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Gov. Alger Isas yetoecl the La?an prison. labor bil!, ana sends his objection to the lcglslature aml people tbrough the columns oí a Detroit paper, the legislatura having ad journed. lic rites froa Okl Orohard Beach, Maiue: un1. ív.n s : ïlic measar: wha i-econitnended In tny tirst message to the egislature, but, I must irankly confesa, wil mature tbought so mportant a laeaaüre doserves. I shonla h.ive addcdin my rceornmendiitlon that thechangebe uol made nul Inome practical substituto could bemutured and ndopted. Tne oill prov des ïor ;'';!iíhin2 coutract labor, but. nothing in its ulacc i'" . I ■■ :■) -k 'J.e pi isoners in their cells ü:: and uijrh . which aniounts to solitary conöliemeut, áttr the contracta expire upon wMch tin-v laboriugjuutil capital is furmshcd for a nêw btiaiaces and it is put In sueeessful operation. Senator Baiknnp oBered ftn arcendment to the bill that f50,000 be Rppropriated tor earryina on the work on state account, and Senator Bro n olïered an aiaondmont to the amendmeiH to nmke tho miDunt S300.0Ö0 the latter of which in in v ludgmciit, and to the expenenuo of llir Elate oí New ïork, would bc an in&nUMb&t suru. Botn nniendincuta were defeated-, and there to noappropriation that can be used for the purpose exc ;y fit'.OM, whicb was set apart lor the pie. e sy-stciii now carrier! on in a limitcd way in our pi sons. whieh suin would not last a Weck í used to carry out the purposesoi this b 11. It must be borne iu mind that our prisons average over 1.2O0 inmates, au immense torce to furuish emplnj ment for. Wüat, then. woald we have wcre this bill to become a law ! A larg;1 force iiile in a short time, w th no capital vntn which to punchase mat rial and the appliances necessary for carrytng aloag the Wii.s, tetablishlng agencies, eic, and, in iact, building up an euorraous establishment, niaaufacturing many kinds of goods. irom the coinmencement, without auy practical ciperienee In such matters. 1 1 must also be remeinbered that the present conuactors own their business, brede marka and liade, none of which woiild be transferred to the prison authorities. Wlicn the new systm i adopted tho prison au.tliorities rnustfirst determine what kinds of goocls thev will manufacture and then "Work up a traá" proving thai t'ucy can produce ijoods il:a; ■ will compete in :he markets and lind sal , otherwise an amounc of extra capital must be furnlsKed by the taxpavefs to pile up goocis till a market can bc foaud, or sell al prices that will ruin private coinpelition and honost labor. The change, wUen made-, must rJso necessarily be very eradnal and of Blow growth, and will then rêauire the best business talent in the sta'e to couduct it u-ith any deiiiee ot' suecess. l ader the ïc.-eut law the wardens of our prisons, uuon ivhoih the success or falluro of tn svstan r.uld depend, are iable to be changed cvery two ycarí, anl tucir sucecssors WuulU probalily know nuthins; of the duties cornected witli such aif immense establishmLiit. Ho private business could be successfmly couducted in this manner, as every business r.o" laborin'4 rr.anknows. The convicta in our pri-ons are sentcneed for their terms "at hard la''v r," and iinless cir.ployed, as I have said beiort, must oei'esiarlly be locked in their cells day and nigltt, -.vliich is praetically solitary cobtinemen!, and is both illeal and'inhuman. Mny other (-ijually forclblc ïeasoutfor not precipitating tlii3 chanfle without ilrst jjrovidm the neecbsary capital and then layinp; out aml perfeeting dennite plans will suggeit th' fxiselves to every business and laboring man wLo gives the subject carcf ui tliousht. (Signed) A. K. Algek. An Old Landmark Gone. Another ancient landmark of Detroit, of Michigan, indeed of American history, has reaehed the end of its course. The Pontiac tree is deaJ. For somc years its virility has been waning, and it has heen knowa that this Deresting relie oí the forest primeval and survivor of the Bloody Run massacre was dylng. Last year it was noticed that the end was approaching, and the saps of his life have just run out altogeiher. The Pontiac tree was ' one of the historie trees of America. lts antiquity was demonstrated by its size. lts