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Pastry Without Butter

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The American pie has been subjected to more unjust abuse from foreign writers than any otber of our distinctive products, if we except the recent tirade against the American hog. And yet we can not say that it has been altogether undeserved, because of the villainous compouud, thick, hard and heavy, that is too often made to do duty asa" crust," and which by courtesy is called pastry. Light, tender, flaky and digestible pieorust, and all kinds of pastry can be made most readily by the use of Royal Baking Powder without any butter, or with half the usual portion, if preferred, or with a small quantity of lard or other shortening, as desired. Pie crust thus made is much more wholesome and digestible, besides being more economical and easier prepared. In addition to saving all the butter, if desired, one-third the ttour is also dispensed with, as the crust is rolled that much thinner, the leavening qualities of the Boyal Baking Powder swelliiig it to the requisito thickness. lf drippings or lard be used the Royal Baking Powder removes any unpleasant taste, rendering the crust as short, sweet and pleasant as if made from the flnest butter. Those who know the appetizing qualities of the genuine home -made American pie, will rejoice that by the aid of Royal Baking Powder in the pastry it can be made quite as digestible as it is delicious. A dentist is no chicken . He is always a pull-it. Why is an esoaping prisoner like a musical cat ? Because he scales the waul . "Brayin's will teil," said the donkey as he awoke the echoes with his blatant blare . When is a voung man makmg love and yet not making love? Wheu he is pressing his suit. Why is a thief who gazes at the poeket of a wealthy citizen like a fence? Because he'd like to picket . What is the difference bet ween a wagon and apolitician? The wagon has a long tongue, but don't talk.


Old News
Ann Arbor Democrat