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Detroit Markets

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Whcat - For some clays past the features ol the wbeat market has been excitlng, and prices have lluctuated. We quote: White - cash 96 @95?i'A; Julv 95KÊ.93; Aug. 97@96A : Sept. íí!I'4V'!)s;.;a. Cash Uvr '. : ■ July 9.S5íC'rt;83í; Aug. 99%@98?L; Sept. íl.00@99%. Flour- The market Is quiet at unchanged quotat' ns, as follows : Mich. winter whcat, stonc process,$4 75(í5 OC Mlcb. winter wheat, roller process, 5 0O@5 25 Michigan winter wheat, patenta, ... 5 50( 5 ï 5 Minnesota bakers' 5 005 2c Minnesota patenta 6 00@6 2i Low grades winter wheat 3 253 75 Rye Flour- Market steady. Fine western brands are quoted at ü@i :.O. Oat Meal- For Akr.m. &) '-'5; steel ent, 65 75. Feed - The market is flrm and Bteady. Brarj mavbe (uoted at $13 75 13; coarse mkldlings, ?12V75@13; flne middlings, 513@14. Corn- The market is sluggish and weak. Prices range from 47 lo 4S%e. Oata- Dull and weak. wlth prle.ea fluetuatinff between 36@38c. Butter - There is a slighlly improved inquiry tbough the market otnerwise shows no improvement; quotations ior dairy continue al 12(14c, outside for fancy; ereamery, 15@17c Cheese - Prime state, and Olüo full cveami 7@8c; Bkims, 5@0c. Eggs - Weaker and generally selling al 12ie. Apples - New erop, in % bu l.oxcs, 50@75e; per bbl, $8@L Dried Fruits- Apples, sim dried, 3@3; evaporated, 6@7c: pears, 10e; peaches, 12c; pcai's, 10. Gooseberrles- Per stand 4@5. ' Peaehes - Per }L bu box, 50@60c Plums- Per one-thlrd box, 1. Meions - Are coming more freely from Florida and Georgia, am.l BelUng at $40@59 per 100. Strawberrlea - The nurket i abundantly supplied mostly by borne grown fruit, whieü sella at $1.2 @3.50 per bu. ' Beans- Clti p'.cked. nu track, H.27@1.30; .rom store, (l.itO@1.85; unpltked, 75c@tl; demand light. Beeswax - Per lb ü7@30c, dull. Hay- Market quiet at 114 for best ümothj balea in car lots on track; belling in smallei quanüties at f 15@16. Stiaw is iu demand al $S@10 on track. Honey- Dull; single frames, (10(312, 511 cases in light request at S@9e; straíúed, ü(í 10c. Onions - Marken vrr liberaJly suppllod: southern, 1.4ü@1.50 rr ba and Í8.6O4 peí bbl; Bermuda, il.DO@1.75 per bu. Poultry - Spring chiekens, 80@75c; fowls. 8(($9cperlb; roosters, 0@7c; turkeys, 9@10c: pigeons, per pair, old, 30e; squabs, 35e peí pair. Peat - Common fleld, per bu, 80@90c; Wisconsln blue, 1.10@1.25; state blue, 76c@l. Provisions- Mess pork, new, $115 11. 5): family, $11.37@11.C2; short, clear, 13.üOg 13.25; lard In tierces, il ■' 7i ■; kegs, 7(í7.íc: wils. 7,1 ,,((c; smokedbams, !)(;94c; shoulderi 5:!4(u) ie; breakfast bacon, 7;!j@áe; dried heel hams, Í13.00@13.50; extra mess beef, Í10.50W 10.75. Potatoes - Old iu ears. lots are sclling at 2 'Ha 25c per bu as to condition; from store 80@35c New southern, $i25@2.50 per bbl. Tallow- Dull at 4i@5c, Tomatoes - New southtr;i in % bu boxesi $1 25@1 50. LIVE STOCK. Cattle - Good natives and Texans rule stroucr; Bhlpplng stoers, $5@ü 5); ffockers and feeders, $3(;i4 95; eows, bulls and mixed, 2 20@4 50; through Texas cattle corn feed, 94 (o.5;grassers,$2 754. At the Liverpool cattle market there is a light supply of both American and Canadlan, and ouly a fairly large general supply. The market rule le highèr, best American attle scllme; at 14!. e. per lb dressed weight. Hoos - Market oponed Bc lower, but closed flrraer: rough and mixed, $'S i)5M4 05; paeking and shippiug $i 05@4 15; ligiit weights, $3 11!@4; skips, $8@8 w. Sheep - Market weak and 10@35c loirer; natives, 8@4; Teians,$2 50@3; lambs per head, 1@2 75. A man at bis wit'a end is not at his faith's tnd. - Matthew Henry. The pain of life but sweetens dcath : the bank st Labor brlngs the souudest sleep. - Alberi Smith. lic oLt il n I s help who doth his grief impart, And to teil soirow halfen's (orrow'a smart. - Spenser. It Is good ior us to think no grace or blessing is trulvdiirs till wc are aware Ihat God has blessed' some one else with it through us. - Rev. Phillips Brooks. It is better that joy should bc spread over all the dav in the forrn of stnnglh "than that it should be created into ecstasies, lull of danger and followed by reactious. - Emerson. The spirit of liberty is not merely, as tome people Imagine, ajeálousy of our owu particular rignts, but a respect for the rights ol otbers, and an unwillingness that any man, whether high or low ehould be wronged and trampled under


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