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Detroit Markets

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Eggs - Market qulet al 12S_,(313c. Gooseberries- Per stand è(i(ai6.50. New Apples- Searce at 75c@$l per bu box. Cherries - For sweet % 1.50 per basket; sour 5@5.E0 per stand. Peaches - A few in market and selling at 75e @$1 per % bu box. Honey- Single 11) frames at 10@l2c; 5-lb cap8@yc; stralned, 9@10e. Hay- Best baled tlmothy on track, $15@16 er ton ; sniall lüts. 16 u 17. Cheese - Full creams. Oblo and state, 7@8c lertt: sklms, 4@5c: inferior, 2@3c. "Beaus- In car hits. si.;) .. l.SSJper bu; from tore, small tnqulry at 11.88 g 13.& Onious - Scarce and hi:;lier; southern, $1.25 @1.50perbu; Bennudas, tl.69@1.75 per bu. Drled Frulta- Apples, sun dried. 3@3); Taporatcd, ((.te; pears, 10e; peaches,12c. Potatoes- Dull and cusí: southern, $2.50@ .75 per bbl : old lif eless 'at 30@80c per bn n, track and 23@30e [rom store. Butter - Qulet, at onohanged quotations. Reeipts continue liberal; cholee packed, 10@l2c ; aney 13(VSHc; creamery, I"!il7c. Poultry - Live fowls, 8@9c pur lb; old roostrs, 6@7e; spring chlckens, 8U@76c per pair as o Slze and eonditiou ; turkeys. 8@iic per lb; ligeons 30c per pair; squubs, 85a per pair. Sugars - The market is lirm at the advance. Cutloaf, 7%@7Js'c; cubes, 7is'(?jC; powdered, 7Jo; granulated, 7!4i-; nmii-ctioners' A, OJc; standard A, (ivic; soft A, 6c; extra wbite C, Ojtfc; extra C, 5%@6c; C, '5@5c; yellow 5%@5%c. Flour - Steady Michigan winter wheat, stone process, $1 75@5: Michigan winter wheat, roller procesa, 5(;5 25; Michigan winter wheat, patenta, $5 50@5 75 ; Minnesota bakers', $5@5 25; Minnesota" patents, $B@6 25; rye Hour, $4@4S0. Strawberries- The market is fairly glutted; home grown berries have come in in large quantities, and pric 's are ower ; home grown sell in large lots as low as $1 ñO per bu; smaller lots, $2@2 50 per bu, and 8@4 per stand. Pr#visions - .Market gteady. Mess pork. new 11.50@11.75; family, ll.tS3@11.75; short, clear, 13.C0@13.:25; fan! In tierces, 67@7e; kegs, 7íf@7?gC ; iiails. 7Jd@8c; Mimkeil hams, x;!i !('!)(■; BhoolderB, 5%@u-; breakfast bacon, 7-@Jc; dried beei'. hun I1J.CO@13.6O; extra mess beef, $lll.50. II). 75. Veeetables- Spluach, 20@28ü per bu; lettuce, 30@40c per bu; pie plant, 20c per dozen bunches; radishes, 3J@28c per doz bunehes; vegetable oysters, 86c per doz liunehes; cueumbers, 25@30e per doz : aspar mis, 80c per doz bunches; new peas, $Kl.' S pejbu; string beans, $l@1.50 per bu; wax beans, % boxes, 3@2.35; cabbages. per small crate, $1.2ö@ iró; large crate, .$2.50@3; onions, 20@J6c per doz bunehes; uew tomatoes, }.{ bu boxes. 11.25 @1.50; squash, $1@I.5O per erate. Wheat - The market is etrong and fairly ac tive. üuotatlons are : white, Wl((ííl.O0; rèd tl Corn- The market is fairly strong at quotations ranging irom 48 to 49 ets. Oats. - The market is somewhat depressed. Quotations range from Sl,1 to 37 ets. Feed.- The market is firm and steady. Bran may be quotcd at Í12 75(it:13; coarse middlings, $12 76@18; fine middlmgs, $12_50@1275. livi: stock. Catti.i; - Trading brlek and 10e higher; ehlpsingsteers, $5@6; stockera and feeders, $3 20 @4 90; cows, bulls and mixed, $2@4 85; through Texas cattlecorn feed, .?4(ri5; grassers, $2 75@4 26. Hoos- Market active and 5@10c higher; röugh and mixed, $4(W4 10; packiug and shipping, $4 10@4 20; light welgbts, 3 80@4 85; skips, 3@3 00. Sheep- Market slow; natives, 2 50@4 25; western, $2 60@8 90; Texans, $2 40@3 S0' lambs oer head, fl@3 50, i


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