interest, however, came from the fact that it was a surviving witness of one of the most melancholy érente oí the hlstory of Michigan. It was an old whitewocd, and in its prime a fine looking monarch of the forest. The following account of the eveut that gave the old tree its celebrity appeared in Harp i's Magazine in May, lS6,in an Ulnstrated sketch of the leading American historical t-veó: "In Juiv, 17o3, Piiutiac was encamped behind a swamp a m;le and a half uorth of the fort at Detroit. Capt. Dalzell, who had arranged with utnam in Northern New York, arrived with reinforcements at the close of the month and obtained perndssion to attack Pontiac immediately. A perfil hous Canadian informcd Pontiacand be tniule ready for the attack. "At little paft midnlght D.dzell marched to Parent's creec. The darkneas was intense. A thousand eager ears were listcning for their approach. Five hundred düsky warrlors were furking near the rude log bridge in the wild ravine througL whicli Parent's creek flowcd. Dalzell's actvance was just Crossing the bridge wLeu terrific yells in front aed a blaze of musketry on the Jcit flank revca.ed the presence of thewily foe. Half of the advance party were slain, and tbe remainder shrauk back appalled. The main body, advancing, also reeoiled. There came another volley, when the voice of Dalzell in the van inspircd his men. With his iollowers he pushed across the bridge and cbargcd up the hul ; but in the blackness the skullfing cnemy could not be seen and his presence mhs kaown oniy by the flash of his guns. Wo:d :.&w reacbed Dalzell that the Indians in large numbers had gone to cut ofl his communicatiou with the fort. He sounded a retreat and in good order pressed towurd Detroit, exposed to a most pcrilous rnlilading firc. Dsv dawncd ni'h thiel; fog; and now for the flrbt time tl. e enerar was seen. They came darting through the mist. on flank and rear,and as sund;nly ü?ippeared aiter firing deadly Bhot? upon tbc Knglih. One of these slew Capt. iVilzell wliile he ivas attempting to bear on a wounuea sergeant, ine aetaenmeat flnally reacbed the lort, haring lost sixty-one Ox tïlcir nuraber In killed and wounded. "Most of the íUíb f eli at the bridge; and Parent's Creek lias ever since heen callea, from that clren&iftanue, Bloody Run. The bridge was rnuch nearer tiij titer tuaji Jeifcrson avenue, and the liujre tree, sbrteeu fet 11 circumference, and searred by the bullets of tbat battle, stood in a thicket in a ravinc between the assailants and the assaüed." Thers are no survivin landmarks that are to be comparecí witb the old tree in historieal Interest, cxeept the oíd Stc. Anne's Chureli, Detroit, ivhich is iLseli soon to follow, l'iill of years and crowded with tender memories. ' Aftor Hidden Cold. The relgnlng sensation in Howard City has been the lact that :i jrarty mtp .-non to start for ITew Orleana to excávate and redalmthreeand one-1 Rif niüliona of lol]ar: whU'l) it is elaimed va buricd ncav tbere some Ti) years ago by a ba:;d of pirales. The story ís as follows: Latilto, :i ■ otO'l pirate of Spanish origin, had a band oí piratea preying on vessels in the Gulf Of Aterieo about the year 1813. His headquarters ior himself and men was on an lsland abi.ut 40 mi'c3 l)f-lov.r New Orlcaus. On this isiand LafilU' Li erected :i brick house and he it ".vas tbat their prizes and trophies were Drougni lor secreuon. inmjïs hocaine too wa'ui and risky lor the pirate and bis men and it vas decided to bury the gold and silver concento] in the house. Starting from the southea; t corner oí the brick house on tais island un gotng 83 mauy rods In the various directio' s, using the compara, so as to have the "lus and lokens" in after years coiTect, they bu-icd at the íoot oí a gigantic live oak tree, fonr fcet below ihe surface, this nulawfiüly ceuüiulated weaJUi. The arnount buried "waa tbi'-e and one-lia'í müllonoí dollars, composod mct'ly oí Spauish gold doubioons ivith 6ome Eu. lish and .Vmorieau gold aud silver. The wegnt oí this'specie was several tons, and it was placed in nine wooden cherts. Ill-luck Eocn naine to the pirates. They vcre driven fro.