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The slmplest and best regulator ol tlu'Disi-dered Lfver In the world, are Carter's Llttle Llver Puls. Thev give prompt relief inSIck llcadache. Di.zinr s. Nausea, &c. ; prerent and cure Conitlpatlon and Piles; remove 8alluwness and Pimples from iluj Complexión, ind are mild and gentle in tbetr operatlon on .icbowels. Curter'8 Llttle Liver l'ills are rtinall and as easy to tak.' as Migar. One plll dose. Frice 25 cents. The Poor Little 0ue3. Wo oftcn aan childreu wit.h red eruptions on foee and hands, rough. scaly skin. and often sores on tlie head. These things indicate a depraved condition of the blood. In the growing portod, children have need of pnre blood by which tO Imild u Btrong :uul healthy bodies. If Ur. Pieroe's "Golden Medical Disoovery" is giren, the blood is purged of its bad elementa, and the ehild's development will be healthy, and as it shoukl be Serofiilous nffections, rickets, fever-sores, hip-joint disease or other grave rnaladie.s and Fraffering are sure lo result from neglecl and laek of proper attcntion to Sllclj Cl'.seS. Anti-treatirfg lav in Nevad-i said to be n. g. A Lovely Complexión. "What a iovely complexión," we oftcn hear persons ay. "I wonder what she does for it?" ín evcry case the purity and rea] lovelinpss of the complexión dependa apon the blood. Those who have sallo w, blote y faces may make their skin smootb and healthy bj taking enough of Dr. Pierco's "Go den Medical LHscov ry" (o drive out the humors lurking n the system. Bartliol i's "Liberty" ia coming over n 300 d i Herent cases. Mild, soothing, and healing is Ur. Sage's Catarrh Remedy. Boila and Carbuncle3. These are the colcanoes ol (he human System. Thej proceed from impure blood and from a riotns il;niorali.ation of the digestivo organs. ' bey are an noying, palnful, and sometimos daugcrous. hoy can be driven out by toning the system, and thiscan best be done bj the uso of Brown's tron Bitte s. Messrs. Handy & Kullman, druggists, Annapolis, Md., say. "We sell Tots of Brown's I on Bitters All who iise il seem pleased. We hear not one cotnplaint.". ïot one Prnssian soldier has died of Bmall-pox in the past tenyears, 'Vaccination" is a standing order in that arruy. 8a' ings banks in Berlin do a remarkahly bris ; business. There are about 114,000 deposi tors, large and small, in the city. C hocolate is gaining nipidly iu popular cstucm in the United States, whicb will bood rival Francr in point of consuniption. On the average 62,000 niessagrs, pr. ss dispatches not included, are sent throngh the general telegraph office in I.ondon daily. "There is not a ohristian in Nashvillc " You may not bcliove this but a southern revivalist narued bamuel Jones Bays he does. Twentv-nine Kew York Sundav schools report a total attendance of 70( ( 'hiñese scholars. The dols of