Michigan Legislature

JTJXE 3. ; i! ■ . nor noted his appvcfval : i rp irating Pontiac; regulatie:; practico oí pharmacy, amending laws relativo to in pection of Jaiís. The followiug bilis i otherwlse noted: Orgauizing fronwood Ontönagoia county; for the organiu !■ tiicts in Rich, Lapeer eouut?, and Wat rlord, Tuscola couuty; to Detroit flremen; amending sectlon ;:'.ir. lluiell, relativa to salaries oL of the supreme court; to prevent non-rfsident aliens from acquiring or holding lands In this state, lost, motion to [er laid on tha table; amendiog see. 6888, How., relatlve to admlnlstrators, passed; for -the protectlon of hotel keepers: for a board ol countv commissioners, lost; amending sec. 5703, How.,relativetoalienatlon by deed, passed; am-jnding sí'c. 4207, How., ilar.'ei In the onlce of the commlssionerof insurauee; for employment oía stenographer in ninth Judicial cireuit. Tae report oí the joint military commlttees, Senat jr Shoomaker and Representative Wrlght dissentinff, tipon the alleged olrtoial misconduct of Gov. Begole in reference to the appropriation of $42,000 received from the eijeral governraent to the quartórmaster's department and the payment of a eommission to friend Palmer for eouectlng the same, :üso the report charging gross misconduct in ofliee upon the late Quartermuster-üeDeral Shakespeare, extravagance and lrregularltles in the management of the military encampment, were received, ordered printed and lald upon the table. Minority reports by the mernuers dissenting will take the same course. House- The governor noted his approval of the following acts : Reincorporatine Birmingham, Oaklaiid county; to provide for au attorney's fee in mortRage foreclosure by advertlsement; amending South Lyon school district act. Bills passed: amending Owosso city charter; amending an appropriation for the state industrial home for girls; incorporating the village of Tawas City. Adjourned. .irxE 4. Senate - The concurrent rcsolution to adjourn June 20 was amended by making date June 17, formal business to cease three days before, and passed. Bills passed: Extendin the time for completing state roads in Grand Traverse and Leelenaw co untles; making an appropriation for the university ; establisliing a soldlers' home: to provide better locks for the rooms in the girls' industrial school; pay expenses of investlgaüng charges against Nelsun DeLong, mayor of Muskegou in 1883. Adiourned. House - The governor communicated his approval of the toll mïrjg acts: Amending act ereating board of public works of Grand Rapids; amending act establMiing pólice and flra commissioners of Grand Rapids; amending, revising and consolidating laws relativo to insane asylums. The iollowlng bilis passed unless othenvise noted: to prescribe the duties of theattorney general; to require supreme court and cireuit judges_ to report changes needed in the laws - enating words of the bill struck out; asking congress to pass an "inter-state commerce bill," lost, reconsiderad and tabled; amending sec. 133S, llowell, relativeto higlnvays, laid on the table; establishing a state prïson in the uppei península; for an appropriation of swamp lands to drftin Ewers and Hewes lakes, Ingham countv; amending act of 1851 relative to general añd special elections; for punishment ol public offleers who unlawlully approprlate public monevs. The House refused to coneur ir the Senate's amendments to the resolution oi adjournraent, ñrlng the date of closing business June 13, and óf final adjournment June 17. Adjourned. JUNE 5. Skxate- The governor noted his approval of the act Incorporating Tawas City. The Senate concurre! in the nouse resolution for adjournment June 17, and of final adjourntnent June 2). The followlng bilis passet unless otherwise noted: Authqrizing; the auditor general to place to the credit of alani tou countv 81,500; forbidding the deputlzlng of -any person as