John Keck & Co.

WE SHALL OFFER ALL OF OÜR Carpets at Less Prices Than Ever Although manufacturera have advanced ptices flve to ten cents per yard. Be wise and take advantage of this opportunity to buy a GOOD CARPET FOR A LITTLE MONEY Our Carpet Koom is beginning to show the effect of the heavy draft made upon it, so come early. Please note prices on our goods: Baw Silk Parlor Suite- 7 pieces, $85.00 Embossed Plush Parlor Suites- 7 pieces 48.00 Marble Top Table - grey marble 5.00 Genuine Oherry Parlor Table 4.00 Hardwood Bedsteada ;.■ ....2.00, 3.00, 3.50 Lace Curtains, per pair 75c, 1 .00, 1 .50, 2.00 to 10.00 Striped Scrim, for Curtains, per yard 15, 20 and 25c Turcoman Curtains, per pair 5.00 Tapestry Brussels Carpets, per yard 50, 55, 65, and 75 Extra Supera and Cotton Warps 20 to 75c Straw Matting 10 to 50c Our Chamber Sets at $2O, 825 and $28, are Splendid Values. More of those American Mahogany Sets will be here in a day or two. Mail or Telephone Orders Faithfully Attended to.
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Ann Arbor Democrat