the joss house must go. "Mothers Shonld Note This." Under this caption an old physician writea toa Cincinnati Medical Journal, that in view of the f act that people living at a distanoe from eities are frequently obbged to resort to cough mixtures alrcady pul up for use, they shoukl providc thomselves with only su. h remedies as are known to be ftcee from opiates, poisons and narcotica; thns avoiding not. only danger, but even fatal resnlts. He recommends the recently discovered Bed Star Cough Cure which analyses and tests by arions Bo rds of Health 1 o ved to be purelv vegetable as well as prompt, effeotive and entirely harmless. Womcn who teach music inEngland are nearly LV,000 in number. Have usi'il Dr. Thomas' Electric Oil for crouj) and colds, and declare it a positivc (Mire. Contributed by Wm. Cay, 570 i lymonth ave, Buffalo, N. Y. Presid nt Cleveland kee - a statuette ofAndr w Jaokson on his r.-. The Bdrdock lant i one of the besi diurética or Kidney regulators in the vegetable world, and thecompound known as Hunlock Blood Bitters is unsurpasscd in all diseasés oí the Kidneys, liver and blood Young adíes aiifoad ar.) "going wild" ove strings of military buttons. Somh Kkmakkaiü.k Cuhks of deafness are reeorded of Dr. Thomas' Eleotrie Oil. Never fails to cure earache. Senator Pec'ï on Senator Kustis: "He is a strong man, lazj-, ngly and sulky " Stated by H. B. Cochran, druggist, Lancaster, Pa.: Have guaranteed over 30D bottles of Burdock Blood Hitters for dyspepsia, sour stomacli. 1jíIíois attacks, liver and kindey trouble. Itallian coral fishers secure nearl}' $900,(XiD worth of coral in the oourse of a year. The actdng back, the sallow skin, thehollow v{ glve iray Bpeedllj bafore Hunt's lli-raedy. Fifty-one suicides of brokeu gamblern at Monte (arlo so far th s season. ASoarThBOAT OH Coriiir. il' MiiTcml to progresa, often reeults In an incurable throat or lung trouble. u Broun' t Bronehlal 'roche" jjive instan! relief. TH1T TIRKD FEELING Kverybody kii'iws whai "tli;)! tired foellng" ta. It aiMlfts nearly everj -Mme of yeartbcü)g ld l'V depreaa ■-- : OlïectB of the clniiiging eason and the debllttated condltfon of tbe body. Tin refreahlng, toning and InrlgoratiBg Infl forwiiffii tbe systera 111 be found li I Saroaparilla, tbe reliable unir and blood purifler. OlTfl it a trial. ■I iimk Hood'fl SaraparUla fur loas oí ftpptlto, dyspepBla, and general languor. It. dld me amonnt of good and i have no beitfeancy in recommonding li tomj frlondaand all needing medioine." .f. W. WlLLBFOFD, QuïüC.V, 111 I4I began taklng Bi irilla vrhenl b wealt i ooold not do my vork. u bas made a uew tof me. ah i itk of mv one la to I Hood'a Banaparllta and soe ii qq1oI( effect, it taki time iiiid quantity to show f ta effect than anyother preparatkra T eveiheard of." Mas. C. a. i. HiukakiKorth Chili, N. Y. Hood's SarsapariliH Sold by all droggteta. ü;tlxfor9S. Msdeonlyby C. I. IIOOI & CO-, Apothecarlea, LotU, IOO Doses One Doilar. Spurgeon has qult eal;ng meat. nallOrQ oaUCe iü f)onks. Beal and cbeapeat Fence wire barba produce $120,000 annually iu royalty fortheir inventor. Mks t McCARTAi Rtcbland Center, Wte.. after suiïoriiiK six years with an mrumvatod case of aalt rneum, waa curod bj thfl a i ol Cole'a Carbollsalve. 