-'i their haunts and all killed, wlth the exceptioa of one man named Antonia. Laiitte died on the Island of Cuba. This man Antonia, tbree weeks bííore h:s death in the city of New Orleans, ealiei; to bis side a tried and old time friend, Capt. Crabtree, tben commandiug a vessel In the Southern waters. Antonia retated toCapt. Crabireo the entire details oí tbe burying oí the gold and every mark and sign by whichthe place couW be dtecovered. Wïthin three weeks írom tliis time Antonia wis ctead, but notuntil Capt. Crabtree bad bad asecond talk wlth liim nbout the matter bo as to be perfeetly sureoi every mark and slgn. Capt. Crabtree went on a foreign cruise tmraediately after Antonla's death and iullv explained to your correspondent, a few öays ag, hls re;sons for his not returning earlier to this biduen treasure. He man-ie 1 and had :i large famfly and lx'ing in reduced circustancea 'lias nrer seen thé doy that he could stand the expense o[ the trip. Capt. Crabtree at the present time lives twelve miles north iast of Howard City. He bas been nearly blind for eighteen years, is a very old man in feeble heaitü and constantly led by an attendant H has been urglng several prominent business men in HowardClty to advanee inuney for the erpensi s nf the party to cro there and nnallythe afraugements were completed. On a recent raorninira party of four, ïncludlng Capt. Crabtree and his eldest son, Williiim, starte.I for New Oïleans. where they as confldently believe they ivül uuearth three and one-half millions bi money as that they will reaeh their desttnktloBi A px)d ruany eitizens were at the train to see tlie party off, and opinions are erenly divided as to the sueeess of the expeditiOD. Sarason Uauses a Becsation. Diirlns ji'Tfoniiiim-.1 of Cote's circus in Lapeer the otfier afternoon, Sarason, th! monster elepbant, became lnfuriated, and uncontrollable, and turned blmseU wild on the 8,000 people asseinbird unfler the canvass, tearlng up theseats, smashing furalture, and makinsr sad havoc geasrally. W.omen faiutcd, children screaraed, boys cllmbed trees, and ageneral stampodo was causiil Human liíelora time, was seeuiliigly at tbc mefey of the infariated brute. The eni:iired elephaut, &fter clearing the out frenp the caavass, made i break for the wooda neav bv, iu.I mired himseli iu ;D adjacent swamp. .Mier much diíiículty he was extiicaii d. with five buüets of submission In nis hide. Am i d the pan ÍC nnmerooa limbs vtctc broken, and propsrty was lost and dams:i;d. Great coneternation on the show grounds and excitement tliroughout the city prevailed fqr severa] hours. It seems a miracle that no fatallties oeeurred. Brief Freedom. Charles W. Fonda has Jipen discharged from the Detioit house of eo'rreotion on a babeas corpas where hi was oerving a iive-years' sentem e tor embezzling $4 000 from the Farmers' national bami ;it Constantine in 1882, was rearreeted by Offlcer Bailey immediately on leaving the train in Constantine, on the old charge, the warrant belng issued at the instance of the bank officia], and he is now in .il at, Centervillc. Ponda's discharge was on the ground that he as trled and convicted on Information and aot on inclietment by a grand jury. C. II. C. Rynd, the Aflijan postal clerk who was releasedjra-m tic house of correction at the same Unir was aïso rearrested. and is ikiïï held tor trial la the rom of $1,000. ' His Last Circus. Thomas McCüron of Colnrabiaville, atteided Cole's circus irr I.ancor. He startcd for his home the next uiorniñfr, nd when near Columblaville he feil i:om tbc train, was run over and both 1 gswere amputated. McCann dled before assistanca could vcaeh him. He had a faxnily. GENEEAL STATE ITEMS. There huw 7:'-r prisoners in Jackson. Claro is 1 1 li iw a aysteni of water workg. Ahuckli icrry cannlng mstitution is talked of in Roïc infmon. Cadillac lias 15 sau milis, 10 shingle milis, anduve planing milis. Thejurv in the Dibbeli shooting cae al Howell Vlied to :ij'i'ee. gM: ble . the Dt-troit elother. d:ecl at liis homo in tbat city, of hi ai-t cilfcase, .Iiiiie3j. ËdwardFuin: nf Chase, feil Erom a logging train néar B.ild.'.iu anti was killed. Many thou.