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School Teachers. The board of ednoation met Monday evenini; and fixed the salarien of teacliiü'h fur the coming vear as followB: Superintendent, W . 8. Perry, $2,000; principal high school, J. G. Pattengill, $1,600; Germán, rhetorio aDd English lierature, Luoy A. Orittenden, $800; physics, Horatio N. Chute, $1,500; bookkeeping and commercial law, Benj. E. Nichols, $1,100: French, Emma R. Chapín, $500; higher mathematics, Levi I). Wines, $1,000; bookkeeping und penmanship, Imogene O. Koyce, $400: natura) scieuce and English, Mary Hunt, $500; Latin and Euglish, Alice Portcr, $525; English and elocution, Adolo M. Garrigues, $700; arithmetio and algebra, Miss Milner, $500; librariaD, Nellie Loving, $250. OKAMMAK AND PBIMABT DEPABTMBNT8. Principal, AbV)ieA. Pond, $450; assistant, Eliza Ladd, $400. P1BST WABD. Principal, Hattie E. Strickland, $450; AdaC. .Tewelt, $350; Emily G. Eldridge, $350; Susie Spoor, $3öO; Emma Spoor, $325; Maggie McUivitt, $375. Sli(!()ND WABD. Priucipal, Mary Mulholland, $450; Estella G. Mozart, $350; Emily Gondert, $350; Lucy K. Cole, $325; Amelia P. Lutz, $;5(). THIBD WABD. Principal, Josephene Annstrong, $375; Emma Bauflcld, $350; Anna L. Wüite, $325. FOUBTH WABD. Principal, Georgana Carman, $450; Cornelia E. Coreelius, $350; Carrie G. Plympton, $350. FIPTH WABD. Principal, Mattie Goodale, $375; Zada A. Rhodes, 835U; Alice M. Lovejoy, $350. SIXTH WABD. Principal, Ella S. Wright, $375; Matie Cornwell, $325; Louise L. Loving, $350. SPECIAL TEAOHEBS. Music. Al vin Wilsey, $800; drawing, Miss Alice Hunt, $(00. It will be seen from the action of the board that Prof. Perry is retained at the same salary. 'l'o maoy of our citizena it seems an outrage to pay this man $2,000 when better men would take the position at a less sum per annum. The commercial agency of Evarts, Williams & Co., has been removed to the Masonic Temple block. A Lady's Perfect Coiupaniou. Painless Childbirth, a new book by Dr. ohn H. Dye, one of New York's most killful physicians, shows that pain is tot neaessary in Childbirth but results rom causes easily understood and overome. It clearly pro ves that any woman aay beoome a mother without suffenng ny pain whatever. It also tells how to ivercome and prevent murüing sickness, weiled limbs, and all other evils attendug pregnancy. It is reliable and highly tndorsed by everywheiv as he vvife's true private oompan on. Cut his out: it will Have you great pain, and )o8sibly yonr life. Seud two ceut stainp or desenptive orieulars, testimonial md oonñdential letter sent in sealed mvelope. Address Frank Thomas & Co Aib ishera, Baltiin re, Maryhmd. One knows his blows and the other jlows his noee a good enough answer if myone has a conundrum to üt it. Nkver Give Up. - If you are suf'ering with low and depressed ipirits, loss of appetite, general lebility, disordered blood, weak consti:ution, headache, or any disea-e of ca 3Üiou8 nature, by all meaus procure a aottle of Electric Bitters. You will be ïurprised to see the rapid improvement that will follow; you will be inspired with new life; strength and activity will return; pain and misery will cease, and lienceforth you will rejoice in the praise af Electric Bitters. Sold at rifty cents a bottle by Eberbach & Son. Owl, the name of an East Boston young man. When he goes to see his girl he lias an object in view - to wit: to woo. What will Subely Do It.