High School Notes

The Omega will make its appearanco neit Thnrsday niorning. The Christian aasociation holds its last meeting for this year, to-day. The seniora will hold their final social next Tuesday night, at the home of Miss Duuster, on DivisiĆ³n Btreefc. The high school base ball club defeated the Ypsilanti normal school nine, last Friday, by a score of 15. to 10. Recitatious will cease next Wednesdsy at 1 o'cloek; reporto will be read uext Thursday morning ; the 25th anuual commeucement will be held Friday morning in the M. E. church. A,paiuted lilly - Langtry. The home journal- The butcher's book " Down in tl e mouth" - A young dude biting Ihh nu ui studie.
Old News
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