-aiil cA tand in the Uppei Península are Ijeing tiuucd Into cattle ranches. Manlstee boasts of the largest salt block in theworid. Itscapacity s6J0 barrels per day. Work bas been bcgun on the new Milost county court house, to be crected at Bi;.' Rapids. jome JackKOD aie bout ortranizing for the manufacture of the Estcc plow. The Edisoa company OÍ DL-tvoit tril] furnisl; i'.jO lights for the nortnern Rsylum for the insa ne. A teacher' s lnstltute wlll he held in Grand Rápida in August. Over 230 teachers will bc present. Francis B. E'iganhas been app linted deputj. commissioner of reibor 'iih hratiquartera íd Detioit. 6en. Logaa will not be áble to attend the Bentíin Harbor soldiers, and sailors' reunión August 17-81. The Smith lumber company'a mili at Kalkaska. was liurne.l a few days eince,entailing i loss of $7,1)00. John N. Wilson. agt-ti about55 years, the Central hotel in (rand Rapids by takin.ü morphine. In Tascóla county, whëat, Oats, barley and buckwheat are looking well, but corn is much damaged by the cut-worm. The stockholders of the Marquette, Houghton & Ontonagon rallroad will meet at Marquette to elect directora July 16. A project is eontemplated of building a street raihvay thnnnrh the principal Street ot Adrián from the depot to the college. James Schermerhorn fon oí thelate editor of the Hudsou (! i.ettc, pascd buth the mental and physlcal i-xamination at AS'est Foint. The West Michigan furniture Co., of Grand Rapldf, Is a new agsoclatlon; capital $100,000. with 879,000 subscrlbed and artictes filed. Col. Stewart Iyes, a prominent lumberman of Grand Rapids bas becoine insane. His property has been taken from his control. Mathew Young, agcd lfl, living near Kalamnzoo, went on a protracted spree a few days ago, and ended by suicide with strychnine. Marquette's military company has reeeived a complete new outfit, consisting of uniforms, guns and cquipments, from the state. Leonard D. Sale, a prominent Detroit journalist, has been appointed librarían of the bureau of patenta in Washington. Salary $1,800. Vicksburgspiritualistswill hold acamp meeting in Frazier's grove, south of the villaje, beginning August 27 and elosing September 7. Gotlieb Wiersing, a farmer west of Saginaw. is out $;00 by the burning of his barn ariïï its contents by lightning during a thundei storm. The Deyo cotil mine, cast of Jackson junetion, has been cleared of wat r and the proprietors will soun be lifling 1203 tons of coa] per day. Sorne of the farmers of Lconi, Jackson county, have ii];intc(] their.corn three times this Bummer on account of Ita haring been eaten by grubs. A Frenchman, who says hc assisted Napo leon in nis disastrous defea,t at Waterloo, is among the ininates of the Saginaw county poorhouse. The body washed aêhore near Foreet, Ont. was thatol Hank Farrington, the Iosco county murderer. Hisem&ins tvera buried on the Canadian side. J. E Secord, n Port Hurón man, has returntd home to Xew York from Panama with the onlv rebel eanon of the Isthmian ar safely paeked in bit trunk. Ex-President Durgin of llillsdale, neglected to makt: a return of marriages performea durine hfs admlnistratton, and he has been fined ï5 and costa for the derellctloa. The water Works strike In Lanstng is ended, most of the men acceptine the contractor's figures of $1 30 per !av for l'i hours' work, witli no stint, or plece work at fivc cent per loot. In the oase of Éugene Sa'sbury, charged with mnrdrr in the kiïïlng of Peter Miller at Union City, the jury after being out all day broughl in a vermei of gullty oí niauslaughter. A small white worm is working mischief In corn in severa) countles. It lóVlges in the vouuL' shooi ibove the ground, and it Ia onlv by the most careful seareb that it can l)c found. Charles E. 8t. John of llillsdale, a frraduate nf the normal in '70. Ims been appointed by the state board of education assistant professor of ■jhemistry in the normal for the ensuinp; year. The jury in the case of Margaret Ryan vs. J. Brown, the Reed City saloon-keeper who solt] . Mrs. Ryan' e haal and liquor, which resulted in his death, brought In a verdict of SI,000 In hei favor. C. H. C. Itynd, the postal elerk who was re; Icaeed from tlu Detroit house of correction unI der the recent decisión of the supreme court, was at once rc-arrested, charged with the same i off en se. George Robinson of Dayton, aged 17 years i while raelng his norse, was thrown to th( ! cround and lustantly killed. The boy had beei 111 and was too weak to maintain his hold upon the horse. Minnie Youngs, a íoi'mer friend of Jud Crouch of Jackson, but for some time past a resident of Grand Rapldí, Iq a husc of 111repute, was drowned in the river nt tliat place a I. w days ago. Arrangement halve been perfected for raising $200,000 wlth whieh to bulld the 10 miles of road west .f I.'A ■ that theM.H.