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The following cininges have been made at the postoflice drpartment in Michigan postmasters' salaries, to go iuto effect July 1 These changes are made on the basis of tli amount under the two-cent postage reduction [t will be observed that in some cases th salaries are increased. Tlie total number re viewed was 2,353- first class 71, second clas 382, third claas 1,760, relegated to fourth clas 134. The new presideutial offices are all third class, and on July 1, the total number of presi dential offices will be 2,231. The aggregate o all postmasters' salaries in the United States i $3,162,790. Following Is the list of changes in Michigan, so arranged th&t they maj be seen at a glance : Place Old New Salary. Salary Detroit $3,700 $3,700 Albion 2,000 1,800 Allegan 1,700 1,600 Alpcna 1,900 1,700 Ann Arbor 2,600 2,500 Bcrrlen Springs 1,600 1,400 RaDids 2,300 2,100 Buchanan 1,500 1,400 Cadillac 2,000 1,700 Calumet 1,700 1,600 Caro 1,400 1,300 Charlotte 1,800 2,000 Cheboygan 1,000 1,500 Clielsea 1,1001,000 Coldwater 3,200 3,100 Constantine 1,200 1,100 Decatur 1,300 1,0.0 Dowasiac 1,600 1,500 Eaton Rápida 1,500 1,400 Escanaba 1,700 1,600 Evart 1,800 1,000 Grand Haven 1,700 1,700 Greenville 1,800 1,700 Hancock 1,700 1,600 Kastinga 1,600 1,500 Holly 1,300 1,100 Houghton 1,500 1,400 Rowell 1,6(0 1.4O0 Hudson 1,700 1.50, lonia 2,300 3,100 Iron Mountaln 1,500 1,400 Iüliucming 1,700 1,800 Lapeer 1,700 1,600 Lowell 1,500 1,400 Ludington 1,800 1,700 Manistee 2,300 -',0(10 Marqnetto 3,300 2,100 Menominee L.6M 1,700 Midland 1.4 H) 1,300 Mill'ord v 1,100 1,000 Montagul 1,200 1,000 Mt. Pleasant 1,400 1.30O Negauneo 1,500 1,400 Oscoda 1,300 1,100 Otscgo 1,300 1.100 üvid. 1,400 1,800 Paw Paw 1.400 1,30.) Petoskey 1,800 1.500 PlainweÜ t 1,200 1.100 Poutiac 3.00!) 1,900 Portland 1,900 1.ÜO0 Quincy 1,400 15CO Keading 1,200 1,100 Roed City 1.500 1.400 Komeo 1.400 1.3C0 Saginaw 2.800 2,100 St. Clair 1,700 1,81X1 Bt. lenice 1,400 1.300 St. Joseub 1,700 l,6C0 St. Louis 1,600 1,500 SouthHaven 1,200 1,100 Stanton 1600 1,500 Stutgls 1,500 1,400 Three Rivera 1,800 1,400 Union City 1,300 1,100 Vassar 1.200 1,100 Whitehall..; 1,300 1,100 White Pigeon 1,200 1,100 Williamston 1,100 1,000 The saviug thus effected in salarles is $8,800. The following offieers have been relegated to thcfourth class: Cassopolis, Edmore, üllvet, Freraont, Harrison, Iloward City, Kalkaskia, Leslie, Manchester, Marshall, Morenei, Norway and Spring Lake. A Firey Statement. Geo. Scales of Plainwell, statistician of the Michigan Firemen's Association, gives the followine figures rcgarding fire service the past year. It will be seen that the defectivo flue gets in a great amount of destructive work : No. cities and villages reporting 69 Population 468,531 No. hydrants 3,57.) Cisterna 4;2 Steam fire engines 54 Hand engines 30 Chemical engines 70 Hose compaïiies 89 Hook and ladder companies 48 Men belonging 2,95? Men paid 197 Partly paid 1,122 Volunteers 1,688 Fcetof hose :... 145,600 No. alarms 1,274 Fires 900 Valueof property destroyed $1,368,101 Fnsuranee ." 3,076,370 Insurance paid 817,303 Men injured 46 Alleged causes of flre- Ineendiary }85 Fireworks .... 13 Detective chimneys 379 Ashea 4p, Sparks 1; Explosions 82 Other causes 358 The New Libel Law. The ncw libel law is so important to journalists that we give it entire : Section 1. Jn any suits brought for the publication oí a iibef in any newepaper in this state the plaintlff shall rtenvcr ordy actual damages if it shall a'ppear that the publicatiou was made in (rood falth and dld not involve a criminal charge, and its falsity was due to miatake or misappreheiision of the faets, and bat in the next, regular issue of said newspaper after such mistake or misapprehension was brought to the knowledge of tui publleher or publishers, whether before or after iit brought, a correction was publlshed in as conspiclous a mannor and place in said nowspapor as was the articie suéd on as libelous. Sec. 2. In any aetion or Buit ' for