General News

A constable in Fall River River, Mass., served noticesevicting tlic )K'(iple from the Slade mili tenements. The operatlves have besn out of work a long time and iré nnable to pay rent. The Corporation givi thcm twenty-four lours' notice to quit. M my persons were compelled to carry thcir goods out on their backs, having no moneyto pay teamsters. AX AMEXDMENT. President Cleveland h is imended rule 9 of the civil service rules relating to the examination of applicants, by Insertlng alter the words "No person dismissed f rom tte public garlee for misconduct" and before the words "shall be admittod to examinatiou wil.hin two years after" - the followlng words : ''and no person who bas not been publicly appointed or emplayed after probaüon. CHOKJÏD TO DEATII. Mrs. J. G. Melntosh of London, met with an accident at the Rochester (N. Y.) sanitarium, from the effects of which shedel. She had been staving at the inst tution lor Bonte wei-ks past, and according to the telegram received, was endeayoring to matripulate the levator car at the institution, and by sgme ireans got her head caught and" wu choked alniost to death. KMBEZZLEI) CASH BÏCOVEBED. The Sunday Capítol of Washington says that the losses by the governmünt from tne dishonest operát;ons ol the postmaster at Lewiston, Idaho, Avill not bj yeïj large; that the postofBce departmeat has got track 01 and intereepted iourk'cn of the tb irty letters eaoh of which contained sti'ij vortli of inont-y orders, which were sent by Hibbs. the il; faultïng postmaster, to banks in tho West or collection, and the Canadian postoffice (epartment has shipped the mail intended for Ilibbs at Victoria, B. O. TO AWAIT ACTTON OF THE SRAKD JÜRT. The ccroner has conclude 1 h's inquiry into the cause of death of Ofüca1 Barrete, shot in Chicago depot while _end avorlag to effect the arrest of Louis R 'mime, the ma 1 ni m who created such terror on the Wabash train from Kansas City. The jury r ■commendtbat Reaume be held1 tó await Lhe actioD of the grand iurv. The Dhvslclans at tUe Conatv Hospita) pronounce Reaume out of üanger. When he was taken t o fue hospital Suuday, with three builets in liis body, it was thougtit he had but a ícw hours to live. DBAÏH BT FLOOD. A water-spout burst in the mountains about eight leagues cast of Lago?, Mexico, near the dividing line between the states ol (uanajuato and Jalisco. The were most deplorable. Immense (uatitk's of water swept down the, mountains with Ireeaietiole lor. e towards the well pODulated plains and rall.'vs below and WTODght desolation and ruin. There are already 10!) live-; reported ost. and it , is fea red that'the list maj besvrtlledstlll largerwhen all details are kiuv.Vii. A great inaiiy housen were sweptaway. 8feps have been taken in Lagos among manufactui'in ; classes to aUeviate the pressiug want oï manv who etcaped iiom the valleys. but lo-t ever. tbing. MENT Oï ai idunt. Tli e oí the trea?urv lias reeelved from the b lard of raanog rs of the worM's industria! exposition al X w Orieansa stat 'inent of their inaebtedness, of which the followiug is a reeapltulatiOD : Uudlsputed indebtednejs $252,."4 Dlsputed in claimeö l"0.;3" Rejected 78,753 Admitted 77 5S5 Premiums 66,8 S Total amount oí claims $397,318 Appropiiatiou 835,000 Dlfferenee 02,318 BIEL AND THE PB] The voltmteer memorial eommittee in Winnipeg proposes to baild a J5 0 10 iaoaumsnt to the dead vo'unteers. Reeruits for the northweatforce are coming in lapiilly. Vietoriana eriticise Gen. Strauge.'s conauct. He refused to let hls troops go to attack Big Bar and reseuethe88 pnsoBrit. Rsv. Pr. Andre, of t Mission, savs lii. 1 uiye i hiiu to argue against hal i ra'l n i 1 oromtsedthe ehurch half t'i Mbcl ■ won. i-Y. An-hv refused, when Riöl saiü thev vrould win in splte of the ehurch. and th' priest-; wquld be trampled ander foot The priostJ adrisecl liiel to leave the country. He safal he would go If the Dominion govcrniuent gave him 13,000. FAÊT COMPS. The best record for tast typs-settlng was broken a few days ago In a match between Ira Somers of the New ïork World and Jamea McCann of the Herald. The forrmr art 6,033 eins of solld miuion in three ho.irs iui . the lat ter 6,343 thus beatinghls oppoueul by 310 enu and winning $500 stakes and the championshlp of Amrricii. Mr. MoCaaB se! :'- l Unes of type and Mr. Somers -j-ll withou: correcting. The latter's proof was raucli more perfed thun McCann's, and ha gained two linea on him in making eorrectlons. Aun berg set 5,55") in the same urne fle yeare ago, and liis record was this occasion, when both men beat it. It is the general opinión amone hundredg of printers wno watched the contest that Somers can beal MeCann, and another match is being arransred. SHARP PO TMA8TBB. Au Associated Press dispatch frora Lewis ton, Idaho, gives the tollovvlag account of au astonishlngly simple seheme by wiiieh a postmaster got into Uncle Sara's poeketa to the tune of neavly $50,().H). T.i ■ dispatch says: Isaac lli'ibs w: appoínt d postmasfer at Lewiaton in March, 1884. Last January a registered mail pouch " i ■obb d. Aa omclal ínvestigation á,-v-' ed o and the affair wa eventually íorgottiM. O) May :Jd last llibbs left fór an ollege;! silver mine on the upper Golumbia. The p istal inspect ir, alarmed at hls continued absenaj, Investigated the affaire oí the office, and tonnd Hilibs had wntn-n reo "' registored mal] packages dest nod for Betitiom nam', in different postoffice8 upplied Erom Lewiston. ■ The modus o i irandl was aa fo i ■■: Lewiston is a mail-distributing p lint for :i larga numbi t ! of offlc :s n aurtl ern Idaho an ! eastern W8hr ington. Hlbbs wou'.d 3ue a m ney order for a fletioua name al tt se oíííccr druwn in favor of a bank i i !owa, where orders were payable. The customary lel advice was torwarded tothe paying po I naster. He then wrote to hauks that he ivould Bhortly v.-it the town, and enclosi'd a money order :iud roquesteu the banks to casb mito and place the amovmt to bis efedtt on depoait until hc arrived. Later he wrote the bank that he could not mak" the contemplated visit, and requested that a drafi for theamonntoi móney on deposlt be returned by regii mail to a fictlüous name attached to the money and alwavs at sonu; office where the mail pásaed thróugb Lewiston. The drafts arrived bv reslstered mail. Hlbbs sigued fictitious namei and returned a receipt card and the transaetion was completed, Moneyorder are limited to (300 in favor ol' one person, but with forethought and jndie.ious. dlstribution of dates and placea an opening offers througt Whlcb unscrupulous pogtmasters could bankrupt the United States. The amouut of the defalcation exceeds (36,000 and is expected to reach 850,0J0. The scbeme is Burpriaingly simple, añil the offleers are hui priseu It was never tUought of and worked before.
Old News
Ann Arbor Democrat