2.1 aint 30 cents. Sold bv Driiifgtsts. The manufiU'tiiro of oil from the cas i tor bean is a budding industry m ! zona, ospocially at Tucson. "Ahv physiclan who has ueed it will certify to the excellence ot Hunt'a Remedv. Huntfa licnn-ih1 is :i stiindanl reiDCdj for QTOpSV uixl kldney diaeasea." GILBERT CLARK, ÍL D. uERMan reMEUI O U R ES Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Sciatica, Lumbago, Backache. Headche, Toothache, Moro Tliroa(,SwellíiiL.SprsiIuH,llrufcs. Hum, Ntülel'.. Fruit Miles, ID All, OT1IEI1 111)1)11,1 MIK AMI A (II IN. BoM by DiusaUtsatidl,-! I vernTliara. Finy Cvutai.UU. Dlreftluiia lult l.i. uñases THE CHARLES A. VOGEUCB CO. s.-,,„a, 4. ÏOOÏL ix-'ü.j Ilallliaoix', Jld„ t. 8. A. IT WILL PAY YOU Tü GO TO DET1Í.OIT AND 1IAVK YOUIi jalÊÈÊÊéÉÊÉBÈÈ. 'examinad ani fitted with ;spectacles or eye glasses AT ; ROEHM & WEÏGIIT'S, IMPORTERd, JEWEI.KWS AND J riCIANS D AVF i . THKY Mi Bi ■ I 1 í i 1 Njj: il Q1 [Ij P -THE 1 li BESITONIC. ? Thfs medicine, combinfng Iron with pure ■ ;■ y Cures Dyjipepaia) imJfgCfttfnn Weaki Impuro Klooi! .[:.IarÏH,. liilismul i'tvcix, : and Nenralcfffc !r is an unfalliti I tho KtflncvH nuil Iívor. It is In val t ia bl tí for Dis ■:■ sa pe uljar to lYowen, and nl! who lemï Bcdcntnry Uves. [tdoesnot Injure thu heor i produce constipation UcnriebcsaiKl pui theappctite, nMs the asrimilatlon of food, re licves Henrtbnn: and ÍU lchlng, atid I!(.:gthcns tlio tnuscic : and m For Int. nniii' . I I r, T.asMtndc, Lack of Energy, &d it has no of)iifll. 2 Tl '.e trode marït ri ■ erossed n d IIim ■ i uvopper. Tké no otlioi ttdeoily).? RlltmX Ull.iiK il. (;. MALT BITTERS, IÍ you wish to be reliered of those terrible Slclc Boadaclies and Üiat miserable Sour Stomacli, It wiU, when taken acoorUInfC to directlons, cure any caM of Sick Ileadacito or Sour Stoiïiacii. It clcans the lining oí stoiuurii and feowrlv, promotes healtby action and neet seretions. It makeg puro i blood aud gives it (icu Huw, tbua w mitrlTiioikt to evt'ry part. It Is the gafcKt, pcedlcNt apd urest Vegetable Rrmedr ever Inventad forail diseases oL the stoniach aud livor. J. M. iïoore, of Fanninc'on. Mleh., says: My fiunrliij fromMck Headacheaua Sr StoiKiK'h vaa teniüle. Oue boitle of Hops i aud Malt Bitters cured !-■(-. Do not eet Hnps and malt Bitters cinfounded witn!.r preparatioufl of similar name. For oale by all druri:iLts, HOPS k UU BITTERS "CO, Detroit, Kch. I - L? rTS?6V Hüstettcr'e Stomil V eELEBBAT !X i ■ i in, cl pation, SL n ' - in of the greatest il&dft WMl HKwL viilnt' ín r;:-.v .