The University

Thírteen days more ti 1 1 eomiuencement. Exaininations are in full bloom in all departmentB. The Argonaut thinks the feucc aronnd the campuB should go. Senator C. W. Jones, of Florida, will addressed the laws last night, A. G. Pitte, lit '85, ifl the business manager of the U. of M. glee club. The oflicers of the Lecture associatiou have been photographed in a group . The Lecture association has cleared over $100 on thisseason's entertainments. At the Amphion club concert, June 22,-" The Enchanted Swans" will be presen ted. The university dancing club gave their last hop at Sheehan's hall last Friday evening-. The Michigan military academy will seud about ten graduates to the university this year. A new work on "Cholera" by Prof. A. B. Palmer will soon be issued f rom the Register office. Librarían R. C. Davis, will address the 8. C. A. at their Sunday's meeting, on "Peacc of God." Lewis & Gíbson took a piloto, of Prof. Spulding's class in botany, in the class room, Tuesday morning . The members of the Lecture association will elect officers for next year tomorrow forenoon, in room A. Choral union concert in uniyereity hall tonight. Hofman's "Melusina," and the " Dream," will be presented. Profs. C. Gailey and Geo. Morris left Wednesday for their European trip. They sail from New York to-morrow. N. Vandenbelt, pharmic '82, now with A.B. y tevens, druggist in Detroit, spent Sunday last with friends in this city. A new fashion has sprang up here lately, viz: to have one's room photographed. It seems to be all the rage. " Flunking pools" are all the rage now, i. e., the participauts each pool 25 cents and the one who ilunks first gets the pot. Dr. Obetz returned Sunday from St . Louis, Mo., where he had been in attendance at American institute of homeopathy. A large delegation of the medical department attended the state medical society's meetiug at Port Huron last Wednesday. Prof. M. E. Cooley, with seven members of the engineering class, returned Sunday from their trip to Detroit and Cleveland . The Chicago alumni association give their tirst annnal banquet to-night, at the Grand Pacific hotel . President Angelí will be present. The glee club are booked for their tour through the state as follows : Ann Arbor, June 15, Flint 14, East Saginaw 19, Bay City 20. Since our last issue Prof. K. Adams has changed his plans for the summer and will not take his European trip, as he at first intended. Mr. Cady would oblige a large number of professors and student if he would have the piano in the general lecture room tuned outside of recitation hours. The first editition of the commencement animal, to be issued oq Monday of commencement week, will be illuminated with pictures and descriptions of all the buildings on the campus. Last Saturday's lawn tennis tournament resulted as follows: Singles, won by Sam. J. Platt, law "85; doubles, L. M. Dennis, lit '85, - who won the raoket donated by Ross Granger. The Argonaut considers, and rightly, too, the expenditure of $1,200 for the alumni dinner a waste of good money. They think that every alumnus should Hhould pay for his own dinner. The Chicago alumni of the U. of M. have elected the following officers: President, Dr. E. Andrews, '49: vice-presidents, F. O. Marsh, '45, Benegette Williams, '69, and O. F. Price, '58; secretary and treasurer, G.H. Jameson, '74. Charles Reed, lit '83, who has, since graduation, been on his father's coffee plantation at Senaju, Guatemala, is on his way north to attend commencement here. He will remain in the U. S. for the purpose of studyiug law in some southern college. While away foom Ann Arbor for the summer, students should keep informed of all that is going on in this city, and should therefore send 30 cents, for which we will mail to any address, three months, the newsiest, brightest, and best paper in Washtenaw county- The Democbat. The New York City alumni of the U. of M. ,have elected the following offlcers for the ensuing year: President, B F. Blair, lit 61; vice president, W. A. Ew ing, lit '64 medie 67; secretary and treasurer, W. H. Boardman, lit '69. Mr. Boardman's address is 71 Broadway, where he would like all Michigan university men, who may settle in or uear New York City, to send their address, so he can keep a complete list of al alumni in or near that city. Monday evening, June 22, is the time lixed upon for the usual commencement concert, by the Amphion This year they have been giviug their entire time to the preparation of a programme which wil), no doubt, fully satisfy tho expectations of their numerous friends. The first part of the programmo will consist of the cantata, " The Enchanted Swans," one of Hans Christian Andrew's most delightful fairy tales. A novel feature will be the recitation of the libretto by Miss Grace Taylor, ïllustrated in appropriate places by solos, duets and chos uses by the club. The vocal parts wil all be accompanied by two French horns a harp and a piano. The performers on' tbe horns and harp are from Detroit. In the second part of the programme a solo will be Hung by Miss