under sheriff or deputi sherilf who is not a eitizeu and elector of Michigan, lost; reconsiderad and tabled authorizing Bay countv to buy, build or main tala abríase across Saginaw rlver; amending railroad laws so as to prevent trespassing oi railroail tracks, lost; to provide boilers and steam heaters for the Insane asylum for criini nals at Ionia, passed; amending act 177 of 183: rdative to iklivery of grain by. raihvay com james, loar, veas Ib. naya o, reconsideren, ana abled; ameiidUi' Sec. 9315, Howell, relativo to ibel and s'ander; for a grant of swamp lands o clear out Newton creèk, Alpena county; ímendiug Sec. 5583 H. C. L., relative to riminal proceedings ; for the ineorporation ir assoí'iation íor the busine.-s of breeding loodt d stock; to preveut accidenta trom haft or machlnery in fair ground? ; for the e-reglstratlon of 'electora; for the relief of "a:ics Marsac; to preserve moraüty and pubicdecencv. The Sonate in cxecutive s9sion lonflrmedthe followhig as membérs oí th ioardof trastees for the northern asylam f o isanc: Forsixyears - G.'O. A. (i. Farr, Gran [aven; Ilenrv ll. Noble, Elk Eapids. Fo our ycars- Til T. liares. Traverse City ; loseph W. French, Three Rivera For two Uex. Chapoton, 8r., Detroit; Charles 1. Wells, Tivv. rse City. A'.ljounu'd. fionSB- -Bilis paesed : Amendin sec. 5774, [owiül, relative to doterminátlon oí all estates ,; wil! or bj suffersneé; authoriziug guardians f Insano or Incompetent persons to carry mi eoatraets raade bv thefr wards; S. Iá3, imeading sec. 5109, Howell, relative tu adae ata of sale of real estáte un execuions; s. I-.-3. ii i:d u'x sec. 8320, Howell, rèlaive to attaeliraeat. Tae Hovte dealiai4 to e iiicur n the Senate amendinenta t i thc iniverslty aprroprlation i'il!. Bilis passed at the ooQsession: Creatlng the townshlp of [ronwood. Oatonagon county; amendlng Port iTlu-o i eitv ei u t ; m iklag ui apyropna ion or the asj'lum lor insane crimináis. Adjourned tul Ü a.' ni. Monda v. JUSK (j. Senatk - The governpr noted his approval of theacttoprovldefor antomatlc car couplers m frelght cars. The following bilis passed: To aathorlze the Kenl county agricultural soeiety to dispose of property ; for the appointmentofa state live stock asaoclatlon áod a state veterinarian ; ainending sectiou 9897, Howell, relative to a state agencyïor the care enlle offenderfj ainendlng section 915, Howell. relative to tue p-.iy of state tmops; to establish an advlsory board of pardons; for the burlal of nonorably dischargeasoldierswho die la lndlgeaee. Senator Shoemaker, tue raiuority of the e immittee on military affalrs, reported liis conclusions relative to the InvestlgatlonofGov. Begole In approprlating the money reoeived trom the genera) government tu thc; mnltary [una, to iie erpenuea Dy the late QuarLerma3ter-General Shakespeare in his admlnistratiou oí militan' affaire. The report gives the hl-ítpry oí the claim againal the general governm o which has been pendfor tnrntv yeare, charges groas uegllgenee upuii Eormér administratíóns Ealllng to collect it, vindlcates Gov. Begole forhis energy in collecting it and describes as honorable and upright íhe agencj oi Friend I'alm r in osllecting the mouw. Tne course of Gov. Begole n payIng ov( i' the money to the military department is declared '" bavs '"''" correct aiul in acoQrdance wlth preeedeace. Testimony ia dted to support this qiew thal (iov. Bügole vas actI Bolely iiv a deserve to o mserre tur best int ti st oí the stiitü. The minurity report on expendltares by Gen. Shakespeare i being prepared by Representa íve Wrlght The repovt was ordered prlnted, ,n'Ni; 8. Sexati!.