Real Estate Transfers
Helen M. Whedon to Lawrence Curtie, property in Ann Arbor, $550. John Shafer to Henry A. Martin, Saline, $400, H. Waldron to Toledo Kailroad, Ann Arbor, 500. . Mary R. Cross to Zina D. Buck. Ypsilanti, $400. Eugene Helber to Chas. Carven, Saline, $600. Wm. Smith to J. C. and M. Hotch stadp, Ypsilanti, $2,000. Lorand Mount to August Hiutz, Ann Arbor, $4,000. August Hintz to Frank Rathenburcher, Ann Arbor, $500. Dan Potter to Qeo. Billington, Ypsilanti, $10,000. Helen E. Putnam to Francis A . Booth, Ann Arbor, $300. James Kerns to Qeo. E . and Lizzie D. Moore, Dexter, $600. ïhere wants nothing but a beheving prayer to tnru the promine into performance.
Real Estate Transfers
Real Estate - Ann Arbor
Real Estate - Washtenaw County
Old News
Ann Arbor Democrat
Helen M. Whedon
Lawrence Curtis
John Shafer
Henry A. Martin
H. Waldron
Mary R. Cross
Zina D. Buck
Eugene Helber
Charles Carven
William Smith
J. C. Hotchstadp
M. Hotchstadp
Lorand Mount
August Hintz
Frank Rathenburcher
Dan Potter
George Billington
Helen E. Putnam
Francis A. Booth
James Kearns
Rev. George E. Moore
Lizzie D. Moore