Commencement Week Programme

SATURDAY, JUNÉ 1. :i A. M. Kxamiuation of c&ndidatcs for aduiissiou. 8UNDAY, .JUNK 21. 8 r. M. Discourse to the gioduating class by President Angelí In Univcrelly Hall. MONDAY, JUNE 22. 9 a. M. Kxamination of candidates for minus sion. 8 p. m. In University Hall. Commenccnient concert by the Amphion club, assisted by the l'niviTsity glee club. MÍ6S May Whedon, tfln Ida Ik'llc WlñoheU, sopranos . Miss M. Louise Taylur, reader: Mr. Uomer Warrca of Detroit, tenor . Mr. Harold Wil.-, m, 'cello. CLASS DAY, DEl'A KTM ENT OF MEDICINE AMD SlIRliKHY. 10U A. M. In Uuiversity Hall. Oration by Jol in NV. Bosman, Jr., A? B.; class history by Alva W, Collius; poem by James H. Scott; prophecy by WilllamC. Ely; address by the class president, Martin L. Eaton, A. H. CI.ASS IAY, DEPAKTMKNT Of IA" 2 I'. H. Olass history by H. W. Dlckinson; oration by F. R. Lander; poem by Miss Mary O. (ieigus ; class prophecy by L. A. Springer. TUESDAY, JL'N I in a. m. Annua! meeting of the board of regent!, CI.ASS DAY, DKl'AKT.MKNT OF 1.1TERATIKK, (BGUENCE AND THE ART. Ki a. h. In Uuiversity Hall. Oration by J. 0. Reed; poem by Miss Mary O. t'utnam. 2 P. M. Class htfctory by E. Powell : prophecy by C. C. Keen ; addres of class president, T. (;. Phillips. 8 v. f. Class rcceptlon in University Hall. WEDNESDAY, JUNE 24. Al l'MNI DAY, DKI'ARTMENT OF I.ITERATURK, SCIBNCK AMD THE ARTS. Special reunions of the classes of '67, '68, '70 '8(1, und otliers. 2 a. II. Biuiness meeting of the alumni of the ilepartment of literature, science and the arts in chupe!. 4 p. m. In University Hall. Oration to Hou. Bdward C. Lovell, ol Klgin, 111.: poem by Miss K. Van Ilarllngen, of San Francisco, Cal., tobe read by Miss C. Houghton, of Aun Arbor. IIKI'AKTMKNT OF MEDICINK AND Sl'RiiKRY. 2 I'. m. Business meeting of the alumni of the department of medicine, and surgery in the lower lectuce room of the Medical Colleg, followed by au address by the president, C. (eorge, M. D., of Ann Arbor. DKPARTMENT OK PIIAKMACY. n ' .. a. i. Business meetiug of the alumni of the school of pharmacy in the lecturc room at the chemical laboratory. 1 p. m. Dlnner ol Uie alumni of the school of pharmacy, followed by au address by the 1 Ion. Frank Wells, of iAnsing. DEPAItTMENT OK DENTAL SURGERJ'. 2 p. M. At the dental college : class history by Mrs. E. A. Hallock; prophecy by F. W. Kyan ; poem by Miss M. C. .Smlth; address by H. C. Merrill ; followed by a business meeting of the alumni, and the election of omcen. 8 p. m. Keception In University Hall by the Uuiversity senate. THUR8DAY, JUNE 25. 9 A. M. The processiou will form in front of Uie law building. 10 A. M. Commencement exercises ; nddress by Rev. S. L. Caldwell. 1). ]).: president of Vassar Colleg3. Conferrlng of degrees. At the close o: the exorcises in the hall the procession will form again under tl; dlrection of Harrison Soule. chlef marshal, and will proceed to the commeucement dinuer, to servad in the rink on Uurou street.
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Ann Arbor Democrat