- Cne's hair begins to f all out f rom many causes. The important question is: What is sure to make it grow in again? According to thii testimony of thousands, Parker's Hair Balsam will do it. It quickly covers bald spots, restores the original color when the hair is gray or faded, eradicates dandruff, and causes the scalp to feel cool and well. It is not a dye, not greasy, highly perfumed, safe. Never disappoints those who require a nice, reiiable dressing. The burglar, like his friend the philosopher, "takes everythmg just as it comee," and not iufrequently goes for it. Bucklen's Árnica Salve. The best salve in the world for Cuts, Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt liheum, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Oorns, and all Skin Eruptions, and positively cures Piles, or no pay requirud. It is guaranteed to givo perfect satisfation, or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For sale by Eberbach & Son. Sealed Proposais. Will be reoeived for constructing a itone oulvert over creek near Western Brewery, up to Monday evening July 0. Plans and specifications at my shop. Rigkt to reject any and all bids reserved.) Thomas Keakns, Ch'n Gen. Street Oom. June 25. 1885. IakeTotice ! To Our Friends and Patrons: We are keeping a General News Store and it is our duty to furnish our patrons with any paper that they wish. We had a list of two hundred and fifty subscribers for the Evening News, of Detroit. Last Tuesday the state agent for the News carae to us and refused to longer sell us the News because we handle the Detroit Evening Journal. We can not be boycotted nor bought for a song. We can not furnish you with the News, but we can furnish you with the Journal for io cents per week. Give the Jouinal a trial. We assure you that it is the best paper. Delivered to all parts of the city by Very truly yours, BOUGHTON & PAYNE. ■ ■pi V'"' wm'Uing people. Sen 10 ets. llpostage. and we will mail you f ree 11 r I ra royal, valuablH sample box of La Lb I goods that wilt put you in the v?ay of makuïg more money in a few days than you ever thougbt possible at any business. Capital not required. You can livt at home and ork in spare time only, or all the time. All of both sexes, of all ages, grandly successful. 50 cents to $5 easily earned every evenins . That all who want work may test the business, we make this iiuparalleled offer: To all who are not well sat isfled we will send $1 to pay for the trouble of writing us. ï'ull partlculars, directions. etc, sentfree. Immense pay absolutely sure for all who start at once. Don 't delay, Address, Stinson & Co. , Portland, Maine. fifacHiGAN (Tenis ai The JViagara Falh 'Route. TIME TABLE, MAY 24, 1885. All trains run by Ninetieth Meriiian, or Central Standard Time. GOING KAHi . J_ fS L_ ?á__ l w_ A. K. A.M. P. M P.M. P-M Jhi-ago Lv. V.20 9 00 4.00 8.4u 9.30 NilesT! 11.45 12.15 7.45 11.50 12.55 Dccatur 8 .30 1.43 Lawtou S-45 a.m. 1.58 Kalamaioo.PM 1.42 9.15 6.45 1.15 2M Balesbnrg 7-03 2.01 8 49 Battle Creek... ï.aJ 7.31 2.83 3.17 tarshall 3 07 7.57 3.42 3.40 ilhion 3.82 8.Ï0 4.03 A, M. iicUsou Ar. 4.30 ackeon Lv. 4.34 4.15 8.1 1 3.25 4 50 JraSüLake 4.53 9.3H 5.12 Jhelsea 5.1' 9.5" 5.88 )exter 5.33 10.12 5 48 LniiArbor 5.63 5.30 10.21 4.40 B.07 ipsilanti 6.10 6.451 10.45 4.55 6 23 Vnyne June. 6 35 tt.Oöl 11.05 5.18 64prini"vells.... 7.10 6.351 11 35 5.50 7 20 jetroit Ar. 7.20 6.45 11.45 6.00 7.30 Jt. Thomas Ar 11.15 ' 10 20 8.25 Weiland o:i 1 22 603 FallsView i 155 6.3a Miagara Falls 2.31 I '2 00 (.87 3usp. Bridge.. 2.40 I 2 15 6.47 Búrlalo Ar 3.35 I 3 15 7 40 UOINQ WEBT. & a . a u ï 8TATIOMS. d ,LL_ IE?!! a a ■: a u a Sg S O 8" Mj W Ph . M. T. M.P.M. A.M A.M. A.M. Buftalo L. 6 00 11.30 5 00 11.35 a:m. r. m 8usp. Bridge.. 12 3i 12,35 Niágara Falls 12.43 12.53 Falls View p. R. 1.02 St. Thomas... 3 00 4.051 9 20 4.45 Detroit Lv. 7.H5 9.05 4.00 7.00 9.10 Springwells.... 7.45 9.15 4.10 7.10 9 20 ii'. lie June... 8.23 9.43 4.45 7.45 9 46 Ypsilanti 8.521 10 13 5.12 8.0? 10.1-7 Aun Arbor 9I121 10.2 5.30 8.23 10 20 Dextcr .37 5.52 8.44 OhelBoa 9.57 S 07 9.00 3niBB l.ako._... 