[ [H VvvV' ra V bodllj irouble arislng v' . i'' uJ&b ! uni weaknee. 01a and IHlente '-"ü- alth. It i1. more ui medt■ i ■'ir'i otuntcract8 tne efp-A STOMACH F 'ects ut mental exICKFiaiATCHES !) ■inrqurlU-il hi IXACTINQ Slilelll l Sfirt'til by tlin Chle' ii, ,cv 'i ■!i;t.iiaii oftlu . ■ . :nt Sm vm ''2íí-5 ' '; '' Admlral 37 7y X vfe ■ - "il1.!-' .t.::ïiiiiv in tin: # - -. Naval Ub&erv r: v, 't r Asi I oI work ; anti v ■,':";■ C y l.ocoK . t j i fSsX A' . i ■ i, (Jon■ápBCfL tirn and Rat] . i , !-:'n. They ;ir' 00 . o u n ■. l a .____ - -„(.-i1 all :.- - ;i n'hich close II! ÏjrPtHi'K' a ■ ■'. ly are re?Mp Síj fu :i H-. .;.l i:i principal BÍfAici I il. ■ the E(M 'WinE.iewoltr., :. ; ■ i i-uli Warranty. ÏF PAGES ÉLIQUBD OLUE i{SoED?=c;IR,.NA!9ARr.E&AETf}S!.'i? I GOLL MED4L. LONDON. ISSi. Uscl ■ li ïan ju: J Plmno Oo., Pullman lul onli Ijv Um RUSSIA JCEMENTCO GLOUCESTÊR, MASS. SOlD yiïïi-'EVEKYWHEr!L. , a -Simio Tin Csn by Jlail, '5c COIiTKlfs É II MtAOGR, It'llv. tirow jjirk. i li!i i )k']]i. nnl ■: v.lih ■:'-!'- ( :;■;.. T re'-,:. " . ' iiaySend I K iy n ! ' Irt-uliu-s. .:. i:. -ÓRTER, . - . - . JS OÏTAWA. 11.1 js S50 REWARD will be pêM tor mvj (ratn Fa All Sorts of hurts and mauy sorts of ails of man and beast need a cooüng lotion. Mustang Liniment. Air trom 'nrly Illill !5SSb .TOSS Rn t RADWAY'S K U READY I lililí RELIEF. A CUBE FOB ALL UMMER C0MPI.AINT8 M"!iinl i:i half n Innihler of :U'; wlll [n ;i UUR STOMII RN, N'KKV:■ VD V I!.. ■ MORBUS ■ Í, AM Al.l. INTERN AL - ut Mie, forciroing MH.ilU.-l i.v ir VARIOU& FOBUS FKVKlt ,l.l) dut There la nol ;; remedial gent In Ilils irorld that wlll cure Pi . ■ otlirr M8l irioua, lüiluu, nuil othi ■ ■ ; i i HE, m [AT■: ISES to theparl - i afford It wa I THE OSLY PAIN ItKMl-'.liY tl"ii Innl : lomosl eicrudatlnK palug, aliara ir.:!: ther Of í Inir organa by PRIi i.-" i ENTSperlwtna. Bold by drnggtot. DR RADWAY'S ARSAPARILLUN RE OIVENT, The Creat Biood PurifierOF UHRONIC DISS -Is ■ lïhcumatlsm, . ,,■ swcillns i Micei il. MTfctlona. Syphllltlo ( oinplRlnta, BI eed In : ■ -Valer Mercurial leseasen. F'emaleC'omplalDts.G lilckc s, . imptlon, KlilDey, Bli ddi r, Llvi i iadway's Sarsaparülan rtcsolrmt. Aremcd ol Ingredlcnta of eztraonllnary al io purlfy, heal. repair anti lnvléorate the brokon-down mul iva ■ licii k, Plsasant, 3 ape and Pikhanist ín Ui mcnl Bud cure. 6OLD BI Ai.i . im:i i.iiists. One Dollar bottte. DU UA l WA Y'S Kt'GULATING PILLS, The Qreal Liver and Stomach Iicmedy. Perfect egantly coated, porge, regúlate, pnrify, cleanec and stronethen. Dr. i: ■ ■ oi U i ■ Iers of : ÏAver, Bowelft, Kldneys, Bladder, la, Bllloos'■]-. [nflammatlou of ihe Bowi !