
The tbeatrical season seems to have come to a close. C. Walker & Bro. sold twelve earriages Saturday. Ross Granger was m Detroit on business, Friday last. Miss Kittie Cross of Ypsilanti, was in the city Suudity . Fourth of July dance at the Lake house, Whitraore Lake. Sam Langsdorf left Saturday evening for a short trip to Milwaukee. Mrs. and Miss Wheeler of West Huron-st., gave a lawn party, last Saturday. Ruv. Samuel Earp, f rom Washington, Pa., will assume bis duties as rector of the Episcopal clmrch on July 12. Cupt. G. T. Giimble, and cadet W. B. Vanderlipof the Michigan military academy, were at the Cook house, Suuday. Wm. C. Stevens, major third Michigan cavalry, was last week elected a member of the military order of the Loyal Legion. The new ladies' band has already a m mbership of ten. All those who wouhl like to join should cali on Miss Grace Miunis. The inembers of the Presbyteriau ohurch held lawn party at the Bach mansion, on south Uain-st., last Monday evening, The Union hook and ladder company will open their encampment at Whitmore by a grand hop, to be given tomorrow evening, at the Lake house. On his return from Cleveland, James Oville Smythe was met at the Michigan Centra] depot by a band of music and escorted to kis residence on Miller-ave., where he set it up to the boys in magnificent shape. The students have always patronized all eutertainments givon by home talent, uow therc is a chance for them to recipracate by turning out in large numbers to attend the concert given by the university glee club, next Monday evening. Admisflion only 25 and 50 cents. Miss Ella Cleveland of Adrián, cousin of President Grover Cleveland, who is visiting at the residence of E. B. Lewis, on División street, is in the city for the purpose of undergoing medical treatment, and will, by request of several of our best citizens, form a few classes for instruction on the piano, on which instrument she is a superior peformer. We have received a circular contain ing the piirticulars of the G. A. R. excursión to the grand encampment at Portland, Me., by the Grand Trunk rail road. This company offers tickets via. ilve routes. The special train will leaye Detroit on Friday, June 19, at 12 o'clock, midnight, reaching Niágara Falls the next morning, Kingston 21st, Montreal (by boat) 22d, Portland 23d. The excur sionista will have-nn opportuity to view the Thousand Islands, St. Lawrence river, White mountains, etc. The price of tickets, good for thirty days, is only $20 from Detroit. Write to Wm. Robinson, general passenger agent Grand Trunk railroad, Detroit, Mich., for circulara and full péirticulars. The Monroe Democrat says: The good vaep being selected by president Cleveland for foreign positions of hnportance seems to prod the Blaine and Butler , organs to the quick. The better the man the deeper the steel sinks into their souls and the greater the howl they get up. When Phelps was named minister to England those organs in the east sent in their protest by attacking his character When Pendleton was named as minister to Germnny the curs of Ohio lead by the Cincinnati Enquirer and Commercial barked aud snapped at his heels, and now that our own Lothrop has been asked to represent this country at the court of St. Petersburg the same olass of journals have seen fit to attack him. The same papera who are so viciously assailiug minister Lothrop have often lauded lawyer Lothrop with fulsome praise. It is strange that there is nothing, not even a lite of iutegrity, morality aud sobriety to insure a citizen protection againat the cslumny of those whose existence wholly depends upon their abihty as scandal mongers. ThomuH McMahou will returu hom to-day. Lorouzo Da via oelebrated her 74tl birthday yesterday. Miss Scott of Boston, is the guest o Miss Ida Belle Winohell. Hutzel & Co., will dig trenohee and lay pipes for the water works eompany. The alley between the post-offloe an P. Loug'w new block has bten pa ved. Four car loads of pipe for the water works arrived this week from the east. Koch fe Haller greet onr readers with a brand new adv. this week. Look it over. Geo. Collins has purchaaed a ranch and proposes to stock it with thoroughbred heifers. Valentina O. W. G. T. McGillicudy, a great friend of Mike Donahue, paid hini a visit Sunday. Jno. H. Conlin, Jno. O'Briuen, Dennis Kelley and Jas. Welch, have gone on a prospecting tour to Colorado. Julius Schlotterbeck, n.iw clerk at Moore's drug store, expeots to enter the uuiversity as a pliarinic, next fall. A car load of Polocks are eucamped within a mile of the city, waiting for the water works compauy to comnience busi ness. Tony Schiappacasse has caught the emigration fever and proposes to sell his property in this city. His destination will be California. Miss Kerr of Lodi, Washtenaw county, who has been a missiouary in India for the past five years, is on her way home because of failing health. Wm. Lamlori], while digging horseradis i on his lot Monday, struck a box whicn on bemg opened revealed, to his great astonishment, $150 in gold coin. The M. O. R R. has leased a portion of the ground upon.which was to be erected a new depot this suninier, which is indicative of a "go by" for the Arborites.