
To the Editor of The Demookat: May I beg leave through your columns to aay that, to the great regret of Mrw AngelĂ and myself, we are obliged to forego the pleasure of receiving the alumni and other friends of the university at the President's house on commen cement evening. Now that all the df-part ments gi aduate classes in June, the attendance on commencement has so in creased that the President's house is too small to receive our giiests without subj eet ing them to great discomfort. Indeed, if the weather is so unpleasant as ;o make the grounds unavailable, there is actually not standing room for them We have, therefore, beeu urged by min) 'riends of the university to abaudon the attempt to hold the reception. With great reluctance we have decided that il is necessary to do so.
Old News
Ann Arbor Democrat