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EBERBAGH&SOU, Deal ra En Drugs, Medicines And afine lot of French Hair Brushes AND Enslish Tooth Brushes, We cali special att ntion toour stock of Chemical Glass-ware, Apparatus, AND Pure Chemici-ls of our own Importation. A Culi line of TIEMAN'S SURG'L INSTRUMENTS At !: ' , ■ SCDTTIDIEILTT S i Are cordiall} invitfM o oxamlne ourar.ock a3 quallty aud prices. EBERBACH & SON. Emanusl Wágñer, -ATSJ ■ No. 33 South Main Street, At AMfcROSE KEARNEY'SOkl Stand, Iíns opened a New Grocery & Provisión Store.! ALL KINDS OF CANNEDAND SHELFjGOODS. TEAS, COFFLES AND SPICES OF ALL KINDS AT AVERYLOW FIGURE. AILES L CO'STTÁTENT FLOUR KEPT ON HAND. A FULL LINE OF TOBACCO. CIGARS AND SMOKER'S ARTICLES. EmanueTWagner. AC1SUN FiRE CLAY CO.; Manufacturera of Stone Sewer Pipe AND ZDIEL-irtT TILE I All our Train Tile iikh?c or Fire Cly, are ot uuusual atrength a-ml lislil clima terially reduces the br transportatión. Tho ditchitig i b of tiling is !i 's i ■■ Ihey do Dot require to , be laid belov. frost but only tleep enoug i to eR j cape the plow. Wbile tuis is more tt also aids iü obtniniug a bettnr fall or grade to the drain. A full nssortmenl of all sizts, fort salein small qnantici-.s, or car load lots, at the ; FBBDON LÜIBBB YARD, JjMES YOLBERT, Agent. 1 Tile, tho Createst Labor-Saving Mac-iine of the Age." 2b tfocEditorof TheCliicago 'rnmine. Dwiobt, 111.. March 16. - One of the strongest and mot coavincing facts that I have yet seen with regard to tile drainage is brought out in tbe December report of the Agncultural Depar j ment of Illinois. It is tuis; ACREAGK. Areage in corn in Livingston Coimty, lt8r 268,597 :- Acreace in corn in Logan County, 1881. 14ü,i5y Livingston over LoL:in 127,738 YIKLD. Yleld of rorn ín Li ■ ionty,188L .6,983.522 Yield of corWln I. ty, 188a 5.070,924 , Livingston over Logan... ...1.9O2.r98 In otíu-r words. Logan County has raised near ly as much oom on 1 iu.859 acres as Livingston [ county faas od 268,59! acres. Put It in another j fonn, ttit farmers In Livingston County have ; heen obïiged to plow nearly poublts the acreage , of kind (268, .r 97), and have raised but a --ry finia)] percentage oC incivase of corn ever their bretheni in Logan County. who on!y had to plow ' 14U,8 -i acres. Letua give it anotlier twist I A A farmer whc bas bis land well tiiled need only work eighty acres of land and grow just about asmucncom is the man who ptowi I6) and takes all the rtëksi f drouth and muoh bepides. It is tuit fair, t í en, to conclude thar the greatest labor-saving n achine to-day f tv aee is the tile draiu'r :■.■.■ e of informaiion I gatner the following-afl regards ílie progresa of i tile-drainage in these twocoutities: Fcet. Total number of feet laid in Livingston Countvuplo 1S-1 ...... 