Timely Topics

The new minister to Kussia, recently ; appointed by President Cleveland. The proprietor of a househoM : cle recently informeel the publishet of a we 1-known ruonhly magazine of largo circulation that the inso. tion of a small advertisement twice in the i ages of their magazine had brought in more than eight thousand inquirios. And yet some people are still wondeving if j aewspaper and magazine adve.rtising pays The fiendish deeds committed by the raiding Apaches in Sew M ixico cast into the shade the most blood curdling stories of the yellow covered novéis of the day, from the fact that the tales of murder and cruel ty unparalleled aro true. Now if ever, U there trath in the Baying that "the only good Indian is a dead Indian." Certain it is that if this statement is too broad, it is reasonabl i to say that the only good Apache is a dead one. This reeent raid of the Apaches should arouse the persons in charge of that department of our governmental work to decisivo and prompt action to quell these periódica! outbreaks, and the only way it can be done is by the complete annihilation of the whole tribe. Ihat our legislators are cognizant of the demoralizing inHuence of much of the so-called "literature" scat ered broadcast throughout the land and so greedily devoured by our young, is evident from the unaminity with wlilch they voted for the bill to suppress tho sale of o scène, vicious and immoral books. The provisions of the law are stringent, and their enforeenient wil! do much to stay th i tlood of crime which is so swiftly draw ing our young into its seething vortex. To this one agency .may be tracod the wreek, of many bright youug lives, who.se downfall has brought, desolafon to many happy homes. Many bright, intelligent boys have grown to years of maturity with mindunüsciplined and inlellectdwaïfed from long diligence in the petusa] of books and papers, the tendeney which is always d wnward. In an address befo re ihe uational conference of charities and correetions held in Philadelphia recently, Charles Dudley Warner said the one most necesiary thing in the management of reformatory institutions in this country is discipline, mor land in' ellectual. If. this is true in places where men and women are contined for pun;shment, how much more important is it that discipline, moral, intellectual and physical, be enforced in hom s, schools and workshoos where the young are. This course, wisely followed, woald very percepdbly deercase the number in the prisons and reforma ovios of the land, and instead of crimjnals g:vo us useful, law-abiding citizens. More work done with the youth oí to-day will render un necessary much of the work that is now being done insido the prison walls. Discipline is necessary for the attainment of right results, and at no time in life can the inculcation of the esson be so well done as in youthfúl years. The case of the boy in Milwaukee who swallowed the trade dollar several weeks ago U attraeting nauch attntion. He was at the last reporta still alive, and apparently getting on very rauch better than was expected, although all attempti to dislodge the dollar had failed. That so large an object of such a natura oould rcm.in in the stomach or bowels without producing intense suffering and death seems almcs incredible; henee the physicians are watching tha case with gr at curios'ty. It is. however, stated, oa good authority, that a man who d a large jack-knife a good inanyyersago, in a dronken freak, livod for years afterward, and did not suffer any great inconyenience; and at liis death the remains of the knifo, with its bla 'os and metal parts nearly all gonc, were found in his int.stines, where thsy had noL produced any se ions disorder. Judging by this and other recorded o sea the doctors will bc abte to rolieve the Milwaukee boy of t e rade dollar only by a delicate and dangerous rperation. It is reported Ihat the dollar has been located and that an attempt will be made to open the stomach and 'ake the coin out. Jay Gould's newstcnm 1 aunen, which is intendod as a companiou to the Atlanta, has attained fifteen miles an hour, a speed nover beforo reached by a yacht of her size. Sho is nearly 36 feet in length and 7J feet beam. He cost. was over $30.000. The lOOth anniversary of the estab lishment of the Moravian seminary ! girls at Bethlehem , Fa., will be colt brated this fall. There is a university at Cairo which has nearly 10,000 students. It is 90 years older than England's venerabl Oxford.
Old News
Ann Arbor Democrat