10 27 6.39 10.10 P. M. Jackson Ar. 25 Jackson Lv 11.00 11.42 7.07 11.55 Albion 12.42 8.10 U.58 12.42 MarBhall I.a5 8.48 10.38 1.07 Battle ','reek.... 1.31 9.22 10.58 1.35 A.H. Oalesburg 9.57 11.2: Kalamazoo 1.58 10.20 4.45 12.05 2.32 Lawton...p. M. 5.18 12.46I Decatur 5.35 1.00 Nlles 4.00 3.45 H.40 1.4Í 4.13 Chicago Ar 8.20 7.10 10.35 6.00 8.0 The New York Express, a f ast train leaves Chi 3ago at 3.30 in the afternoon and makes the fol Inwing stops, Mich'gan City, 5,17: Niles, 6.13; Kal iniazoo i-23; Battle Creek, 8.81; Jackson, 9.15 Ann Arbor, 10 l'O: Ypsilanti, 10.21; Springwells 1 1 .05 ; arriving in Detroit at 111.5 P M The Chicago Express, a f ast train leaves D e - troit at l.(X) p m. making the folowmg stops: Wayue Junction, l.f 4; Ypsilanti, 1.50; Ann Ar bor, 8.02, Jackson, 3.01, Albion, 3.32; Marshall, 8 48, Battle Creek, 4.08; Kalamazoo, 4 38; Niles, 5.48; Michigan City, 6,55; Chicago, .0O. Suuday excepted. }óaturday S, smidiiy excepten ►Daily. O. W. Ruqolbs, H.W. HAYES, O. P 'i. A„ ühicaao. Ann Arbor, Toledo, Ann Arbor & Northern Michigan ltailway. THKOUGH T1MK TABLK. i'aklng effect June 21, 1885. Goiiig North. Going South. 4 2 I STATIONS. ! I I 3 Ex. Mail Standard Time. Ex. Mail, p. m. a. m. Leave Arrive a. m. p. m. 500 7:05 Toledo 9::íO 5:0C 5 OS 7:14 Manhatten Junction 9:2B 4 55 5 15 7.23 Alexis Junction 9:lti 4:47 5 50 8-15 1 Monroe Junction.... 8:42 4:14 BH 830I)undee 8 30 4:04 610 846 Azalia 8 20 3 54 62M 903 Milan 8 06 1 3 45 6 38 9 22 Urania 7 52 1 3 30 6 48 9 32 Pittsfteld 7 4C I 32 7 02 9 50 Anu Arbor 7 ÍT I 3 10 745 1045 South Lyon 6Sd a 88 Counections at Toledo with railraads diverging. At Manhattan Junction with Wheeliug Lake Erie R. K. At Alexis Jnnctioil witli U ( I K. U., L. S. R'yand F. & P. M. R. R. At Monrot .Tunction with L. S. & M. S. H'y. At Dundee with L. 3. & M. S.. and M. & O. E'y. At Milan uith W.. rit. D. & P. R'y. At Pittsfleld with L. S & M S R'y., and at South Lyon with Detroit, Lausing & Northern E. R., and G. T. R'y. H. W. ASHLEY, W. H. BENNETT, Uon. Superintendent. Hen. Passenger Agt. GRAND: TRUNK RAILWAY INCLUDINQ THE GREAT WESTERN DIVISIÓN. The Niágara Falls Short Line. Pullman and Wagner sleeping Cars and Elegant New Dining Cara on all Express Trams east and west. All trains arrive at and depart f roin Brush-st. depi t on Central Standard time, which is 28 minutes slower than Detroit city time. Main line train via Port Huron. DEPOT FOPT OF BKUSH 8TREET. Leave at Arrive at Toronto, Montreal and East 8 00 am $9 S am Buffalo 8 00am 5O5pm Port Huron Express 4 20 pm 5 06 pm Tprono, Montreal and East. 511 0 pm +9 35 pm Buffalo Fast Express jll 00 pm 0 X pm Great Western División, Depot Foot of Brush Street. Leave at Arrive at Atlantic Express 66 35 am $8 35 am Express 12 05 noon 53 20 pm London Express 5 30 pm J8 50 pm lor tickets and intormatlon apply to General Ticket Office. 169 Jefferson avenue, corner Woodward, or at Depot Ticket Office, foot of Brush street, Daily. "Except Sunday. J HICKSON, General Manager. WM. ROBINSON, Mich. & S. W. Pass. Agt., Detroit. Gilbert Bliss, Pass. & Ticket Agt., Ann Arbor. LÖÖkÖÜ"f] Gentlemen can Save Twenty-Five per cent. by having their Clílii lie! FRED EHHIS Who has opened a Tailor SIb-O-p I Over Reynold's Store, Ann st., Next door to J. D. Stimson's grocery. No slop work, but everything made in a ■workmanlike manner A Perfect Fit is Cuaranteed. FREÍ). EHNIS, Aun Arbor, Mich. - - - u MACKINAC. The Moil Pelightful SUMMER TOUR Ptlaoe Steamor. Low XUtW. ïour Trip por Wn)c BWwMi DETROIT AND MACKINAC And Bvery Weelc Dy Betwn DETROIT AND CLEVELAND . Vrito for out " Picturesque Macklnac," Illustrated. CqsUlna TU Piu-tiouior, KU1 Ttm. Detroit & Cleveland Steam Nav. Co. C. D. Whitcomb, qin. pa. ast.. DETROIT. MICH. TARE THEDlíClf


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