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Still Unsettled

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Hopois ..!' a battle in Me e in reeelved. Three bundred Yaquis are reí killed, and the Mexiean loss is 80 killed and wounded. Four Americana w r killed. A dlgpatcb Erom 8t. Petersburg Males ihat Kus8ia bas cntirely rejecttd the Britten propasáis. The same dlspatch ni a that Russia wil] demaud the riirlit to hav au aeknowledged Russlan representative al ibul the capital of Afghanistan. Frenen diplomáis tlimk this Jatter demand, lf made, will prove more Berioua than anj froatier questlon. Spain has removed the flxed duty on wlieat. Egyptlan troopaal Kaseala have been corapelled to eal donkeys to relieve thelr hunger. An annnity oí 830,000 has been votcd te Prlnces Beatrlce. who e marriage occurs oon. Mr CoikIu' Stephene, the Ijearer of dispatohes from Sir Peter Lumsden, lias arrived in London. A treaty of alllaucn la reported to have ;'en stened between Honduras, 8an Salvador, Cost liuo and San Salvador. Russia s annoyed over the anuounccmcnt that Japan -.ui ( !hina will organlze a systeiu oi gen d' armg In (.'orea, under European offleers. Tho Australiau troope are i.repariiv to enibark from Suakim for home. A portion will go to En.fflaml as guests of the homo jrovi-rnm nt. The Sultan of Turltcy leuden:.! Q-eu Uw. VVaUaoe, ex-United Stsies minister, i hiirh position In the ïn-kisli eorrlcc. The general deelined. Mr. Lowell, late (niteci Staie.i minister io Eneland. will leave for the United States about Tune ld. Mr. Phelps, the aew minister, was vrannly v eleomed. The British steamer Nnmidla colljded oft Durlceton Head with the steamer Messlna. Ten members of the latter's crewwere drowned. The Vumidia's bowa ere stove in. I rhe reduced eopy of the Bartholdl statue oí "Liberty enlightenlug the worlii" haa been fonnally presented by the Amerieau residente of the French capital to tbe municipality oí París. TheEgyptian eqvurmuent considers it ubsolutely necesaarvto hold the provinee oí ]) ineola. The public ia Cairo are indignaut over the declared intentionof England towitlidraw ;■■ m the Soudan. A great battle is expeeted to be fouirlii soon af Khartoum, between El Mahdl and rival False Prophet. The latter has collccted an immense íorcc of followers and they are now adrancing to áttach fhe Mahdl. Gten. Wolseley has issned a f arewell address iu which he anuounces thc withdravral oí the British troops from the Soudan and pralses the eonduet of all tbe departmcnía oí tlie service during the campaign. Slatln Bey. who, it has been generalij believed. was killed with Gordon in Khortoum is according to Btatcments contained i letters reeeived by some of bis relatlvea still alive and at present a prisoner in El Mahdi'a hand?. TheBrltishcabinet is tocditatln %he recall oíSirEvelyn Baring, consul general al Cairo as he is not Ín accord with the governmont on the withdrawal of the BriUsh troops from the Mondan and the Suez caualinttTiiationalizatiou, sóbeme. den. Lew Wallace, ex-Unltofl States Mipj... ter to Turkey, haa offlcially teedered hisiarewelltoth? Sultan aml feft ConstanUnople The American residents in the Turki-h capital presented Gen. Wallaec with an enlogistie ad úress. ASuakim disjiatch siiys: ()ne thousaud natives, who had been bosti) . have eubmltted to Britlah authority and have been armed It is feared, however, that the newa that the British Torces are to be withdrawn will deter fnrther submissions, as the majority of the natives consider that to every Arab who manifests friendlineas towards the Kiuli,h oceupation, death is inevitable at the hand oí Osman Diícna assoon as the British have retired. Negotiations are proceeding with Turkey for tbe latter's ocenpation ot Si lakim and the Soüdan on basis : The Porte gases to assist in soppn ssmg the tlave trade and in devejoptag external commercial relations. Besides the forraer proposals made tbrough Fehmi Pasha, il the Porte accepts, an Fn-lisii company will olitahi the option of secnriucr a concession to construc! a rauway to Berbwand will recéive other ü-adlrig rlghts. In the house of coiumoHS on the llth tost, Lord Harrington, minister tot war. stated ihat the government had definitely decided to abandon the plan of advancg on Khartoum. Lhe Brrtlgh troops would be eonnentrateiJ at w aay Halfa and Assonan. Suakiin coild not beevacuated until an Rrraugement could bc made to earrison the place jv the Iroops ..f somecivflized powef. These changes in the original plan of operations In the Sondan would make it unnecessarv to push fonvardthe railway irom SuaUim towürd Berber.


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