the publication of a libel in any newspaper in this state, the plaintiff shall not be entitled to recover, in additlon to aatuai damagss, anv greater smn than flve thoumnd dollars. Sec. 3. The words ''actual damages" in the foregoing soction'shall be eonstrueu to inehiilc all damages the plaintiil may show he has taifered in respect to his property, business, trade, profession or oecupation, and uo other damages. GENEKAL STATE ITEMS. Miss L. M. Adams of St. Clair is cultivating silk worm. Van Bureo eounty veterans held a reunión in Paw Paw recently. " The suoreme court adjourned on the 19th ist. untü September 38. Hcmefaton thinks the new minlng school should I. located there. The legiiJature adjoursed siue dio with due formalityat dood June 20. W. A. Baneroft ha been appointed collector of customs at Port Huron. Detroit pólice are trylng to clean out the gambling dons in that city. A lady in Marshall 81 yoars old molles norseback riding her favorito exercite. Fourteeu young men graduatod froin Ürehard Lake"aoadomy thla year. Edgar O. Fuller, a prominent Livingston eounty fannor, bas become insano. Kalamazoo college bas aecured the aeceseary endowment, and will be coutinued. James Gallgher, convicted of rape in Montcalm couuty, goes up lor Beren voars. A Mormon convention is to beheld in the Fowler school house noar Quiney, June 97. Mrs. Benjamin Gooch, 81 yoars old, is confined in jail at Grand Rrand Rapids as insane. George Grlpton of Brighton, Lenawee ; tj, istheproudownorof a three-legged chicken. l One of the iumates of tbc Kont eounty poor house has four well-to-do children living in the eounty. Hon. G. V. N. Lothrop, .United States Minister to Russiu sailed from New York June ia There are now 617 members of the Cass eounty pioneer society. Xiuety-one died durtho pust year. Catherine A. Town, v,l:o carne to Otsego ivith her husband in 18:. dled in that. village recently, aged 79. Charles Sinclair of l'aw l'aw wil] medítate in Jockson two yeara upoo the folly of liaviug more tlmn one wife. Capt. Sraith. a pioneer, and lor miinv years v a prominent eitizen of Bay City, died in the poor house recenüy. Drilling lor salt has commenced at Frankfort with the expeetatione of finding it at a depth of 1,800 to 1,700 feet James Prisk and Wm. H'. Clark were literally lilown to pleees b.' an explosión at the Copper Falls, Lake Superior, mine. Hon. Henry Frallck of Grand Rapids haa been chosen" president of the state pioneer society for the enpuiii!; year. George Freneh and Louis Sinclair of West Branch, were drowned while boating on Kinsley lake, near Ogemaw Springs. Mrs. Jacob Insleman of Bellevue, was buriot a few day sinee. Mrs. Insleman was 60 year of age and weighed 460 pounds. Wm. McGargle feil Into a salt vat at Win sor's salt block in Port Austin and was seriouslysealded. He will probably recover. Ispheming and Negaunee are trying to have the upper península prison locatéd at a convenient point between the two places. The trial of Joe. Howard, the Coldwater bank robber has been set for Julv, 23. The motion for a change of venue was deuied. June 30 and Julyl are the dates for holding the state sanitary convention In Ypsilant!. A very interesting program has been prepared. Jonathan Dean of Charlotte, is the "oldest mason in the state," having entered lus apprenticeship in 1817. Mr. Dean is 90 years old. üawara iiunuey ot Howeii, convlctea on June 17, for burglarizing a hvelling house in the daytimc has been sentenced to two years at Ionia. Mrs. Israel of Kalamazoo, mother of Edward Israel of the Greely expedition will endow a professorsuip In Kalamazoo college in memory of her sou. Ida Berkshire of Clinton county will spend the next IS inonths in the Detroit house of correction for marrying one more man than the law allows. Jamos Catlln of West Bay City, wiil get $11,600damages (or belngerushedbetween the cars, the railway's applieation for a new trial having been denled. Anmial meeting of Michigan bicyclists at Coldwater ubout July 15. The annual reunión of the 9th