1,140,793 Total nuraber of feet laid in Logan County upto !8il . . .3,iSfJ,469 Tnia tahle provea bt-yondall th#ory tliat oiving to the free use tf tile that brie county ba able to prodiu nearlyas much corn on HO.000 acres of land anotber county has produced , upon 26S.00O acres. which is oearly doublé, and ! tLe beauty of the whole is ïliat it was done with j half the work 1 Mr. Editor, &uppoe a kind : dence shoukl lenirlhen out the spin of our days : until vh saw [flinóifl tnorougniy tile-dralned, where would be put the corn tnat this State would produce, and what wouïd we do with our i "silver dollars?1 SauUBL T. K. 1'rüik. RINSEY & SEABOLL No. 6A8 Washington St. Have on hand a coniple te stock of everyt li iíi? in the Crocery Line. Teas, O'olïoefs mul Ssiijrars, In large aniounts. and at Caslb_ Prices And can sell at Low Figures. The large invoice of tkas thfy Buy and Sell. ta pood proof that in Quatity and Price they Give Bargains. They Roast their own Offffs every week, and none but prime articles are used. Their Baker; turna out excellent Brrad, Cakes and Crackers, (.'all and see them PricesOone Down A large stock of Wall Paper selling at A CREAT REDUCTION! I claim to havo the largest aud BEST SELEDT ED STOCK Of Wall Paper Liid Dec rations in the county, and can ifive perfeol inGoodflor Work. Paiata amj Paintera Suiplips a Bpeoialty . -A_lfcex"t Sorg, SucceRsor to F. f: A. Porjr, 2 As 28, V;:h ;., . - - Aiiü Ai : .,r "TlENRY NiArTHEWö, Has'the plosaure to Infnrrn Ih' pub: '' ready to receire them in lúsuir.. briet ME AT MARKET! ONE DOOE EAST OV I.EONARD HOUSE. Everything to hi3 line viil bo flrst-cly At Roaccnab.e Rates. Ho returna nis slnoera thanks to all hls oi toijiei's for thsir generous patronage, and ally inv:ti3 thóiti, and aU mv' customera u hU newquarters, whoro hu lipcs by t air dealiag t- niarK nis aheady growiivg ■ TlPPECANOE THEvffgfugBEST " I L 5 [copvriömted], O TONÏC 6 [cOPyfttQMTED.3 O SAT15FACTION GUARANTEED. : !H. li. WABiJES & CO, Rooliester, N.Y. h... TIRET) FEELING8, A SPECIF3C. $L1 OO . HO 1TLB. H. H. WARNER & CO., Rochester,N. Y. I"i .i ■!■■!:.]. H.E.C ARDÍ V Colombiana, Al., reporta thnl lic ;,:.imM une hu In strength by Ihu usu ui Warnor'a Tipp ■■..::. The litst. . POK JJ A L A B I A , "A I." EÍ1.OO V UOXTLE. H. H. WAHNER & CO., Rochester.N. Y. B A WïLCOX, l ■"■ N", V.. Wiia cïired of malaria and dyspcpi pettto, general íussüuiic. etc.,by wamers'e Tippboanob, TlioUeau W VsSfc i:2n5'TPl i=ü23i== - pí B besttönic! 3 Tnla medicine combining Iron ith pnrt 76getablo tnnv ■ quickly end complc'.oly ('ürtrii Oysiiep?; a, Iriíí's1í-is, caknesfs Impuro Blouii, .Uü.laHuCliiIUaiid VeTern and N'euralfiln Ir. is an v-iifail. s: remcdy for Discases of the KWIney nnd ivcr. It is invalua le for Díroíipgs poculinr to Womon, and ai' who lead Bedentary lives. Itdocs i:ot iüiu the teeth, cause heudache.ot rcoduce consiip tion - otkrr Jron medicines do. Itonrlchesa?1' purifles theMotxl.Btimulatea theapptitc, ai': 'the