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Death Of Judge Lawrence

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The dcath of Hon. Edwin Lawrence occurred ut an carly liour Friday moming. Mr. Lawrence had been failing in health for some time, thontfli in death was entirelyuneipeoted He was atrioken by apoplexy aud ilied iDstautly . Judge Lawrence, a.s he was familiarly known throtighont his large oirole of friendn aud aequaintanees in the county and State, was boru iu Middlebury, Vt., Febrnary 28, 1808; oanie to this city at an early day, aud had been prominently identified with its interests for over tifty years. For forty-ono years he was a member of the Washtonaw bar He was a man of eminent legal lenrning and abihty, and held the poeition of Circuit Judga in this circuit f rom 187 to 18tW. In the years 1844 aud 1840 he was the whig candidate for congrews and was defeated. though running largely ahead of his licket. He represented thi8 distret in the thirteenth legislature. From 1835 to 1840 Mr. Lawrenoe published the Michigan State Journal, and became noted as a vigorous aud etleetive writer. His last years were spent qiuetly and peaceably at bis home here, his retireinciit from the bar taking place in 1873. Mr. Lawrence leaves one son, Hon. John F . Lawrence, a prominent member of the Washtenaw bar. The funeral took place öaturday evemng at (i ::iü o'clock. A meeting of the Washtenaw bar was hold Friday afternoou iu the court room. Judge Joalyn spoke as follows: "By the deatli of Juiige Lawrence I have lost a friend. While I did not agree with him in politics or religión and sometimos thought his likes and dislikes were a little too strong, I admired him because he dared to say what he beheved, and do what his conscience dictated, and because he loved justice and was an honest man." Other eulogistic remarks were made by members of the bar. EESOLOTIONS. In the death of Edwin Lawrence the bar of Washtenaw Co. has sufiered the loss of one of the oldest and most esteemed members. Identified with the county and well kuown to the people almost from its organization, he has for nearly all that period been a conspicuous figure in public affiirs, and in various capacities has strongly impressed his personality upon the public measures of the day, and upon the men within the reach of his inrlueuce. As a politician he was always a man of strong convictions, which he expressed freely and without reserve, and as a citizen he was seldom without clear and decided views upon public questions, which he acted upon without hesitation or evasion. As a judge, bis cbaractenstic way, a strong love of justice, and be aimed to do jus tice without fear or favor, being guided by general principies, with the least possible restraint from technical rules, the court which he presided over had the confidence of the people, and the members of the bar in their intercourse with him found that he assumed no superiority and had no favorites. Therefore, {solved, That we sincerely mourn the loss of the upright 3itizen who bas for so long a time gone in and out among us, and with whoni we have so often taken council in public mattere of both local and general importance. We have found his stroug common sense and gen eral inteligence of sterling value on important occasions ; and wboever bas become intimately acquinted witli him, bas been impressed with the kindness of his heart, whicb his blunt ways and free expression of opinión did not in auy degree dimimsh. But we especially deaire to aoknow] edge our obligation as u bar to the Judge, whose memory we shall ever cherish, also bis legal ability, integrity and impartiality . As an evidence ot our respect we will atteiid bis funeral services as a body, and a copy of this pre amble and resol ution will be presented to the circuit eourt of the county, with the request that tüey be entered at 1 rge npoD ïts records as a perpetual testipiony to the worth of its former presiding officer. E. D. Kinne, T. M. Cooley, J. C. Knowlton. "Wbat makes you look ao aad, Brother Hopeless? Have you lost your wife?" "Yes, poor soul, she is dead; but that ih not my worst misfortune. I made a fearful mistako." "Made a fearful mistake? Why, man, what fearful mistake did you make?" "I married her mother!" - Newman Independent. He was a mathematical cuss, and al ways engagcd iu making intricato calculations on paper. The marriage was to t.'ike place on Friday but he suggested to his prospective mother-iu-law that it bad botter take place on Thursday. "Why do you wish it changed?" sbe asked suspiciously. "Well," said he, "I havo been makiug a calculütion, and I find that my silver wedding will come on Saturday evening, and that would never do, as that is the evening I have to go to the lodge." A Dallas servant girl walked into her mistresses' parlor, and said tothe latter: "I wish you would give me a certifícate; I wish to lea ve." " Give you a certifícate ! Why, you lazy, worthless creature, what sort of a certificate do you expect from me? You don't expect me to say that I am satisfied with you, do you?" "Oh, no, 1 would not have you say that for the world. That might get me iuto trouble. All I want you to certify is that I held out in your house for three whole weeks. Everybody knows what sort of a woman you are, and that will be the best certificate I could possibly have."


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Ann Arbor Democrat