
That Dibty Dandbuff. - Dandruff is dirty and diaagreeable in every way. It soils the clothing continually, and is accompanied by a hardly leas annoying sengation of itehing. The scalp is diseased. There is nothing in the world bo thoroughly ndapted to this tronble as Parkers Hair Balsam. It cleanses and heala the scalp, stops thetalling hair and restores lts original Boftness, gloss and color. Is not oily, highly perfumed, an olegaut dressing. Yery económica!, as only a small oceasioual application keeps the hair in perfect coudition . A gas main - A book agent's tnouth. What Pabents Feab, - Many persons - especially párente- object to many quack nostrums as likely to engender or enconrage a love for strong krink. ïhey are right. Better die of disease than of drunkenness. The use of Parker's Tonic does not involve this dunger. It not only builds up the system, curing all aumente of the stomacli, liver and kidney, lint it stimulates without iutoxicating and absolutely cures the appetite for liquor. A bone that ought to be broken - The trombone. City Local. House and lot for sale, on Madison-Bt, lst want, at a bargain, if sold soon. Kn qnire at 46 South Fifth-st. Have you seen the many new styles in photdgrapliB at liandull & Burnham's. If not do not fait to visit their gallery soon. CÍBternB built and repaired. Mason work of all kinds done on hort notice, Leave orders corner Fifth and Huron streeta. G. D. C'ollins. Hot weatuer is coming, and the most cooling beverage is Philipp Schmidt's Ginger Ale and Cream Boda. It is the only genuine article mannfactured. Don't target to cali for Schmidt'H.
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