-. Pltoa, undall ement of ihe [oternal Viscera. Purely ■ . contalnfng t mercury, mlnerals, or dele teroue Prlce 25c du per box. Boldby all dragglaU. RE.D "PALSB ANl) TRÜE." Bendit letter atampto DB. 1;adv, -. -, &CO„ No.83 warren Street, . latlon wortli tliousaiuls will !■ sent lo yon. í BllilHIIiBWHbfc Ái DOES ftfP WONDERFUL VlfU il CURES OF f'fj KIONEYDISEASES (J AND Q LIVER COWPLAtWTS, o liM-.inw it acts on tho I.IVKH, BOWELS and KIDSEÏS at the rone time. Becauso it pleannes tho syatem ef thO polaonoun Uumors that dcvelope in Kidiey and Urinary Di.-ïcaaca, Eilioucness, Jaucdico, Ccastiiiation. Piles, or in Kneuraatism, Neuralria, KervoU3 Lii3ortïer3 and all Fc-malo Complainta. XS&0hLD PltOOF OF TUIS. IT TOIi SUBEL? CTJBB CONSTIPATIO, PILES, and RHEUMATISM, By cauoing FB.K& ACTC02T of all tlie org&ns and functions, thereby CLEANSiNG the BLOOD restoring tho normal powor to throw olT diaeaea. THOUSANDS OF CASES of tho worat forma oí thesa torriblo dlscaeea havo been tiuickJy rolioved, andínashon timo PERFECTLY CUREO. P1UCE, $1. I.1QT1D OR DIÍY, SOLD RY BHUCCIST. Dry can bo eont by mail. WELIfl, HICiïEJDSOKf 3c Co., Burlinirton, Vt. 3 Snd (.lanip tor Diary Almuiae iar MH. TUr POCIT Hïfl' Priilslhevrollftnd pumps out the int UncAI l.'ll. cuttinga or the Dhll t aoh U I ri. a.. i Btrok. Drlvea tho ensingror drüls niVr f u,. iiii!or it to h-t it follow. Up! nDii I 111} Tebtn tlio well without remoyinï lïLLLUiiiLt iJJ&L . tooLsi RonseasiarthanaigrotlMr ffiBBgLDOMiS &, NYMAN, MWlPUMfc" TIFFIN, CK10. CONSÜMFTÍON. I h (ivo a positivo romed y fr thoabovodiscaso; by lts usb thoasaii'ls nf rrxss rf tho worst kind mid of long BtandlDc hnvu Ihjöu cured ] u.leod. ■ : Uth Laluemcaey.Umtlwlil sendTwO B0TTLE3 kkee, together v.-it:i u VAi.i'Afil.K'i'liK.vTISEon ttüHülsoas to uuy 8Uffrcr. Cílve expreso und P. O. ndtlr. ia. J)K. ï. A. SLOÜL'M.IU PVlSL, KW Yori. #R. U. A WAR E Lorillard's Climax Plug bfleriSff ;i -vt tin tan ; (bat Ix)rtllard'S Ilose lenfílnecut; that Ix)rtllart-i " iTT Clirpinsr and that Ijorlllard's Suufia, - auq oheaptipt, .ttiallty consldered ? tu, u ij t tt rib5: EOAJTS [MPER1 UOTBÜSS Thls new truaa lias i aptral :piíhk and i;i;aiu a i Ki) im!Km 1:1:; y ii iotlon, rctalninff the hernia alwara, [tcqfea. Worn D i vltb comfort. Encloae stamp for Clrcnlar. Caedlnbota Hoss Askronrdrug I RIA1.TRI SS (.. ! Til. 'HE EkST IS CHEAPEST." I1KIW8, THÜPCUCRQSAÏIILH Hcncfeen MMI)L0rTCn0 Cloier Ballen (SnIUKi to aü moUoiu I WMtj for hisk Ultu. PiuaphM ud rrlcai to Tk Aultww A Tjlar Oo., IdatiaO cld, Oblm. Pil M Bro' Jonathan's Jokes B B. I ■VH80i)3Kf9.ninstrarul. Sent, QpF B H Puatlald,forTwelvoCenta. Uk'-'wJ'uIjIWiIjis ilouse, ttll M.-tl.inanS.Xewïoct itSbSiitv .j ijkJSnrerc!lcrioniTm RiüUcK a FAo iüi. Ktow.-nco. Til CRRA9UV TAÜOIIT AWD S1TUATI0XS ELcultArni fukmshed. circulara tre FAIiJENTINE BKO8., JaneavtUe, HU. -ïnSI 1 BM nitnë IÏOI1 rund InK Vr BtJEWB Dk. J.aiapiumii. i.Mttuc, uhit


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