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Fall & Hendrick

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"A Nimble Sixpence s Better tahn a Slow Shilling." AT THE Fan Dne-Price Molí Hoïïsb ! WE WILL NAME A FEW OF THE REDUC'IONS Made this week. üdd coats at half priee. Two hundred suits ranging in price from $5.00 to $28.00, at a reduction of from $2 50 to $16. 0) a suit. Sorae of the Goofls will m Si ior Less Ttian Hall What thv Gost ! But our loss is your gain, so, if you are in need of a suit, odd coat, pantaloons, or vest, COME WHERE YOU CAN CET A BARCAIN ! In our Gents' Furnishing Department we will sell you six Hat, puff, or sailor-knot scarfs for twenty-five cents. White and Fancy Lawn Ties 15 and 25 Cents per Dozen ! A good hat, worth from $2.00 to $3.00, for 50 cents. Straw hats from 5o to $3 Two pairs of socks for 5c. Other bargains too numerous to meution. Proprietors, 27 and 29 Main Street, - - Arm Arbor, Mich.


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Ann Arbor Democrat