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A BTOPBISING CHANGE. With its broad streets and majestio ivenucs adorned with íitntely buildings, Detroit is oneof theniostinaprnifícentcities a this continent. lts new svstcm of ïlectric lighting thrmra into obscurity all .he oíd melhoils, and Isavesordinary Street iamps where dingy tauo.v óip usedtobe. The new liglits are on jil;t latiice worlc xwers, 125 to flft) feet high, shedding radianco which is like intensiüed moonlight. The effect of this when the city is :overed with ita white robe of snow, i trangely beautiful. A gentleman recently spent a day or two in Detroit, puahing his researches to aonie extent in the direction of linding out as to Ihe new method of curing rheumatism by means of Athlophoros, the remedy which in the last year or two has attained such favor as a victor over this old enemy ol the human race. Calling on Mr. R. B. Watson, the wcll-knowa superintendent of the American District Telegraph Company, he foiind thnt gentleman cheerfully ready to say all the p'.easant things he could about Athlophoros. #"My wife," said Mr. Watson, "was sufferingterribly from rheumatism; herpains were both in joints and muscles. So excruciating were her agonies when she moved, that sometimes on assuming one position inthe niorninghe would remain m that position all day rather than endure the torment of being moved. I procured a bottle of Athlophoros, and the effect on my wife was as eurprising as it was gratifying. We had no idea that any medicine could so speedily remove such an obstinate disease. Shc was soon cured, and the euro was complete. Since that she has liad no return of the disorder. We speak frecly among our friends of thegood work of Athlophoros, and have no hesitation in Baying how higbly we csteem it." Visiting nearly all the leadiug drug stores in the ci(y,it w?.i foundthat all who had kept Athlophoros had received from their customers marked commendation of its cffieacy. Ono lady liad taken sii bottles of it with the resultofa comnletecure. At Frizelle's, on Michigan Avenue, one of the clerks had taken it with excellent effect. This young man, Mr. Cohen, had suffercd greatly with rhennialism. Though surrounded by medicines of evcry description, they dul not reach hia case. Mr. Cohen tried 'Athlophoros, and found that it did for him wliiil nothingelse had been alile to do. From Detroit to Chicago is but a day's ride, and in the latter city Athlophoros bas also accomplished sonie wonderful results. In Chicago, at 90ó West Twelfth street, Uves, Mr. Williain W. Summerg, of the well-known iirm of Summers, Morrison & Co., commission merchants, 174 South Water streot.. Mr. and Mrs. Summers gave substantially the followingfaets: V'When Eobbie was taken sick eome weeks ago we thouglit at tirst that it was only an ordinary cold, but t proved to be eomething much more severe. The paint were ovidc-ntly tliose of rheumatism. We wrapped the boy in cotton and gave liim a number of tlie remedies such as are generally given. His agony was dreadful. We had to hold him in the bed, his agony was eo great. We liad two physicians, who did not succeed in making him any better. The poor child's torture was so intense that he asked for a pistol, so that he might put himself out of the way and tlius end nis suffcrings. When he was at his worst we thought of Katie Gill, who was well known to tis, and the medicine that had cured her. Wc sent to Mr. Gill's to know the name of the medicine and where to get it. They happened to have ome left in a bottle - Athlophoros the name is - and they kindly sent it to us. It is surely a very atranca and powerful medicine, for it stopped the boy's pain very soon and veiy enectually. He took but a littlo of it, for tlicre was only cnough for about three doses in the bottle Mr. Gill sent us. This was only a few weeks ago. The boy has liad no return of rheumatism. You see him now as hearty and as happy as any other boy' If you cannot get ATni.orHOROS ot jour drugglst, we wlll senrt It ciprés nalfl, oü recelpt of regular prlee- one rtoMür per"botlle. Weprefer tUat you buy It. ironi yi ,ur rtrugg'lst, but It he liasnt It, do not be persuaüf-d to try gometlilng else, ")ut order at once from us, as ctlrectea Athi.Oí-horo-'. cc., 112 Wall Street, New York How to Overeóme the Love of Llquor. A novel idea ia the use of intoxicad ing stimulftnts carne to the notice of a Cali reporter yesterdiiy in the case of an old friond, who soiue time ago was the living personiücation of the old, old story of a brilliant mind clouded from the effects of intoxicants. He rapidly wout down hill, and all eftbrts to rouse hiin to a sonso of his degra1 dation' were futilc. The reporter last I aaw him in tlns eondition over a year j ago. One day last week he met a gpruce and well-dressed man whobore a remarkable resemblance to this friend, but vhom he did not recognize until the individual threw out his hand and called Ihe reporter by name. "I suppose you hardly know me," he said, a smile wreathing his healthblooming face. The reporter admitted that ho at lirst had hardly been able to, and Uien boeoniing eonlido tial, as old friends do on meeting, he soon learned the cause of the ehauge. "Yes," said the old friend, "I used to be a very hard drinker, as you know. I tried several times lo quit, but conld not. The appotite for strong drink was too much for me. If I went without it for a while I became a neryous wretch. 