- 1 lic Senate met tliis afternoon and considereJ a large Qumber of bilis la commlttee ol the whole. OS the two principal ones agreed upon one iletines the puir.sUmeiit for llbá aml liinits the penalty to a sum not eiceedlng $6,0G0; the other provides tor lighting the capital withthe incandesceni electrlo iighi.. June 9. Senate - The following bilis passed unlesi Qtherwlse poted; Fur tüe organizatlon and equipiniMit oi military compa.ui63 at letiomi!'iv. VfuskegQn, Detrotl JacKsoa, (irand Raplds and Houghton ; amending act 3i, of 18T3, relative to adulterat'.OB of milk -lost, veas 18, nays l'i; amending sectlou S649, Ilowell, relative to c lunty jails; t provid' [iir the placing of a gtatue of Gen. Xewls Cass in the Representatíve galli ry illustrious j Americana at the National Oapltol; to j recúlate the holding of caucusses, passed; i to regúlate the countlngof votes at eieetious -lost, yeas 12, nays 14. Reconsiderad and lald on table ; to provide for the sale of rtain state tax lands, passed ; to dispose of all state swainp huids remalnlñg unsold JaHuary 1. 1Ö86. lost; for the compensatlon of county clerki ia certain cases; to compel foreign corporations organized to mine or tmelt i rea and mínerala to report to the Auditor-General ; för the appointinent of a Qsh warden, luid o a the table; inaking ni uppropriation for the Flsh Commlaioner, i ; tu revise !a's for the Incorporatlon of tnanufacturlng cempanles; tor electrlc ineauIe8cent lights' for the Capítol. The Governor noted his approval of tho act tojestablisli a house of correctlon In the Upper l'eninsula. The Seuate ín exeemive sessiou contirmed tlir following nominations of the Governor: Members of. the Board of Contest of the Mining School; James N. Wright, Calumet, and Tliomas L. Chadbourne, Iloughton, ior six yiars ; Charles 11. Cady, Iron Mountain, and Allï-td Ridder. Marquetteior four years; John Senter, Eagle River, and John H. Fors ter of Ingham County, for two years. For Commisa oners to secure a site and erect the buildings , loraState House of Correctlon and brancb of j the State Prisou in the Upper Peninsu'a; Peter A. Van Burger, Menommee; tíli P. Roys. Delta; amesM. Wükinson, MarqUJtte; KUB. Chnrnirlaln, Macklnac: Charles Hebard, Baragu, nd Jolm Duncan, 1 1 u iiton. Housb - The governor conunUTilcated bis _aproval of ,the foflowlng aets: amending section. !Ö58, Howell, relative to thc protection oí logs ndtimbers; to valídate contracta made y mutual flre insuranei' compañías ; making an apropriation, forfrstcolng and deeorating tlie valls of tho state capitol : adding one new soconto chapter 211, Howell, allowing St. Mary's alls ship canal bo.'ird to administer oatlis to witnesses; Issuing patent tú Wm. S. Charles; amending section 5S38, Howell, elative to appoiiitment oí admlnlstratlon oí 'lis; lncorporatlng labor and trade soiettes; amendlng section 5ÍÍ68, Howell, elative to thcí corapetcnev oí wltnesses; eflnlng school dlstrlcts 1 amt4in Rich.Lapeer Co. ; making ten liours a legal day'swork; uthorlzing the use of condemnedarms the ons of Veterans; legalizlng a ínortgage issutid y the Midland couníy Agricultura! Socisty: irerent the printing, manufacture and sale oí nmoial artfcles. The foüowing were passed; unendlng sections 871 893 and 901, Howell, elative to the reorgunizatlon of state troops ; uthorizing the Btate i r on insptcloisto ïurchase land adjolnlng the prison; imending the Detroit city charter ; proviiling or suits against forelgn co-operatiye nsurance companies dojv; business in his state; to prevent offleera from conealing goods taken on executions; amendlng sec. 2374, Howell. relative to partnership associations; amendlng scc. 80S5,Howell, relativo to ganiishicj; amending seetions Í882 and 6883, Howell, relative to judgments n justices courts; amending se.tion 9468, lo'.vell, relative to he exclusión oí spectators at trials ; prohibiting thc use of the words 'warranty deeds" in any other than warranty deeds; amendiug section 0S17', Howell, relative ;o the reform school; amending act 137, of 18Í9, relative to pro -rcdings against garnishees; amending act 141, of 1883, relative to compulsory education.
Old News
Ann Arbor Democrat