& O.eomjinny must complete In 'uly 1 lssfi. Work will begin in August. The eommittees appointed by the business raen's association of - gaunee and Ishpemiug are laborlng djlltrcntl to secure the site for the new branch prisori ,ai a point half way betwcen the two places. Sanv.iel Bacon of N'iles, a prominent yonng attorney, sou of the late Judge Nathanial Bacon, shot hiinself thi-uusrli Mie left lung, just above the heart. the ot her morning. He was married ouly the day before. Hon. Peter Dow of Oakland county, had a $200 horse and a eow hitten by a dog last '.Tinter. A few weeks ago the cow dled oï hydrophobia and a few days ago the horse shared the same fate. - Metamyra Sa . Daniel Muil, owner of a saw-mill at Fruitport, feil agalnst the eaw, cuttlng hls head nearlv off and dying almost instantly. He. ]( ave's a wife and tlire" childrcn, and was a muchreepected man. f.Iowae bout 35 years old. Mattie Strickland, Esq,, the eminent female lawver atSt. Johns. appeáred as attorney in a dlvorce case lal week. in whieü she made a strong plea agalnst grantlug a decree toa woman whose husband was given to drunkenness. At Stevensburgb acarSault Ste Marie Casaer Nfidcr, believeil to lc an Alpena man, slashed onen liis bowels, wlth a scythc, but whether accidentallv or intcntionally is not inown. When found he presented a siekening spectacle. While on her way to Albion. audwhilc crossng the M. ('. track at Bath Mills, Mrs. Thomas was struek by an engine and tatally iujured. Shc died in threc hóuis. yhe. was' about 80 years of age and wiw the mothcr of J. A. Thomas of Albion. Mollie Bprlck, who ivas convicted in Muske;on of larceny and sentenced to threc years in jrisou, In soms waj obtained a dose of morphine, and was disco vered in her cell in a dying conditiou. Doctors rere snmmoned but too late to relieve tier. Miss Almira Root, aged 18, daughter of Asa Root, living one milc aorth of Novi Corners, on the. Walled La ke ruad, suicided the other eveniiiii i. hanging whlle tiie remainderof the fainily wei- nttendlog ehurch. No cause is assigned for the deed. Frank MeG ra w. a prominent lumberman, feil from the first Boor of the Fraser house In Bay City, to the basement. He thought the elevator was in po&ition, henee the mistake, whieh vesulted in a broken leg above the knee and other serloue injuries The Central Michigan trottlng association ■will have races at Batik; C'reek. July 23-31; Marshall. August 4 i ; Ypsil mti, August 11-14; Fllnt, Augusi 18-21; Eatt gaglnaw, August 2528- all dates inclusive. Premiuma to the ainount oí $14,350 are offered. Fire broke out In the lamber doeks of Thompson. Smith & f1 in Duncan City a few davs ago. and ! ef II was BUbdued over 1,000,000 f eet o! tamba1 was burned. The effortsofthe firemen iiveil the milis near by. The burned lumb :r w is Insured. The Foui tii Mie ligan Infantry held its annual reunión et .on v lie. June 19. There were pretenl 101 membtrs of the old regiment. Short addressep ■. iv made bv variouscomrades anda bountifnl supptr was prepared by the people of the village. A eump lire was heldin the evening. Win. B. Thompson of Iludson, who for many years was general superintendent of the railway mail service, an.i later second assistant postmaster general, has been cinployed by severa] of the uui-t prominent railways in the country to atti :! to thelr mail contracta with the eovernment. Arthur Hibbard and ('liarles F. Fuller, well dressed and pretentious appearing f ellows, are in jall In Adrián fo nioney on the I pretense oi Ufe mutual reserve of Baltimore. Thej were arrested in Riga, a telegram i rui thé company j ing tlieiii as frau Is. A passenger train on the D. Ij. & N, ran into an oj).