1 had to drink or die. A thought was suggested to me one day, and I made up uiy mind to rnako oue upreme eflort to resoné myself. I reasoned this way: A man takes liquor into his stomaeh, and the stimulant, through the blood, affects the brain. Now 1 thought if I could satibij my appotite without the liquor affecting my brain 1 would be all right. If 1 could got tho taste of tho liquor, the aroma, the essence of it, without taking it into the stomaeh, I knew I could drink at pleasure and not get intoxicated, as drunkeuness could not ensuc if the liquor did not enter the stomaeh. I say this idea was j gested to me, and it was in this way: ! 1 had noticed that men who made a business of buymg and selnng wines in large quautitics saujplod thom, and asccrtained their quality aud bouquot by taking two or threo mouthfuls in succession, rolling it around their tonques, as one might say, bathing their palato in it - in short, subjecting it to the severest tests by thoorgansoi taste - and then ejecting it f rom tho mouth without swallowing any. The remembrance oí this carao apon me one day when I was perfdctly sober but terribly dospondent. I resolved to try it. I dld, and met with the most gratifying Buooeas. You may I laugh, but it is tlio Bolenin truth. I took a laro drink of liquor, but instead of letting it pass into my stomach I checked it iu my throat und gargled it for a minute, and then spat it i out To my joy I found my thirst for it as miioh appeased as though I had swallowed tho liquor. I tried again and again with thts sanie effect. ï was uit mado drunk. 1 .have folLowed this plan ever since, although I have gargled the liquor, never swallowing a drop. as rnauy as a dozen times a day - tho same nuniber of drinks I usu'd to take. The plan is very siinpla one, and is, I believe, th only ono tor a slave of tho cup." "Hasyour anpctile increased?" "Ou tlio contrary, it has decreasod. By tho means 1 adopted, my brain has become cloar and stroug again. and my will povvor i.s as good as it ever was boforo I beoame a hard drinker. In gargling the liquor 1 get all th benoiit of tho ilavor, and all tho satisfaction of my appotite, without losing my sonses. - San ''raiiciico Cali. Chattanooga, Teun., has grownfrom 18,000 population in 1880 to 24,000 in 1885. TUe manufaoturing capital oí the city was 82, 792, OW in 1880. It is ■ow doublé that amount. Capital in wholesalo trauc is fully six times as preat as the sum investetl live yeart aome vaiuaoio mnts u tflose who ooatemplate a tour south, and who want to duly Impresa the nativos of that part of the country, are given by The Lincoln (Neb.) Journal: AU persons going south this winter slïbuld learn to pronouuee r-o-u-t-e "roote." The southern people, in making up their estímate of their visitors, are said to draw their line at roote. If you wish to bo taken for a Kontuckian or a Virginian, always taku occasion to say Arkausaw in a broad tono. Whilo the ioe oarniyal may bring fish to the net of Montreal, it is not popular with the othercities in Canada. The Saniia Canadian declares that Americaus in general, through hearing of nol.hing savo snow-shoes, toboggans. and ice palacea, get the idea that Ontario is a "f rozen up country," with uine months of winter. "Not ono out of a hundrod of the people of Ontario," saya Tha Canadian, "knows what a toboggan is like, and not one out of a thousat . uses snowshoes." Hash has savoil tho Uves of a groat many pcople - by their uot eating it. Hash is a iioun, cotumou - -in boarding houses- often parsed and frcquently declined, iicuter gender, singular case. Shakespeare had it in mind when he wrote of "mincing matters." Hash is like a good many other things - it has to be raken laigely on faitn. Many people object to it. when they are not in reality accuslomed to anything better. Those who are continually clamoring for better fare should eat sawdust, which is really fine board. "Lovo Soos Ho Faults," it has been said; bat, when i wonian is draggcd down, emaciated, wan, and a shadow of her tonner self, with never a cheerful word, she 'ati be no longer beautiful or lovable. Nature may hav been generous in ffiite, and endowed her with all the charme of her sex, bnt has crept in unawares ani stolen the roses from hor