Michigan cavalry will be held in the same place Aug! '12. .lames l'i isk and William Henry Clark were killed by an explosión underground at the Copper Falls mine in Calumet. Clark was literaB" blown to pieees. Ed. Buzzard of Williams township, Bay county. killed ablackbearwelghlngSOOpounds. Bruin liad been feasting on the youn lambs in the totviish]) for some time. At tlie coming annual reunión of the St. Joseph pioneer society, a monument of flowers was erecteil to the memory of formcr members who bave departed this lifë. H. V. Hu ],, foreman of a gang of workmen was run over by a gravel train in Mackinaw t'it.v a few days sincc, and so badly iujured that lic ilinl u a few hours. C. J. Kinter of the patent office, Washington, will huid an ex&minatlon of caudidates for lourth asfiistant examiner in the V. S., patent office, on July i, at Ann Arbor. The first annual lalr of the Plymouth Fair Association will be held on their' grounds at Plymouth September 29 and 3Ü and October 1 2, 1882. Tl. e prospects are very flattering. Fred JIuss of Owoeso, thinks he is the sole BnrvlTiliB heir to the Y10.000.000 estáte of Robert Hoes Bart of London, Eng., and will soou begin Utlgatioo to establish his claim. Mrs. Yetta Lowenstein of Lapeer, has flled a claim as a:i luir to the $0!).WK).000 Levi-Weil estáte now in chancery in Germán;. There are 438 applieatlons ahead of Mrs. Lowenstein's. The state military board has directed Quartermastcr (u-ncral lfart to advertise for proposals for 800 overcoats 500 dress coats, 100 helmets, tKXI fatigue caps and 500 knapsacks. Charles K. Stecle of Reed City, an attaché of Forepaugh's circus, was instantly killed at Flint a lew days ago by falling beneath the whcels of one of the chriots during the parade. While switching cars in the railroad yard in Sancroft, brakeman Wm. Babcock of" Flint, slipped and feil beneath the cars and was instantly killed. He leaves a wife and two children. Flre at Carryvllle, Lake county, burned John Copely'8 store and the G. R. &I, depot The mürelosson the store and goods was $4,500; n the (lèpot, íl.OOO. The latter was insured (ortl,60U. The centra] Michigan raeing circuit has flxed upon the following dates for Holding lts meetings: Charlotte, July 15, 16, 17, 18; Mason, July 22, 28, 24. 88; about $4,000 ia premiums are offeretl. Manlst e'g galt wells ylelded 88.534 barrels of salt In May, of which R. J. Peters' produced 16,491 barrels, Canfield & Wheeler's 5,265, Engelman & Kltzlnger'a 5,507, Charles Reitz & Brothers' 6,866. George H. Winans of Kalaraazoo has been arrested at the iustance of the state commis8ioner of Insurance for soücitlng lmsiness for the Anglo-Amcriean Insurance company without state authorlty. The coroner's jury In the case of Samuel Lawrenec. who was shot at Houghton by Chas. Barry, have rendered ft verdict that I.awrence eametohia dcatli from lujuries lníiicted by Barry in scll-drionse. The 8-ear old daughter of Rúbeo Taylor, a (armer living In North Star, Gratiot eöunty, was found dl tl a few days since hanging bv a rope in the ham. It is supposed that she sfipped and feil v, hile playlng with the rope. Iu the si c md trial Edward Hickey. arrested last winter at Chicago lv a Detroit detective, charged wltb stealing tl,200 worth of furs from Meyer & Brlx of East Saginaw, the jury disagreed. Hickey 11 have another trial.' Isaac Hunnu of Gladwln, lias instituted a $10,000 libel tuit against the Gladwln Record, for publishlng a ticket ealled the "sorehead ticket" during the late electlon, on which Mr. Haqna was made a candidato for all the offices. Reuben Yt rrlek, a fller in a saw mili at Carleton, was gumming the saw on an emery wiieel, wlien the wheel buret, a piece of it hittlne Terrick on the left eye. Ilis skull was split the ntirc length 80 that the brain oozed jut. lic wil! die. Whilc on Ir t way to Albion, andwhile cross" ing the M. C. track at Bath Mills. Mrs. Thomas was stnick by an englne and fatally injured. She dled in three hours. She was" about 80 vcars of ace and was the mother of .