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i'i-MVi .. PAY YOU DETROIT AND UAYE rODR EXAMINE PITTED WITF SPECTACLES OK EYB GLASSES JROEHM WgHEPS, IMPOIiïEUS. JEVEf,ERS AND m TICIANS 140 WOODWARD AVE I T1IEY MÁKE NO CHARGE KOR i PI? Tumor ;. however Jni'ge, speodily and painlessly cured w i1 uaustie, powder or ointmenl ■ i fr e. Write for pamphli t and n . enclasing two letter ttamps for leply. World's li.i cusan i-dical Association, 663 ' ; i i 1 1 8tr et, Billlu'.O, N'. V. T1pv i-i ;'. l"O-year : ► 1 l palm tree in a Norwieh, Conn., couservutory. Delicft; Duoisci oieitfa rsex, ho wever indnced, prompt1 . thor iihly and perraaneDtly cnred. Wond three letter stampa fo largeillus!i',-i!i''l irc.iüsc. World' IJispensary Medical ssocialion, Bnfialo N. Y. A ; : r's salary was to everyono of his in; )', the late earl of telkirk. Ysars Te.-.c'a Kore Trjiï Books. Among oiher valu.ible lessons imparted by teacher is tho fact thal for a vrry long timel'r. Pieroe's "Goldon Medical ! isoovcry" has been the princ nA blood pnri icrp, being the housi iclan of th ■ poor man, and the able consnltiiLr phvsician to tho rioh ■ atient, and praised by all for il ent service iiinl eiücacy in all ilUua ea { a ohronic natnre, as malaria! polsoning, ailmenta of the respiratoir and digestive systems, livor rlisen aüd in whcre the use of an aiterativeremedvia indicated. Dakota is a great w!icat-])roducing m, but it u d aside aud see the Ohio v:.!li'v lead the list in point of ferlility. When yon V It or leav ■ New York cily, via Central ■ and ttCarriage Hlre. ao : OraniT -Union Botel, ■:!■'■ tï sal.l dep . huadred elejiant roonta Ütted ■ Ilion 3ollar3 $1 ftml upwar per day. Enropean plan. Eli . '. r. il supplied witli the ! st. i I and elevated railri ind t . i rr for ] ■ i f a tbc (irand Union llotsl thau at any dvst-class liotel in the city. Ireland'n new lord ehancellor, Hon. John Nai h, is d Catholic who has een elevated to that station since the reformation. A S ihk Thhoat ei: ( ! i; .ir. lf snfferedtoproresalu luán Incurable tUroai or liaiL' trouM;-. '■ lirvwit'l BroitehUü Trocha'" glve insl The lates thing in tüoories is that "the vast (!o)rt'.-ñion of the oeean l-eds are to bc; account.'d for by supposing that th:; inoon bio'ie awaj froio the earth mi re than 5 .car-; ago, the basins being the scars (hen made." HBOWMA o tcp of i lamcg. "ForBalpct a Sacrifico." A well-establisüed pa D ;orlsStore In ümaha, N uired. A.l diess VV. Si. Bi ■: r;. Onialia, Neb. Caution ti Dairyuien. Ak for Vklu, HlCH.VKDSos (o's. Imtkovbd BUTTJtK CO&QKS, Itnd t:lki n;t o.lur. B&WARB ot":l] imltalions, nnü ofali otber oil colorí, for cveryother onc is ü.'.h'c i I cc m.' rancid ;ind spoil the butter into whi h it ;s : n'. ïi ion c.inm.t .lct it writc to va at Barli' i'.'iri, VI , o kry.v whcre ;u!l r.ow to j?et it without .:ra expense. Thuusandsof tests have been m ide( :mil ibe) alwai s prove il the liest Tf tb. ti' ever wa? a spi cffl f' r any one cómplaint then Pilis are a speclrte íor 8ici Flcadathe, aml every woman shouldknov areno) onlj apositive care, bol a Bure preventiv If taken wben th approach i ti It. Carter's i:: dlrectlycn I bile. and In tliis war remove tL o caus - il flrst making ion sick by ;i wca''nin: paree, lf yon try tl in yon atea. i with sor. e Dr. Isíinc Tl -cll it. 25c. TRADErTMABK. Freefrom. OpUaes,SJSmeties and l-ouor.s. A PROMPT, SAFE, SURE CURE Wcoa ?L$%$;, ;„„t.r.fl.. Natraiv Escape. ■ ■:■ ;:■ RoCUESTEK, June ], 18S2. "Ten ïearsago i v.ns attacked v.ith the iost Intente ;.m 1 !