- Evening News. John Beahau is putting in the week at Horseshoe lake. When he returns he will no doubt have something to say about the tremendnous fish he caught when he was alone. Little Joe Tiddswell, with the energy that deserves patronage at the hands of those in need of anything in his line, has opened a bazaar on Main-st., five doors north of the St. James block. With the month ending June 11, ThosMcMahou, the famous hunter and trapper, caught 340 woodchuck, 190 skunks, 3 otters, 105 minks, and 1,275 muskrats, and all within a radius of ten miles of Bae lake. We are in receipt of a cataloguge from the Michigan military academy. The institution is this year, and promises to be next year, in a better condition than ever before, which is saying a great. deal, as the school has always been one of the models of America, and is a credit to the state that so liberally provides for its welfare ïwo notorions flshermeu, taken for tramps, raised a Maun'n hen-roost, Tuesday. The photographer thought, by cutting off his beard, that he could transmogrify bis countenance. It was no go, for Constable Iinus recognized turn on Hight and, armed with a search warrant, he soon foiind the zeleplione, but uu eggs. L. I). Grose. the gentleman who was severely injured by the caving in of the embankment on Main street, Monday forenoon, is ib comfortable as could be expected under t be circurnstanees. His 1 ody was ternbly bruistd, but if present favorable symptmns continue he will be out in a short time. Mr. Grose resides on Fountain-st, in 3d ward, and is a car penter by trade. Of the $22,553 34 paid in to the county treasurerof Washtenaw county for liquor taxes, Ann Arbor contnbutes from 38 saloons $1(1,355; Ypsilanti, with 13 saloons, $3,615; Manchester, with 9 saloons, $2,483 34; Ohelsea and Dexter, with 5 eacli, $2,800; Saline, with 3 saloons, $800; Milan, with 3 saloons, $700; besides sev eral smaller places with one ea:h. Tliat the desert of life, even upon the the bench of a state's highest court, has its oases of refreshment was well shown when the Massachusetts supreme court solemnly listened last n eek to the singing of "It's English, yon know," and "Quite Knglish," in order to determine whether one was an infriigement upon the other. The court reserved its decisión. The Pioneer society met at Saline Wednesdy, a large number of the sturdy yeomenry being present. L. Davis of this city, read a very interesting paper on "The Early Ministry of Washtenaw Uounty" Judge Harriman also of this place, discouraed at length on the late Isaac Wynkup. The Saline people en tertained those in attendance in a mag nificent manner. In summer time, when the thoughts of men are turned te" leafy arbora and rippling brooks, towering mountains and roaring surf, the Michigan Central pre sents to him a choice of routes to all the Eastern and Northern resorts that is embarrassing by the variety and number of their divers attractions. The Summer Tourist and Mackinac Island folders just issued are models of beauty and taste in the typographic art and are f uil of interest. Copies can be obtained of any agent of the company, or of O. W. Ruggles, gen'l passenger and ticket agt, Chicago. Extensive preparations are in progress by Porsyth Post and Forsyth Belief Corps, of Toledo, to give an entirely new and novel entrtainment on June 17, the anniversary of the battle of Bunker Hill, for benefit of the relief fund, which is used to care for the ueedy and destitute families of old soldiers. lt is expected that four of the U. S. war ships in service on the lakes will be present and particípate OQ that day. This will aflford a splendid chance to see four of our nation's guardians, doing duty on our inlaad sens. The Toledo and Ann Arbor railroad will sell round trip tickets to all wishmg to attend, at the low rate of one fare for the round trip. Ticket good going on all regular traiiis. A special train will leave Toledo at 11:00 p. m., to accommodate those wishing to return the same night, although the tickets will be good to return on morning train, June 18. Among the many attractious may be mentioned the naval battle at niglit betweeu U. S. gun boats on the river and forts and batteries on the shore; grand display of fire tireworks, and au illuminated transparent model of Bunker Hill monument, üfty feet high. Everybody drinka PLillii)p Hchmidt's giugo ale and croam soda. Mr. E. G. Wildt is the agent for Auu Arbor. Chelsea Herald: Miss Cora E. Lewis, who has so acceptably served aa teacher in the aeoond primary of our union school for several years past, has been oompelled to resign on account of poor hoalth, which faot ia greatly regretted by her many f rieuds and patrons of the school. The position is now fllled by Mra. F. O. Cornwell, who is a thoroughly competent and practical teacher.
Old News
Ann Arbor Democrat