chceks, tin lustre from her eye, and lh; sunshine from her heart. fut to be well aaii lies in your own power. Taku L)r. Fierce's "Favorito Prescríptíon," ii will cure you; thousainls have been cured by it. Nothing cqnala it; for al the painful maladies and weaknesses peculiar to woraen. Frice rcduced to one dollar. By druggists. A wild girl, 13 years of age, inhabits the swamps in the viciuity of West Tocoli, Florida. Á disease of so delicate a nature as stricture of the urethra should only be entrusted to those o large expenence and skill. By our improved methods we have been en abled to speedily and permanently cure hundreds of the worst cases. Famphlet references and te ms, letter stamps. World1 s Dispensary Medica Assoeiation, 663 Main Stree"t Buffalo N. Y. The author of "Called Back,'1 Hugh Conway, is seriously ill at Monte Cario The great diaphoretic and anodyne for colas, fevers and inilammatory attacks, is Dr. Pierce's Compound Kx tract of Smart-Weed; also, cures colic craraps, cholera morbus, diarrheea ani dysentery, bloodv-ilux. Only 50 cents The cat in ancient times was usea b'_ the Chinóse as a clock. The pupil o the eye contracted gene-rally as noon drew near. At noon it was like a hair or an extremoly thin lino, traced per pendicular on the eye. After midda; the pupil bogan to dilato again. Six hundred fourth clas3 postmasterships were given away by the postmast or general to the "faithful'1 in April and jet the back distriets are clamoring for more. Koropeiie oil can be converted into i substance which looks like tallow, anc the latter is good material for the mak ing of candios. That womon can keep secrets is abundantly proved by the successfu working of tho Rebekah orier of Odd Fellowship. The duchess of Cambridge, the on); surviving aunt of Queen Vitoria, hanot been ontside of ál. James palaoe ii 20 years . The Caro of Cliildren. Boston, Mass. - A leading medica I journal thinks it ia about time rnother ; should know l:oiv seriously thehealtho ohildren is imperilled by tneuseofprep arations containing morpliia anc opium, and given for the cure of cold and ooughg. The chomist of the Brook lyn Board of Health, Otto Grothe ih.D., a gradúate of the University o Kiel, Germany, oertifiea oflicially tba reccntly a harmless and vet effootlve ar ticle for such complaints has come to his notice. He refera to the newly dis covered Red Star Cough (Jure, which he found purely vegetable. The house whero Leu's surrende was signed is not visite:l by more than 15 straf gors a yar. TllE MOST O1ISTINATE CASES OÍ CataM'll at' corea by the dm of Ely'a Creatn Balín, the onl agrecatue pemedy. It" is uot a liquid or sniü and ia easily ipplicd. Forcold in the head it i maeical. ft glves relief at once. All druggist self it. Frlce50ceuty. Norwegian vessols carrying oil crowc the Philadephia docks. _ Elt's Cheam B.u.m is tl; best effective convenient. and &ffreoftblo c&t&rrb roinedy cveriisefi, and i nave triedthem all. - C.B Cook, Hennlng, Lauderdale, Co., Tenn. It is prettj well settied that all oceanic ijlandá are of vol can ie origio. "BkOwn's Broxi bi il Trochbs" are excel leut for the relict ot Hoarsencss or Sore ïhroat. Tbev are exceedlngly eftectlve."- . Chrixtean W&riil, Loiulon, Bug Coal, when wet. 7jas 25 per cent less hoating value than whtH dry. "Iwisn I uoma rtna Bometnlnjc tlial wonld cure KMI snel [ir.' t: ut ! liti luilr oumiug l:i wlii.c." Is an expri'sslon frcqucntly Li -;i r i V'c erinsry Carbolilalvc ïvlll i-lwuja do It. Sul I l.y IMtigslali. Art treasures aro a hobby with the crown princoss of Germanv. "I feel bail!'1 Hunt's [KidDoy and Livor] Remedy encourages sleep, creates an appetite, bracea up the syi-tem, and repairs tho wustni power. $1.25 per bottle at aruggl A 90 years-old colored woman at jPortland, Me., supports herself by taking in wishing. Bi.riïDiNff xosTüii.s. It han done me so much good, I want yon t .-end me two more bottles immedtately. 1 have been anUetedwltb Catarrh for over ten yeare- írequenüy mj nosewould Weed and 'v.wr the Dostrlls in ii drv. InflamedconditloD, with constant sorenegs. 1 experienci d relief aiter tho tirt trial of Ely'a !ï:ihn. Ii ia the best i i ;i greftt many remedlea 1 have trled, uud l can tuilv recoramend it.- K. GUI, Madison, O., Editor of the Index. Twenty-eight miles of tiew streets are Jaid each yea: in Londoo. Pains In back, or l'ins cured by the best kidney and Uver medicioe- Hunt's Kern dy. O U R ES Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Sciatica, Lumbago, Backache. Head-che, Toothache, SorTliroat,SvtPllinKA.Kiraf iiH.Urulites, Burm, Sc-uld-i. 1'roNt iit i, AXD AI.Ï, OI'HEK UODU.V PAIK8 ASO UXH. 8oid by DruLtfiatMtiit Ddn M 'i vwliere. Flfty Ci-uU boUia Uouta lLLaagttJKN THE CHAKLES A. VOGELEK 00. 0iiNmi t A, V0QLU)6 CO. i BalilMorr. HdM V. 8. A.


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