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Judge Durham, "first comprtroller of the treasury, has approved the aetion of First Auditor Chenoweth in refuilng to pass certain accounts of BLr. Loring, late commissioner of agrieulture. for the of seed amount1 ing to $2J,8000. The first eomptroller holds that this sura should have been charged to the appropriation made for the pinchase, propagation and distrlbution of seeas, and not to the appropriation made for the laboratory, as ha? been done Tlie appropriation for the purchase, propagation "and distributiou of seeds is that wnich had been reduced to $88 on the lst of May. It was origlnally S100,000. AS OLD RELIC. There bas just been placed in the National Museum -it Washington, for permanent preservatlon and exhlbition, what is knownasthe Ayreshire life car, the invention and property of the venerable Joseph Francls, known the world over as the inventor of the Francia life boat and other life-saviug appliances. Thi car is the one used at the wrecK of the British ship Ayreshire on the coast of New Jersey on the nlght of Junuary 12, 1850. in a severe snow storm, eaying the lives of 201 persons. It is Interesting for lts association and a curlosity in its conètruetlon It has been often publicly exhibited in Europe and America and has traveled over 10,000 miles. A STATEMENT OF EXPOKTS. The ('hief of the Bureau of Statistics reports that the total values of the exporta from the United States ol dnmestic cittle, hogs, beef. pork and dairv producís during the nionth oí May, 1985, and during the five months ended May 81, 18S5, also of beef and pork products during the neven nionths cnding Mav 81, 1885, as compared with similar exporta during the eorresponding periods of the preceding year vrere 08 follows: May, 18Sñ,S7,2B2,072; May, 1884. 87.541. 910: five months ended May 31, lss:. 40.172."4); for five months ended May BI, 1884, $84.464,673; beef and pork products for seven months ended May 31, 1886, $54,297,BS5 ; beef and pork pro Juèts for the seven months ended.May 81, 1884, $50,287,382. SOLD IIIS WIFE. Henry Sauerbier, wife and baby arrived in Cleveland, Ohio, a few days ago from Logan, O., and put up at the Empire house. The next day a burly Irishmau, named Mc Farland, also from Logan, put in an appc aranee and had a conference with Sauerbier. The result of the meeting was the sale of Sauerbier's wife and baby to McFarland. The price pald was $100. Sauerbier huns out at first and wanted more money, but McFarland refused to raise his bid. McFarland, the ivoman and the infant returned to Logan, while Sauerbier tóok a train for Chicago. The ieal is a genuine one, and is vouched for by the landlord of the hotel who heard the trade talked over and saw the written agreement. siiE coui.dn't help jt. Marv Klemer, aged 19, has been held to the criminal eourt of Evanston, III., charged with an attempt to poison the family of Miehael Freerer of Rosehill. Mrs. Free'rer Is Marv-'s sister. Mary bad put arsenic In the soup. She has been iu the county jail sincc Saturday last. Until Sunday she had been very retlcent She male a eonfessloo of her crime Sunday night, admitting that she had poisoned a fámily in Dubuque and also attempted the poisoning of the Frenvr iainüy, elaimittg she euuld not help it. She had no reoson for taking their lives, BXcept an impulse which she could not control. In addition to the attempted poisoning of the Freerer family, Mary Klemer has confessed Ihat the death of her mother in Julv lasi at Dubuque, Ia., that of her sister in August and lier father's death last March were due to poison a.lminlstered by her.. SnOT BECAÜSE HE WORKHD. A horrible murder was committed at Barnbill, a email miuing town in Tusearawas coun[y, Ohio, the other morning. fSix weeks ago Arnold Abbahl, a''8wlBs,"came lo this country ivith a wife. and two ehildreu. He ent to Barnhill to work in the mines, and beinff very poor lived in a tuin bied down shanty of one room. Heeently the miners and operators had trouble alout wages aud the minen quit work. ibbabl eontinnea, bowever. The night bef ore the inurder a cominlttee waltod on bim and srdered hlm to quit also. He dld not underrttand tliem, and startixi to the mine as usual. Begot buta short distanee wheu someone urrpt out of the bushes by the wayside and emptieil the contenta of :i dftnble-barreled shot un in his breagt Abbuhl feil dead in bis tracks. Eolit. Bankier, John Watkins and G. V. Rogers, the comniittee who waited on him, ure in Jail at New Philadelphia. and citizens threaten to lynch them. THE WORK OF THK STORM. The house and barn of Mathew Reddy, several miles from Mason City. Iowa. "in the country, were earried away in the stom the nthcr uijjht and the family' had a fearful experienee. There were bai-dly boards enough [eft about the homestead to Duttd a flre. Not a bit of furniture nor a stiteh of elothing could be foimd. Mr. Keddv's brother wus hu'rled into a Held when the house went to pieces. Mr. Beddy was lelt in a sittlna; position on the ground. On looking arouud he saw by a flash of lightuing that his brother was stretched dead some yards away. He plcked him up and earried him lato an uudergronnd intlk-house. He then cornmcneel a search for his wife and found her in her night clothes some ten rods from the house in a coru field. She was also earried to the milk house. He next looked for his 5-year-old boy - searchlng by the light of the eleetric flashes- and at last diseovered the Infant 30 rods from where the house had stood. The boy was almost driven Into tlie mud. When all were gathered into the inilk house theire injuries were dlscovered to be severe, and the mother and child will hardly live. The brother had both ears split, Ais head gashed and his shoulder cut anq Druised. The wife had three eashes on ier forehead, one on her nose, a big cut in the aek, brulses on her legs and is injured lnterpally. All three were beaten black and blue Hl over their bodles bv the hail.


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Ann Arbor Democrat