-n Mviic.i a out a mi:e From lonia the other night. The engineer, iireman and baggage man wcre Injiired, and the passengers badlv shaken up. Sone of the latter were iujured. A reward of ?ij00 is offered for the man whoopened the. switch. S. H. Bock, director-general of the Northi Central and South American exposition, has established In Washington a bureau of information for the presa, the public and foreign legations in regard t the plans, purposes and progrese uf the new 'Vmld's iairto oe opened at New Orleans next autamn. The country sturen! Oorman & Buck at Bethel, Branca c uuitv, burned the other night, together with all the contenta, including the outlit, sjhool inspectors' anü supervisors' 1 n,'-.. There was no insurance, the noliev baving éxpired a short time ago. The losiiwill amount to SÜ.ÜUO. About July 1 the salaries of engineers, trainmenand conductora on the Plint, & Pere Marquette railroad willbe roduce 3 ten per cent. Salarles In the other departments have been 8imilarlv redueed. This company has up to the present time been paying ciigineers $100 per month, conductora 9D and tralnmcn proportionately. A kettle of asphalt bolled over on a stove in the Grand Rápida mánufacturing company's factory setting flre to the building and a boy threw water on the flre, snreading it in the room and setting lire to a largc wooden storeroom and setting-up room and a large fourstory brick block, destroying the same'. The loss is estimated at $15,000. Charles II. C. Rynd, at one time a mail acrrier between Adrián aml Monroe, who was convicted of robblng the mails and Bentenced to the Detroit house of correction for two and one-hall' vears, been release,! throuiíli a cent decisión of the Bupreme court that ''iufamous" crimes shoulil be proceeded agalnst by indietment. and Qot by Information. A boat drifted !nto poi-1 ;t Forest, Ont., th i otherday. attachéd lo hicii ivas a dead body. A b:Lt, presumablj : i property oí the dead man, bad in ii the name ii. i-'. Harrington, together wlth a aainb r oí nam !8 and addresses oí Michigan parties. Itis suspected that the dead man Is "Hank" Farrioeton, lio. with Dick Bnrke, recently escapeo from the Tawas prison. Yesterday we were shonn :i somewhat antique looklng-glas by Mr. B. L. Webb, who told ns it ñus i) uulit by lis mothor'8 greatgreat grandf ather : 1743, and bas been in the taraily ever tsince, a periodof 143 yearg. Ie alío showed asa datiion and eut glasa deeanter, each of whicb had üa a in the Vebb famlly over 100 via . They vvere all In a remarkably good state nl preservation. - üoldnnler HepubTican. Clio and v ulty was vlsited by severa! severe storms of rain, tbundor and libtninií and wind, i n Juuc ïtii. A bani belonging ty ffm. Darwoo !, in tii-t vu ofMontrose, seveu miles est of Clio, waa struck by lightnlng, kiiliir.v a lihed man who was in The Itarn. A barn bslunging to C K. Hunter, ia the town o!' BIrch Il.ri. was also stinek, nearly kllling a horse. Tb heavy wind luis lodged the wheat very badly. The Cocn's gold mininir company has been founded In Ichpemln uilb a capital stock of 11,003,000 ui ' n in sharee al $10 each. ïhis prospect v, . s . onsiilen i! une of the best in the aUtriet outside of the üopes, but owing to ii-itiiii, among the parties holding the option no v.ork bas h e doae apon itforseveral months a-t. Viíív tbonsand Bhares have i asid aworking capital, and vork wlll be commeni 1 ui onee. Frleke of the M tinnraBee, says: Advertisements on lencee eau nol re relied npon. Notlce hoM tnanv oí til ni os you approach the villas ■ icll youtogoto Bruis to buy cheap gouds th:tt i" a-,v no ex!stence anywhere. Tbc referri tl t i liare gince ;'one out of bUBlnea.s, yol i' ■ v'n ■ a S on the fence tells yon to ■ Brraa forgoods. In the column ofyour!oal paper is the place to advertlsc a live b - ness. faul Costór. d 16 yearg, and a younger brother, agtd i . '.m r ■ discovered placiaga lariie tie aci'Ofts tiack of tbc Chicago! West Michigai rnilroad nv.iv Holland tv a watchman ái;,oíntol 'y the company. The pon o Lcopofd Coeter of Chicago, anïl ;i eld r, Va il, tra n very promising s'tndenl ín Ho college, lle ia master of slz languagex, uud was about to enter the Junior sourse. The boys were arrested and taken to Qran 1 livi n, there to nwalt trial ín the circuit court. Arthur Hluburt, late of Tecumseh, was artn Ailrian recently charged with 1 t ;iin r!iLj; monej on f raudulent Insurance policles. He clalmed tó bc an agent Cor the Globe Reserve companj tt Baltimord. The compajiv to t 1 1 í prosecutor that Iluburt Is a fraiul Bnd bas no authority. lluhurt insured n famlly oi thn e pi rsons, RggregaUng 111,000, foi .o, tak'ug ahume and cow in 'payment, He was once ag nt lor the Ulobe Reserve, but was diseharï i S, and did not sarrender hls com inission. The üead body of KHz.'