Wiuchell. a duet by Mins Winchell and Mr. Bomer Warren of Detroit, and selectious by the univorsity glee club, who will present for the iirst time Mr. Charles M. Gayley's prize song, "The Yellow and Blue" Original compositious by Mr. Frank York of the school of music, aud Mr. Ross Cole of the university, will be presented for the fisrt time in public. The Glee club concert Munday eve. O. A. Bolden is Hojouruiug iu New York city. Do not fail to uttüiiil tbe basé buil game to-morrow. Monday whh the last day to pay the diploma fee. The freshmen aud junior medies will be dismissed to day. Twelve hundred invitations were ordered by the senior lita. E. Sniith, l;tw '80, left Saturday for his home at Bt. Johns, Mich. The cleauing up and improvemeut of the campus still continuos. The laws undergo their final examinatioun on eorporations to-day. Oral examiuations seeni to be more in use this time than ever before. Several professors have already dismissed their classes for the year. E. H . Harris, lit '86, haa gone to his home at Cambridge, New York. Trueblood of Kansas City will be here to attend commencement . Sanborn, hotneop. '85, has gone to settle for the summer at Bristol, Ind. The senior pharmics will have no class dav, no class picture and no banquet. J. H. Béál is tue newly elected editor of the Argonaut for the law department. The glass roof on the homeop. amphithealre needs repairing. It leaks badly An nnusually large uumber of courses in philosophy are announced for next year. Mr. Buhl, the liberal donator to the law library, has presented his portrait to the laws. Miss Carie Bell, lit '85, will teach uext year at Flint, where she has obtaiued a $550 position. The senior lita invitations arrived last Tuesday, and have already been distributed by the committee. By request of Mr. Bonine, in whose honor a banquet was to be given, Friday evening, it was abandoned. The senior lits' caps arrived last Wednesday morning. They are not nmch of an improvent on the sample. The senior pharmics' invitations are jiist out, and are a credit to the Register o flice, where they were printed. The examination in " English Government," will be held by Prof. O. K Adams, next Wednesday, June 17, at 10 a. m. The Glee club give a concert at university hall, next Monday evening. All should attend and hear the boys sing. Don. Corbett, president of the base ball club, will hereafter act as manager, vice E. Burchard, who goes home Sunday. The Universities will play a game of base ball at the fair grounds, to-morrow afternoon, with a ñue niue from Hamilton, Ont. The-medics will be giveu no more private examinations, except by special written permit from the deau of the department. Dean, Meeker, Lee and Ingersoll, returned Friday eveuing from Ohio, where they paased examinations for admissiou to the bar. Tlie freshmen lits' social at the Pui Kappa Psi house, Friday evening, was very mucli enjoyed by the participant, who nnmbered about 75. Everybody hould show their appreciation of the enterprise by attending the Glee club 's concert, next Monday evening. Admissiou ouly 25 and 50 cents. Will U. Payne, formerly ht '87, lias bought a half interest in Willis Bough ton's news stand and snbscription book agency. We wish the new tírm prosperity. Last Saturday's game of base ball re sulted 11 to 4 in favor of the Cass club . The Univereities played a wretched game and did not get a run till the last inning. Although the old clock in the hall of the mam building has be repaired seveal times during the last few months, it is again out of gear, and had better be replaced by one of more modern make. The philosophieal society held a meeting Saturday eveniug, in room 24, the subject being " Herbert Spencer." Dr. Sewell read the Biology, Dr. J. Üewey the Metaphysics, and T. L. Jerome, his Optimisou. At Monday eveuiug's concert, given by the Glee club, the Palladium prize Hong, written by Prof. Gailey, will be heard for the first time in Ann Arbor. The cigarette song, chair drill, and also college songs will be rendered. The folio win? schools have been added to the list, whose gradutes will be adniitted to the uuiversity without examination : High schools at Aurora, 111. ; Ottawa, 111.; Placerville, Cal.; Canandaigua, N. Y., and the Kaisin Valley Seminary at Adrián. The following are the newly elected officers of the Alpha Nu society for next year: President, W. W. Chapin, '86; vice-president, Miss F. M. Potter, '87; secretary, A. G. Hall, '87; treasurer, G. L. Bolen, '88; senior Sibyl editor, E. F. Demmon, '86; junior editor. Miss Dora Kennedy, '87; librarían, E. E. Hubbard, '88. It is rumored that Justice Campbell, William P. Wells and another member of the law faculty of the umversity of Michigan are about to resign their professorships. Judge Walker, one of the faculty, stated thu morniiig that Judge Campbell had talked of retiring, but he belieyed the board of regents would persuade him to remain. Mr. Well's retirement, he thought, hinged on hi& probable appointment to a federal position, as had been rumored.- Eve. News.
Old News
Ann Arbor Democrat