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H. Olothier, law '85, will lócate at Alpena. Ed. Buckley, lit '84, attended comniencenient. . J. R. Lee, law '85, will teach next yoar at Ada, Oliio. Quite a uumber of studente are still lingering in town. Dr. J. M. Lawson, medio '85, will prac, III. The Areonaut makes, in its last issue, a plea for fellowships. H.H. Lum. medie '85, will next year be assistant to Dr. Sewall. Dr. Caldwell's oration on oommeiieonient day lasted G5 minutes. Unusually pleasant weather provailed duriug eommeucement week. A university bank is a new sehome hatehed up by the Argonaut. Misa Nellie Borland, lit '85, left for northern Michigan, Tneaday. ïhe laws feit quite elated over their couuter-march on the platform. J. C. Anthony, medie '86, will spend the summer studying in this city. Miss L. O. Tupper, lit '88, does not expect to returu to college next year. Mr. B. L. D'Ooge was married to Miss .Tennie Pease last Thursday evening. H.H. Brown, medie '86, is now conneoted with Dr. Frothingham's office. Miss Alice Lyons, lit '87, may not return to ooilege next year, but may teaoh. Au extra edition of the Commence ment Anuual was printed to please the laws. W. H. Brenton, lit '83, was married to Miss Mary Foster, medie '85, Friday evening. The Glee club sang Monday night in Jackson and Tuesday eveniug in Ypeilanti. J. Comstock, law '83, now practicing at Cleveland, O., attended oommencement. It seems as if the lite of '85 chose the most ungraceful man of the class for marshal. Chas. J. Kintner, of the U. S. patent office held a civil service examination, yesterday. Dr. and Mre. Jaeobi, both homeops '85, will hang out their shingles at Ludington, Mich. Miss E. M. Farrand, assistant librarían, is in Oregon, 111., where she wil) spend the summer. I. N. Huntsberger, law '86, will spend the summer in E. D. Kinne's law office, in this city. Bond, lit '87, will return to Ann Arbor in August, and spend the rest of the summer here. The Chequamegons attended the Theodore Thomas concert in Detroit, Thursday evening. F. Lohrstorfer, medie '86, next year, will probably be the leader of the Chequamegon orehestra. A_ C. Stanard, lit '83, principal of the high school at Owosso, spent part of the past week in this city. The Williams professorship fund may be devoted to the establishment of a number of feilowships. A number of junior laws met at Granger's Thursday afternoon of last week and had a set-up. A. G. Pitts, lit '85, will return to attend the law department, next f all, unless he goes to teaching. The senior reception was attended by about 850 persons, but, nevertheless, Ross Granger had plenty for all. Prof. W. H. Butte of the Michigan military academy, is spending the summer with his parents in this city. The class treasurer of the lits of '85, was succeesful in collecting the tax from nearly every member of the class. Miss Rutie Jordán was neeessitated to appear at commencement with a black eqye, contracted by a runa Tay horse. I.W. Gillespie, law '86, bas decidc.l to spend the suminer in Ann Arbor, studying law in Suwyer & Knowlton's office. Prof. C. E. Greene attended the meeting of the American society of engineers, that was held at Deer Park, Md., last week. Miss Moorman of Grand Rapids, re turned to her home on Saturday, after a ten das' visit with Mise ALinnie Clark, ht '87. Elogg, the junior law who had the difficulty with Aid. Heinzmann, has been dischnrged. The complainant t'ailed to appear. Dr. D. G. Sharp, med:c '85. was married to Miss Lizzie Ackley, at the residence of Prof. Hennequinn, Thursday eveuing. Dr. H. C. Allen attended the meeting of the international Hahnemannian society at SyraciiBo, N. Y. last week, and was elected president. Hugh Brown, lit 'M, and W. B. Wood, once with '85, and now of the Indiana state normal school will spend the summer in this city . T. H. McNeil, lit '85, and T. O. Hicke, lit 86, have been appointed_ to take charge of tho seminary rooms ín the general library for next year. A fine group photograph of the Chequamegon band in full uniform, with instrumente, etc, is on exhibition at Lewis & Gibson's fcullery. Prof. Pettee expects to pny a two week's visit to the Iron Mountain mine in Wisconsin about July 16th. B. MacDonald, lit '86. may accompany him. Miss Rufie Jordon, lit '85, was on Thursday of last week admitted to the Washtenaw county bar as "attorney-atlaw and solicitor in chancery." We are sorry to learn that J. E. Burchard, lit '8G," the genial manager of the base ball uine. will uot return to college next year, but will go into business. Dr. Hendricks has resigned, as the rogents would not increase his rueagre salary Dr. Campbell is said to be the sueceesful candidate for the position. His many friends will be glad to hear that Prof. T. P. Wilsons health is improving so rapidly that he will be able to resume his duties in the homeopathie college next fall. Drs. H. R, Arndt and J. C. Wood, who have beeen appointed respectively professors of materia medica, and obstetrics, for next year, were in the city last Friday and Saturday. Prof. Trueblood re-appointed. - Argonaut. We were never aware that the above-named elocutionist was appointed to any position by the authorities. He was never appointed and never reappointed. Immediately af ter the commencement exercises the lits of '85, as alumni, elected the following officers: President, H. G Prettyman; secretary, J. V. Denney orator, W. E. Brownlee; poetess Miss Abby Hitchcock. Jndge Campbell has resignod his position as Marshall professor of law, and the regents at their last meeting accepted the resignaiion and tendered him a vote of thanks for his efficiënt work while connected with the university. The lawn tennis tournament, last week, resulted as follows: The doubles were won by Wilson and Dennis. The prizes were two gold medals given by Messrs. Jennings and Hager of Detroit. The second prizes, two fine racquets given by Partridge of Boston, were won by Iiamil] and Hawley. The ürst pnze for singles, a handsome gold medal, presented by Lynch of Detroit, was won by H. B. Wilson, and the second, a fine rae uuent presented by Horsman of New York, won by L. M. Dennis. Prof. Dennison will spend his vacation at Burlington, Ia. Thirtcen of the 15 memben of J. W. Hunt's class attended commoncement. Prof. W. II. l'iyiic lefl on Wi diiewduy evening for Boston, from whence he will proceod t" Saint i 'tra, where he will conduct au iustitute. He expecte to return to Anu Arbor in about four weeks. During the summer vacation many improyemente are to be made about the aniveraity buildings. New ttoors are to be luid. 't is snrmised that Lloyd of Detroit, is drafting plau for the new mechanica] laboratory. Prof. and Mrs. P . li. JJePont celebrated their orystal wedding Moudiiy last. A solüct ntunber of fnends khüiered at the reaidenoe f the happy oouple in the evening, and amid mirth and merriment the evening was peut.


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