State Industrial Home For Girls At Adrian
Iree rress. An lnstitutlon f or viclous, criminal and vagrant jjjirls, f rom the ages of 7 to 17 years at eommftment, and in all cases sentenced until 31, unless released by the Board of Control for reason expressed in the law, and publishedin the reports of the board. Thle istheonlyinstltutfon excluslvely for ofleuding femalea. lts Board of Control is e imposed of three women and two men. Tlnve years and nlne montha since the flrst girl was received. Thero have since been committed an average of sixty-four per year. Miss Emma Hall, who had much experlence in educational and reformatory institutions, was the lirst superintendent, lier publiahea addresses on the subject are unequaled. She thoroughly understood Ihe instructibn, discipline, cure, moral, religieus, physlcal and intelieetual training nevs-ary. Mi-s Hall resi:_',ncd Julv 1, 1884. and is succeéded by Miss Scott, who is phvsically and Intellectually a worthy successor and of superior executlve ability. With the assi-tanc ■ oí the women of the board and the caTeiully Bclected managers, teachers and housekeepers, the Internal management and instructions of tbc inmates of the bome bas been and is one of the most efficiënt and faithful kind, and above ciitlclsm. Considering the ignorance andvlclous dispositions oí the ininates of the :,i:N coinmitted, resulta have been reachud bevond the expeetatlon of the most f&nguine. Of the x'41 received info the home fourteen have been honorably discharged. fourteen as Imprbper subiects, three have died and forty-flye are out at service, leaving llT in the fnstitution. There are only four wnose term expire in 1 SS') and 1880, notnowoutat service. Forty live vr year is the regular net imrease over all discharged and out af ftervice. The whole number of inmates by May, 18S7, will be at least 257, or iftv-seven more ihun liie present ace 'inmodations. lint comparativrily moderate interest has been lelt in this very oece sary institutiou. There are hundreds of jgirls in tlie state who shonld bc sent there. No special eilort has been made in citle8, villages and tonus to arrest and send many who are proper subjects. The corrupting inüm nee of this class at large is great. rublie order, deeency anti moráis demand that tho3e win are ut entering upon a eareer of vice and crime shonld be coninutted to this Home. where a knowledge of better things and religious and educational advantages will tend to tueir complete reformatlon, [t is known that Beventy to sjveity-flve per cent. of suoh wil! be permanently reformed. lt is the chiU of the st:ii ■ and ics authorities. in the interest of froood government and economy, ti maintain and sustain this au. i similar lnstitutions. No board of control in the state has been more diligent andfaitliful in the discharge ot its dulieg, r more suceessful. Vet strang!' jis it may appcar, none of tlie state reformatory, educational or benevolent iustitutions have b t n EO tnai-h opposed and a&sailed as this. and entirely without reason. Farties M'h. i shouïd be iis 1 m ■ - i friendfl have been detraetory and have opposed and delayed the in iations for its support. The recominendations of the board of control, I made with knowledge and cxperience, have by some who are not informcd. been set asido as of no valué. The cottage plan, .-o uecessary to the discipline and the training of the tam ites in cooklng and houeekeepiD ■ i enticiged and considcred too expeusive. It i ■. been said that glrls shonl 1 be put oul luto lamilla?, by those wno do nol kllOM : .:: lit! 11 '; tbc subjeets mm-alk an 1 udm atl il ally, and otherwlse to bc placed' out, or Co nol appreclate the scarclty of tUose irho are ivilllna; and have the proper homes t ) take them ntj. Tlie board have asked for r.o ra ire aDorooriation than the figures BnoH to b ■ u :c ■ ary. Tu y would prefer to ask !■;■ lefs. If woulu !■■ culpable if they aeglected to appiy for the amount nccessary for its support, or if the state au '.horities refuse tr appropriate and provide for Inevitable Increase. There are Intercsted andvlcious persons who would like to cripplo and embarrass the institutiou. Those should not Inltuence legislation. Awlse n : and benevolent teeung should guide and 'i; i ■■ mine Ui" amounts to be appropnated. B ven above, additional aecommodatiou wili be raqulred before another .legislature meets. It wou hl otherwlse be Imperatlve to limit the number at the home to leas than i 00. No other state lnstitution is limited. and thia s1 o lid not be. Similar reformatories ff otber tates llave a larger nuraber. Ai!; thinking, considérate person will kno.v that, 800 or over should bc m the Michigan horue. Il is time I iial opposition and detraetion should ei a-e, and that, all dlsposed to vfork for the good of society should joln in promoting the objects oí this most necessary and useful charitv and reformatory. - , Rumored that the d minion government intends shortly to put an additional exclse duty on whisky. Increasing it to ibout$l per gallon oü ordlnary malt or rye whisky. Col. A. Loudon Snowdon, euperintondeni of the Philadelphia mini. hos fonvarded bis rcsignation to President Cleveland to take effect June 30.
Old News
Ann Arbor Democrat