■:. tlilv yj. In my back and "ExtrtDí lo the end oí my toes and to my bratn ! "Wbich made me deüriousl "Fri : : 'li took thn e o f" liokl rae on my bed at Umes I "The Doctors trie I in valn to relieve me, but to nu pnrpose. '■ óptales ! "Had 110 effect! "Aft r two months I ma glven up to die! ! ! "Whcn my wlfe hearda neighbor toll wbat Hop Bitters had :it dc ■ got and ive me brain ano seeniedtogohui, : -ii fur the pain. Sose eaaed me ■ i maon thal i dept two liours, pouiethlng In tv two months. Be" forclha ireitl and at work mld, f--r over rlirM weksibut "., ;uiJ lalclpg a lmrtl j th? most acato and palnful rheumatisin all througb my ayatem tliat ever was known. '1 Cftlled thn Io3tü wriï vreck3 thcy lef . i they aairt. I ra; eua, and ha me. I ■ 1 to use il: In les tii.v.i my oratohei and wen it on aslnir the bitton forflvc Mny man It ha ■ i in p'i sick n"s: and ha : !ren well nn .ttles no need to be siek at all if thi ge J rvisor. "Tliat pooi ibvalid rU tother. ■ture of bealthi "With ai f Hi B tersl "WiUyou Ut ::■ .. tufferfrt P tisfrirtr Ut.' Xtvtnrllerttffl If li ■ yon f xtf.b ttv Il. - ..n tuk vü i i iiftnda ■ Hop Bltn itti ■! l :■ "Hop1 i í ihun tiint di'i i and if in1 lias tuken toui i ,-iiud iinii gue ii : ia i i and wo Will u-wiirtl vu iil'iTu'-v tnOi tionvtctloa. MSN6XAX81 I'EITOXISÏED l!Ki:K TON1C, tliO Only '...11 ui hec! .■ . ■ . i imoül reu genoratInvalnabla fn. ncrv.jiH jf:-(is;ir.i!on. and uil forma ol i i uiitrly If resalting from pu ' ■ wcii, : . Co., Proprietorg, Kew Vr;. sold by diuKgitls. A CAIïïi-'io n' ir Ki e Miijoriïiw - rom errors ot youth. avtions weal DeB, rij iecn), ohs of manI .1 a retcipe that wil! cure )otx, fKBK OF ( llAliüK r]h iireat reaedy wü dUcovprot' by a mwMoiiary In Koutïl America. Scni self aöafeiiOi'il onve!ue to K.1V. J!)SE."!I T. INMAK StalioD li. Tor HaLqrjliiB'-?Ñ'fi;Tisff.y'oM doea medicine anfl brlng . ■ delicate Í motöcr ü'cded to check ■ nenl the draüi mad uiKin na í Try II n ccfpca to eult j different Ias1 SOÜFI3LD Sc SON'S TÑTETr AUTOHAïiC EHBROIDERiSG MACHINE ) ft .VacAïïte 3; ■" mÊihe fr"''s' "2 5 yrrn. nu:!:rr, Turirtih Jí'igs, PCMDING. ,ftCTfi f-c. l! .■ and irrm ■ i "mx rt )'arn n ■ Machina CO. , M.WX ■ . .1 iSf 1pET% P Lorillard's Cürs Plug fi1 Vr bdi rlfig a ■ rï riti to.y ; that TjorillardM ILoc Lenf ilmcut j that Lorlllant' lipluara and that r.-r :;. ; i1.-' St:ufia. a.i ■'■'"■ ' GQiSÜÜFTlON. I havo ft positivo retnoUy fur Lhoaoúvttllscaneibr Hi BM thnu-s:i Búf caaos ol I utidnf lonc Btundiii-! iSlSIBjfiatfi 1 ii lts efttcncj . tlint I wiil ■ Kit BE togethur HrltnaYAI.UABZ.BTRUATISE o thia duuiii toany 8u:r,:xT. Gtvxnrssiin(l P. o. uddc s. _ DU. v. A. BLOCUHT lal f oarl Sfc.. NwTork. Taiegrapli irisütuto, Kalamtzoo, Mlch. Sendfo Journal. tWB. B8T IS CKEAPEST." MGimfüÜCCUCDCSAtfïlLlil Btrif?siren I nnSLonCnO cioier Ballen (Sui'-fftltoaJ) .'( Joiu. i irilef(r LE Ilias. Patuphia and i'.-ioc to Tb Aultur A Tiylor Oa, MamOald, uitla, O-V 6-AUl AutnlC permanent CTsSJ Aalí employment ''..'l Rood Ralary P ". ■ ,.;.,- ti. .-n i: SUhtand Ht5 ?:H. J?3 Stix-Ii i ii Sup povters. Sample J-flKïV oiitöt IVct. Adiiress CinriuuaU .U' % Suspemltr Co., Ciacinnati, U k ■ ■jivr person to scll our goini, Ho v.ipttal all B 1 requlrcd. Balary pald muiithty. Ëxp 1 ■ Vin adranco. Poll particular pukk. v mean whai wo ay. Standaud Silvku Waui: co, Wnsliiuiuu Sr.. lti)ï, May 8. p i"j"bfo. JODarnan's Jokes B tó' H]Twi-;veCcuta. liar"TPuk!bMn!; Hn-iW.. S" " V- ' - - "..yeYA JUDDESPASTiüLEaiS: BBBBHHBHRSBBSSBBSZituwuj .Musa. TEI CRDADUV T.ri',!l r STD SITUATIONS CLCUflRrni KUIiNISHKD. Circulara freo VALENXINIi BROS., jiiuosvitlc, Wi., -ÏÖSS 'a" Un!' Cao (■■ flirflSK. :. ;. 'i,;a.-,v. s„ ,(.viiucin4 W iii-' ■'■'-: -■ ;mon. Ubi


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