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Cholera is on tbe increase in Spain. Princess Beatrice'8 marriage will take place ■July 23. Au i'xplosiou in an old silver mine in Mexico instantly killed 10 minera. Eleven thousand refugcs froni Khartoura nd Berbi r are now seeeklng shelter in Doñeóla. Prime nl'rederick Charles, uephew of the Emperor of Qenimny, has had a stroke of paralysis. The death f AdmlraJ Courbet, commandant of the French Heet in the Chines waters, is innouneed. Tiie queen lias created Lord WoUeley a talent of the order of St. Patrlck in sucecssion to Lord O1 1 Fagan. The Portuguese government has ordered [juarantlne te be enforced agalnst all arrivala i way of Qtbralter, The steanier fcipeke Hall, froni Liverpool for Bombay, has foundercdin icyeione in the gulf )f Aden. There was only one survivor. A terrible gale raged on the eoast of Newfoundlaud for sevcrul davs. Manv Uves are reported lost, and the lost to shipping is very hevy. Tin1 greater portion of the building in whieh the inventor's exhibition is being held in London was destroyed by fire reeently. The yaluable collectlon froin India was bdrned. Aresolutlon is before the Canadian House of Commons declarlng it expedient to impose a tax of $50 on every person of Chinese origin entering tl:e Dominion, and providing that no vessel carrying Chinope mmigranU shall carry more thau one emigrant for ëvery fifty tons of vessel's tonnage. The Noyosti (newspaper of St. Petersburg) reaih'rms its statement that the ameer of Afghanistan is dead. It suvs minora are being reeeived continually, loth from the Caucasus and the Afghan frontier, of the assassination of the ameer. The Novosti adds that the people of Afghanistan are in a state of great exeitement, the rumors of the death of the ameer having reached them folio -ed by the other rumor that Ayonb Khan, a former ameer, now in Persia, will take the place of the murdered ameer through the maehlnations of Russia. A sensatlon has been caused by the publication of Lord Wolseley's dlspatchea denouncing the evacuation of thé Sondan. He warns the government that on the withdrawal from Dongola the whole provlnce will bc given up to anarehy and will revert from eivilization to barbarism. Withdrawal, he says, will revert the struggle. The mahdi in a f ew yeara will attack Egypt. Years of infernal troubie in Egvpt have been a burden and strain on her military resources. The best poücy in both a military and linancial point of view would be to attack the mahdi at Khartouin. CKUSHED AND MANGLED. Frightful Calamity in a Town in Trance A terrible accident occurred at Thiers, a m&nuíacturing town in the department of Puy de Uome, 23 miles northeast of Clermont, France. A large erowd bad assembled in the eourt house in that place to listen to the evidence oL a sensatioiuü morder trial. The jam in the court room was so great that many could reach no further than the stairs. The staircase soon became paeked, and while men and women were jostling one another in vain efforts to get nearer the trial room the stairs, without a moment's warniug, gave way, carrving down hundreds of people to the floor below. Hert' a horrible scène took place. Men fought and serambled their wav out over the bodies which lav bencath them, while the agonizing sereams of the wounded rent the air. Men and women were piled on top of one otüer over 1U aeep, and manv ot those unüerneath were cruihed or surfocated to deatb The pólice were lnatantly summoned, and, assttted by a nuniber of volunteers. soon rcstored order and at once beiran the work oí rescue. Some of the victims were pinned by the fallen timbera and considerable ditikulty was experienced in extricatingthem.Twenty-fourpeople were killed and about 80 wonnded, many, it is feared, fatally. The whole town is in n'iouruIng. The otlicials are ronndly denonnccd for their lacle of precaution in allowing the people to block the stairs, which they knèw could not ber the strain.


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