fcsshw'latlon of food, relieves find Bt-ïchicg, and tlrengtb ena the muscle and adrres. For Intermii nt Fovcrs. T-assitude, lackol J.m ?rgyf &.C., it as no equal. jftï" The (peni ne Iims above tradeark "ná j crossed red Hm on w rapper. Take no other. I Hulvsuh hj BHDV rlLMCAL CO.. BALT1SOKK, EU HALL'S JJrhgure is Pecormnonded by Phys.ciansl SÍCQ imktöFiïaÏÏlUll ITe manufacturs and eellitwltha pooitlVO guaran ieO that i'. wi!l euro any cas6i aul sorül forfeit tho abütoamuuut iiitfaiisin a sms;je Insta nee, It ís unüko aS '-""f Catarrh rpmcdy.aa it is taken iníeíriaüy. aoting upon the Diood. li you are troubtra wilb thia distrcssiU!; disease.aflt yourDrugjist for it.and ACCEPT ÍÍO IJálTATIO OB SLüCTITUTE. If he hasnoteot it, senil to us and v, o wlll foi-ward immcdiatolT. Prico, 75 cents per hottle. jUPTIi B VfN Hosrotter's Stom: jflll K.I lp E{0ach KiLU'i-K ronquera Jllw" ■ H ■ ifeini'êi :unl prevent Miuilarlal il V CUEBRATED 'l ers; d b p e , b la, ! F chronlc constipatlon, ikfinV Jtn' Waddcr alimenta qgfBfc VM- and rhtMiinntlsin, nul f'--i m m BLi '8 of ltie greatflai wJR SaAÍ71 KWISl vnlui' iti cuses o TJ? W?yïï. l'odSly (rnbliar[8lnn ÊÊrnr &%M '' irom wcakni ■ tsEjKuHífr ". ' [" "l'' :l!'(' K'-ncrallv i rThfSHtW' ' "] b" " iind H is S' F-aSööfcfïi- 2' "ïviccable to ■ 2sSs9sLtM' jSj t ' '"' " :llls''-'nta a n íl flTftSSHflilffriaEs 'a(lil"s ln delicate er, n useful medtjj cine lo lake wil b ■-s-.. , '" Journeya, and . -r' counteract 8 tin eiK.STOIVIACH_.ff tal exi BIVWFhÍ lj "'' Dril; gil ARE YOU DISCOURAGED? : HAS YOUR PHYSICIAN FAILED TOAR; REST THE DlStASE F ROM WHICH YOU ARE SUFFERING? ARE YOU LOSING FAITH IN MEOICINLS, AMO GROWING ALARME D AT YOUR CONDITION? IF SO, TAKÍ HOPS AND MALT BITTERS, t'he great elooo purifier, com. pounded from the well-known curativas, hops, malt, buchu, mandrake, oanoeliom, sarsaparilla, cascara sagrada, etc. they are never known to fa!l in all cases of LIVER AND KIDNEY TáOUBLES. THEY CURE DYSPEPSIA, ; INDIGESTIÓN, RHEUMATISM, AND ALL URINARY TRÜUBLES THEY I NVIGOI RATE, NOURlSH, STRENGTHEN AND QU.ET THE NtRVOUS SYSTEM. AS A TONIC THEY HAVE NO EQUAL. THEY ARE A RATIONAL CATHARTIC AND A SUPER-3 ANTIBILIOUS SPECIFIC. CAUTION SHOULD BE EXERCISED BY PERSONS WHEN PURCHASING HOPS AND MALT BITTERS. CO NOT GET THEM ■ CONFOUNDED WITH INFEROR ARTICLES OF A SIMILAR NAME. FOR SALE ! BYALL DRUGGiSTS AND DEALERS. SEE ' THAT EVERY LABEL BEARS THE NAME HOPS & MALT BITTERS COMPANY. DETROIT. MICH. All Sorts of hurts and ïiiisóy sores of ails of man and beast need a cooüng lotion. Mustang Liniment. ÏFPAGE'S LIQU1O OLWESffl I.nbhotiii1asofantrl1fi Mmftchmut &%k'& RasaCeiratCo„GloucKtfr,Has!. iniigCiNcHj po , :r-8 .''r&Si ''V':' r re,43HiK__r;f '!i:i-i:i(, ■■■■BB OTTAWA. II.I. JÜSEPHGiLWW! STEEL PENS goLDBYALLÜEALERSTHRouoK-NrrTHEWORLDl j QOLDMEDAL PARIS EXP0SITION-IB7a.(


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