ƒ. A. Thomas of Albion. Three new state instltutionshave l)eencreated by the last legislatura, namely the soldiers' i home.'thc mkUng Bchool and a branch of state prison, tlic latter two belng located on Lake Bup rjjr. Thcir aggregate for the next two years will be Y:f35,o&u Frank McGraw, ;i prominent lutnberman, feil from the tlrst floor of the Fraser house in Bay City, t" the basement. He thought the elevator was in position, henee the mistake, which rcsultcd iu a broken leg abóve the knee and other serlous injuries. E. E. Ellis, hitr Unltarlan minister at Mt. Picasant, luis begun proceedlngs against A. N. Brown, publlsfaer ol the Tribune publishedat that place, lor crltlcierua of an all. ged iudecent sermón. Mr. Brown says he is prepared to vindícate himselí and gave bonds. A nc barn belonging to H. Shoemaker about l1., miles fromQuincy, Imrncd the other night with neniiy the entlre contenta, iniluding hay, graln, farm Implements, etc, Snpposcd to have been incendian-. Loss. about l,300. [nsured in the Brancn county mutual for 11,000. Anna Hotehkis, who worked for John Ford, about six miles from Farwell, was found drowncd iu v lake neur the camp the other morninfr. Bhe had a handkarchlet ticd over hereyes. The cause of suïcide Isunknown. Her parenis reside abouf half way between Clare anl Mt. Pleasant. There are live piaster mill near thiscity, which emplor 150 m a. They have r:(KX),000 lnvepted In the business, ::n 1 annally proiuce 49,fXX) tons of land piaster, vrith a total valuation of 100,C03: also, 140,000 barrels of calcined piaster of Paris, valned at -17.,00, - üraiíd KapUit Wtgram, Thirty live men lanployed in digginit tronches for the new water works in Lansïng struek the other dav. The contractor agreed topaythe men $1.25 for dlcglng a space 80 f eet long, (j feetdeepand Lslnches wlde. The men claim that thcy eanuot carn more thao 80 or X) cents per day, henee they strike. Frank P. Cushway dled in East Saginaw recently, aged 51 years. He waá anativeoí Saginaw county, read law for a time, andafterwards became a printer. In iU he wasdrafted Into the army and served M o memoer of companv Dof the lütli Michigan regiment from Sept, 38, lStH, to the close of the war. C. F. Moore of 8t. Cla'.ï bas been appainted by the governor a member and chairmftn of tlie recently created 8tatt Live Stock and Sanltary Commission. witn a coramilfn runnfnff for six years. II. II. Hlnds, of Stanton, andThos. Foster oí Flint, are the otber members, their tonus being four and two years respeetiielv. The'new '-civil righis" law has given genera) satisfactlon to the colored people of the statcs It provides for a line of $5 to $50 in cases oí keepers oí hotels, restaurants, theaters, eteamboats, etc, wlio refuse equal accommodations to all citteens of the state. No suits íor civil damaucs, however, can be eommenced under the law. The Vassar Timet says: "Mr. and-Mrs. Ketcham are in Arbela on a visit froin New Tork state. Mr. Kc.teharn wns in this state in 1843, then a dense farest. He traveled from OakUnd eoiinty to Flint, ï- &t Saginaw and Grand Traverse on horsebark with the Indians. East Saginaw then conslstcd of ono store and one saw mili." There is considerable anxiety in Kalamazoo over the ravages of a small green worm atwork among the raspberry vlnee. It is new to growers and resembles the eaterpiller. Is of a deep green, quite small, wrinkled, and curled up like a leal The worm has destroyed half au acre of P. C. Davis' vines and has appeared in eountless numbers. A great many lields of corn in Wayne and Volinia have been ruined by the cut worms. One farmer informa us that his f all plowed flelds suffer the most, and that he noticed the same to be the case last year. In both cases the fields were wheat stubble. In one field of ten acres he sowed 2,000 pounds of salt with no effect. - Dowagiac Times. Early this spring Samuel Meyer and Luke Merrifield left Ots'ego, bound east with a carload of horses. A inonth ago word was received that they had sold all bul two of the horses and would be home the following Saturday, since which time n word has been bas been reeeived. They had a large sum of money, and it is feared they have been foully dealt with. Articles of Incorporatlon of the Detroit & St. Clair river raüway Co., have flled with the seretary of the state; capital stock, $32,000: subscribed, m)MM: paid in, #1,000. The road is to be about. 