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The queen of the turf, Maud Sf, lires chieñy on warm inash, but o casionally ' eats candy and gingerbread. The mobilizing of the Mexioan army of twenty thousand men in Chiapas, on the Gautemala frontier, will, ït is said, cost $1,000,000. Texas wili soon abound with cottor milis, says a San Antonio paper, whicb also chronicles the erection of a mil) at Kiverdale at a cost of $30,000. "What is the first thing to be done in case of fire?" asked a teacher. 'Sue theinsurancecompany," promtly answered a boy at the foot of the class, whoeo father had had his house burned out twice. A veteran of the waves who is devoting his old age to the amelioratioii of the condition of seatuen, says that "poor Jack" now receives worse treatment on the water, if not on land, than he did forty years ago. At the advanced ago of 107 years Domingo Acevedo died in Ingenio, in the cantón of Orizava, state of Vers Cruz, Mexico. He was for several years citv treaeurer of Ingenio, and was besides aa old soldier of Mexican independence. An old and respected citizen o; Southold, L. I., foll from a load ol cornstalks two months ago and broke his hip and leg. Last Saturday, while crossing the rooyu, he feil, by the slipping of on e of his crutches, and broke botii his arms, Nevada' population has dwindlec to fifty thousand, and it is said thai the average tax por head on every man wornan, child, Indian, Chiuaman, pauper, jail-bird, and tramp in Nevada for county and state purposes, can nol be less than $30. An enterprising Chinaman has imported modols of a Chineso bello's fooi two and one-eighth inches long by orie and a quarter inches wide. "Mo sella him to Melican bellee for models to makee him begee feet allee samee smallee fashions," say3 Wah Sing. Five hundred and thirty cnumerators will go forth through Massachusetts on the lst of May to collcct information for the new census. The nature of the inquines will be the same as formerly, with the addition of a question regarcHng parent nativity. The question of again opening the New Orleans exposition on Nov. 1 is being agitated. Notwithstanding the expense that would be entailed during the live months intervening betwecn the closing and reopening of the building, in the way of insurance, repairs, and pólice, it 'is believed that the en. terprise may be made to pay. A bell-boy with nearly a dollar in him is being; mined by physicians in Portland, Me., where he was employed in a hotel. He was running upstairs with 78 eents in his mouth, when, suddenly stopping for something, he gulped the entire amount - two 25cent pieces, two dirnes, and the rest iu pennies. Strange to say, there has been no change in his internal arrangenients since. A New York club man has on exhibition a talking parrot which can give any order that is issued on shipboard. The otherevening, when the wind waa blowing a pretty stiff breeze, Jim (the parrot) began to muster aft hands on deck to take in the light canvas and reef topsails, using a great many nautical phrases that are not given in any encyclopedia, much to the amusement of the guests present. A harmless crank made an amdavit that the ice at the poles of the oarth is causing such hydraulic and hydrostatic pressure that earthquakes are frequent in this neighborhood, and that the planet is in immediate danger of smashing up. He has asked tho New York board of education to send three well-known professors to investígate the impending calamity. The board, with that sense of congruity which is one of its most pronounced characteristics, referred the subject to its committee on warming and ventilation. Through consolidations and eombinations the match supply of the Pacific coast is now in the hands of monopoly, a by no means, hard fact, for mathes are now sold by the California companv at 25 cents a e-ross. which is lower than they eau be bought in Sweden, iormerly the cheapest match market in the world. Tho Paciüc coast prices are one-third less than those of eastern markets, as match wood is cheapev and the other material can all be obtained at the same rata at which it is purchased in the Atlantic states, wnile labor is no higher. The resources of civilization have been brought into service in the caso of Maxwell, the St. Louis murderer who is on board a steamer bound to New Zealand. A cable message has been sent from St. Louis via England, Portugal, the Mediterranean, Arabia, India, Australia, and New Zealand to the Auckland authorities, at a cost of about $S 50 per word, or several hundred dollars altogether, and if it retains any of its original meaning after this trip of sixteen thonsand rujloa through all these strange countries, there is little doubt that Maxwell will be in thelockup within an liour after the ship's arrival at Aukland. Some years ago a woman applied at a Lomïon hospital for treatment for a nervous affection. After listening to a recital of her aynitorns, the doctor made her shut her lipa upon a clinical thermometer. Upou removing it the patiënt exclaimed: "Why, I declare, it has done me good already." The doctor humored her delusion, and reErained from any other treatment than a few more appïieations of the magical lass tube. Sho was soon cured. A parallel case is now ciled by the Philalelphia Medical New, an hysterical patiënt having been cured by magnetsm. The magnet was of wood, but capped with metal; so as to seem cold to the touch. A Kentueky girl was too ínuch for a fenneaee dude. A Louisvillo damsel was visitiugMemphis, and was sitting ipon a sofa with :i fresli young socioty man, who, as the oonversation projressed, allowed his arm to gradually all down until he had it around her valst, She arose very indignant and ie made tho followmg ayology: "1 ïopo you will not thiiik tinything of his. It is just a wajr I havo. All the Sleiuphis boys act the same wy. and ou will have to get used to it, I hope ?ou will not take any oifenae at it as t's just ni y way. " She left tho room, )ut came back in a few minutes with a uarried friend, and sat down on the ofa again. Soon she bogaa to yawn md give every indication of being )ored. Unally she said: "I'm dreaduily sleopy, and I hopo you will go ïome. You must not take any oftense at this. All the Louisville girls act he same way. You are cxceedingly iresome, aud you had botter go home at once. Don t be offonded at this. It s simply a way I have." He didn't lingor.


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