
The Houso speoial committee oa apportionmeut lias jubmittcd its report. But few chanflea have been made in the Estee bill. That bill tookawav one member (i-om Lcnawee county, wlilch the eommittos restored, takinsj one instead trom Braneh. The counties losing a raember eae'i are Branoh, Clinton, St. Joseph and St. Clalr. The upper península gains two of these and the northera eounties of the lowcr península the niiicr two. The apportionment made by the oommütee, is as follows: Ya -n e 10 Êaginaw 4 Kéni 4 Lenawce 3 Ba; 2 a Bc rrien 2 Calhoun 2 Eaton 2 Genesee 2 Hil'.sdale 2 [nghana 2 Ionia 2 Jackeon 2 Büalamazoo 2 Lapeer 3 Maeiimb 2 Maruette 2 Monro. 2 Montoalm 2 M uskexou 2 Oakland 2 Ottawa 2 IC 2 St. ( lalr S Sbiawasseo 2 Tuswva 3 Van Huren "J Wasl.tuaw 2 iarrv 1 Branch 1 1 Clinton l 't 1 Huroa i Hou hton 1 tsaballa 1 :i;4oiie ] Maniste ■ 1 Masou 1 Mee sta 1 Menomlnee 1 Newaygo 1 Oceana l Si. Joseph 1 Midland, Gladwln and ciar, i Wexi'oru and Lake 1 I ) iceola and Ulssaukee 1 Leelenawand Benzie 1 Arenar, [oscq aud Alcona 1 Ogemaw, O coda, RoBcommon, Crawford and Otsego 1 Upen i. Móntm r mej aud Pres ie Isle 1 Kiiiin :. Cheboygau and M.mitou 1 lirani Traysrje and Kalkaska 1 ( hafh'Voi; un.i Autriiu 1 Chlppewa, Alger, Macicmao :i:id Scliooleraft 1 Delta and Iroii 1 Ontona-nü, Baraza, Kceweenaw and Isle Royale 1 100
Old News
Ann Arbor Democrat