40 miles long, beginning at St. Clair, thence by wav of Marine City, New Baltimore, Mt. Clemeiis and Frazer tó a junction with the ü. & B. C, at or near Warren, in Maeomb county. Tlie new law limiting the damages to be paid by municipal eorporations for injuries sustained by detective roads or sidewalk provides that where the population does uot exceed 530 not more than feíOO can be reeovered ; 500 and less than 1,000, L600. exclusive ofeosts; 1,000 and less than 2,000, $1,000; over 2,000, $1,800. Owners of abutting property where the Injury was inflicted are not fiable. Three well-known people liviug in the viciniity of Royal Oak huw been tound dead in bed within the past few days. Frederick Wint, agcd 57, died of apöplexy. He had an engagement at 8 o'cloek a. m., and was discovereá dead at. that moment. Henry Dicke, aged 59, failed to reply when ealled to' breakfast, and was found 'ilcad of heart disease. Catherine Vandeuter, agcd CO. died from paralysis, stx miles southeast from Royal Oak. The others livcd tliree and four miles east. Chas. E. Spalding, a man about 40 years of age and a resident of Memphis, Mica., who has been canvassing Alniont for Cram's atlas, committed suicide the other afternoon bv taking morphiue. He was stopping at the" Harrington house and wa9 fonnd dead In his bed by the clerk. lic lelt a letter addressed to his wife and two dauii'hters gaylniï he hoped they would i'orgive hini. is bc hopod God would f orgive him. The verdict of the coroaer'g jurywas that he comiuitted suicide while laboring under temporary insanity. A barn scaflold fel!, on which carpenters John Dual and Edward Pratt were working, near Otsego. Dual was p:ccipitated to the ground, falllng 30 (eet, strlkingon a timber andbreaking his hipbone As veil ascuttinghis face frightiullv. A bunchof shkigles followed him down, Bjriking liis right arm and breaking the same, tearlng the fleeb from the elbow to the wrist. He was picked up insensible and ' thou'ght to be flead, b:it now it is said he will recover. Pratt clutched the roof board and hung on until rescUed from his perilous situation. One of our handsome bachelor members of the legislatura has rarled tbc labore of statesmanship to a considerable extent during the session bv a livclv Blrtatlon with a Lansing young lady,and tías taken her to the House until she bas all the p trliamentar? rules at her iinger ends. On M uday :s tliiv saiuiteredup to the candv stand In the Icgislative postoffice, Up said gallito her: ''May i offer you mvhandfulofcaudv?" She responded without "a moment of hesitation : "I move to ameud bv striking out all af ter the word 'hand'.'' It is said that the raember bas aceepted the amendment. and will Unger some time after the session closes to have the bill engroroed, when it will be rcady for the clergyman's elgnature. - Lausing Jiepublican. Three years ago Henry Zorno and wife lived apparently happ ly together in Grant townshin, 3ceana county. and BWag a well-to-do farmer [lenry sent toO nu mv for hls brother's son Kobert, wlio eaine to them. It is alleged ;hat shortly after !; r.v 'e amval un Improrjer ntimacy sprang i ij . ■ i .veen liimand hisuucle's vife, whieli led to frequent quai-rels botween the two men. A few dayê iigo tlie woman visited Claybankfl. leavlnïthc two men on the 'arm. That eveuiug ltobert went to a neighor's and said nis unclc lay dea 1 in hls potato jatch, where hc was toundwltu his skull smashid. Knowingof the family troubles, the neigh}ors had Kobert aireíted, and he was lodged in ail at Hart ou Sttturday. The dead man was vears old, his wlie is 40,'and Robert Is 28.


Old News
Ann Arbor Democrat