the most laborlous ever held in the state. Nearly every case has been fou-ht out to the last by the legal counsel interested, only tn-o cases on the entlre calendar ha-ring been 5ubmitted on brief s. In the old days Michigan men went over to Canada to avoid the draft, now Canadians are :oming across here for the same pui-pose until the Russian question shall be entirety scttled There are several Canadian citizens visitin (?) n various Michigan towns. The examination of Jennie Boole, charged tvith murderiug her Ilegitímate child, resulted in the discharge of the pr saner; but on the seeond eount- that of concealing the birth- 5he was held for trial in the sum of $800, which imount was promptly given. About two years ago Mr. Wynning was run over and killed by a train on the Detroit, Lansing & Northern road. Suit was brouht agamst the company, and on the first trial the ury disagreed. The second resultod in a eerdiet of f5,000 against the company. William McCall, freight train brakeman on the Michigan Central, was knocked oiï the :ar by a bridge over the Tittabawassee river into the stream. The body was reeovered and taken to West Bay City. MeCall was 25 years ald and resided in Jaekson. where he leaves a wife. The Governor has issued commissions to Col Henry B. Clitz, Detroit; Hon. Free Estee.' Mt. Pleasant; Dr. Carpenter, Stambaug, Iron i, ?rncis Stockbridge, Kalamazoo ; Edward L. Lacey, Charlotte: George W. Weadock hast Sagina-, as a Board of Inspectora for the Michigan Military Academy at Orchard Lake. It is reported at Jaekson that Julia Reese who figured conspiciousiy in the Orouch raurder business, bas settled her ilOOK) damaaea 'jlaim against Dan Holcomb for $k)0 in hand Julia was jailed as an accomplice in the muruer at the instigation of Holcomb, but no evidence could be found to associate her with the crime. A serious riot occurred in Marquette betweou 00 unión and non-union ore trimmers The trouble aróse on account of the unión men being disatisfled with their treatment by the bosses and the non-unionists' attempt "to replace theni. Picks and shovels were used Ín thefight and two men were thrown into the lake, but were rcseuej. ; -'" John McCambridge, living with his parents it Towle's mili, one mile north of Sheridan, atïempted to board the loshing enginff that was iwitching cars in the yard, when his foot nissed the step and he feil. Thewheels passed ver the unfortunate youth's left leg, so terri3ly crushlng it that death followed about two aours after the accident. Graffville, tliree mücs north from Stanton jurued out on the 16th. the flre coming from ;he woods. Thomson's lumbar and ibinzle nill, twenty-one houses. tour fiat cars and" a arge quactity oí lamber and sluneles were detroyed. Only two or threc houses were leit Twenty-one familicshad tocampout In a wheat ield. The loss will aproxímate Í2O,(XX), with rerr little insurance. Tommy Russell, formerly an employé of the Michigan & Ohio railroad, has. commencod uit against that Corporation fof damages in ,he sum of $10.003. The damages sustained by :he plaintift' occurred last fall in the yard atMarshall, where by reason of being caiight iu a .rog while in the performance of bis duty he iras run over by a portion of a freight train s-hich resulted in the los? of the right leg The water power saw mili, boarding house itore building and warehouse, with $1 000 in :amp equipage belonging to the estáte of Paul carmine, situated at OM Stronach, burned the sther afternoou. Loss, $20.000; insuranee $4XX). The fire originated fpom foi-est lires which re raging in the northern part of Mason eouuiy. The wind had been blowing a gale for ïorty-eight hoon, and everythingwas very dry. The proposed Detroit & St. Clair rlver railroad will be 40 miles long, with 4 feet 8kT luches guage. At a meeting in St. Clair of iütizens from the shore tow:is about $15 000 was subscribed and the following direetors ileeted: V S. Hopkins, C. McElroy, Mark Hopkms,, J. R. Whiting, Dr. L. B. Parker, W. B. Morelev, V. A. SapK, Samuel Donaldson Joseph ïraneis, .1. B. Eldredge, Abraham Smith. The fire a McBrides was mueh more dlsastrons than at first reported ; nearly every building on four entire squares, fiity-seven in all was swept away. Twenty-three business places with almost the town's entire stock of goods were burned and twenty families burned out of house and home. Only one business place escaped, that of Wood, and hts stock is n a badly damaged coudition. The loss will aggregate $e0,000 with not over $30 000 insuranee. The quarter master general has prepared a ballanee sheet, which shows that abóut 47 000 of available iunds are at his disposal for the present year. With anef-timatedcostof$3.j 000 tor the encampment and $22,000 for thecurrent expenses of the department the department is thus but $10,000 short. Thefinancialc.onditlon BI the department will be consldered at the oext meeting of the military board and the future nctiou decided upon.


Old News
Ann Arbor Democrat