. Sage. daugbter of i Lorcn Sage of Allegan, was discoyered by i). .1. Aniolil while he was searching through the Moore farm about one and one half miles svest of the village center for stray sheep. The body was fouad in a thlek dump of oak bu.-lics. Her throat was ent aml every 1 lndication points to the bellel that i-h ■ haii been outraged an 1 toen murdered. The iroman was about 8i years old and of weak intellect Au lnveatigation will bc made to fliid out who were her murderers. Solomon Koffmau; employed in the frleght ofiiee of the Lake Shore rallroad in Grand Rapicis. ilii-d b few days slnee trom the result of a pislu! shot lirrd into the side of lus houd by hls own band. Kuffman's wiie made an applicatlon tor a dlvorce and papers had been served on Mm. The trotibV grlêved him so that he determlned to take his life. He went to his wife's room, laid down on the bed and flred the fatal shot. Hls wife became uncontrollable when she reallzed what her lmsband had done and beggcd him to live. Charles W. Fonda at one time cashier of the Farmers' National bank at Constantino, Mich., has been relaased froin the Detroit house of eorrection. He embezzled $4,000 of the f unds of that institution. Information was made against him in the United States circuit eourt, and he was convicted and genteneed three years ago to imprisonment in the house ot eorreetion for live years at hard labor. Strenuoua eiïorts were made to secure his pardon, but without avail. The recent decisión of the supreme court, that an infamous offense should be proeeeded against by indictment, earr.e to hia release. "Inasmuch as 7e did it TJnto one of th Least of These Ye did it TJnto Me." "L'-t 'ho cloth i e white." This yeai again the Detroit Association of Charities, representing friends and visitors of the poor, appeal to the Christian farmers within sixty miles of Detroit, to take poor childrcn for two weeks, to their homes. Last year more farmers responded than we could suppjy with children. Many of the poor people did uot know of the work and it was nevv lo all. We sent out about flfty eliildren and many of them were ereatly helped. One little cripple grew Btrong enough to endure Burgery wiiich saved his lite. Sickly and feeble ones were made strong. Wearjj mothers had rest and relief. Our authorities here will pay rallroad fare and other expenses. Who v.ill meet these waifs of our poverty-stricken iiqmes, at the depots with wagons and kind greeting and board them free for ten days Í Please send your name and address with reference to your pastor, to the undersigned, stating; the most oonvenient time in July or August to receive the children. State also your nearest railroad station. C. R. Henberson. 53 Winder St., Detroit. New Michigan Corporations. Lansing, June 27. - Artieles of association as follows were filcd in the office of the seeretary of state ior the week ending June 37: The West, Michigan íuruitnre company, Grand Baptds; capital stock, $100,000. Subscribed, $79,475. Kobert Cutlir, W. D. Talford, trustees; Geo. C. Pierce, J. D. Robinson. A. E. Stockwell, C. E. Belknap, J. C. Darragh, S. W. Osterhout, Thomas J. O Brien. The fiunter railroad car and equipment corapanv, Detroit; capital stock increased lo s;5,0Ü0. Robert Hunter, president; Jos. Taylor, Jas. Mc(Jregor, Thos. Davies, directors. The Louis Reed cooperage company, Wvandotte ; capital stock, f100,000. Josiah Fitch, Louis Reed, Arden S. Fitch. The West Repu-blic mining eompany, principal office changed to Cleveland, O."; branch at Repnblic, Mich. M. A. Hanna, president; A. C. Saunders, seeretary. The Young Men's Christian Assoeiation, Coldwater. R. E. Clarke, II. F. Woodward, W. S. Mansell. The Grosse Pointe club, Detroit; capital stock, 830,000. Win. G. Thompson, president; Cameron Currie, seeretary; Win. A. Butler, Ji. Treasurer.


Old News
Ann Arbor Democrat