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Circus partios are a íashion?.bl entertainment in New York. A Tampa, Fia., turnip mensures twenty-seven inches around.' Gadsden, Ala., will büild waterworks at a cost of $50,000 A cabbago shown ut Filática, Fia., rccontly weighed eighteen pounds. A pieco of gold worth 31,515 was Tccently fonnd ncar Placerville, Csil. Immense numbers of hogs have dícd n Onondaga oonnty, New York, from cholera It is estitnated that a ton of gold is ! )uriod each year with thoso who dio n this country. In ono year a Jacksonville, Fia., j .ady becanio a wife, widow, mnther, ; ind wifo again. The cost of eaoii saloon to Uio c ity )f Indianapolis last year was 8168, and he licenso only $i2. Sclliní orando blossoms to be ihipped north is a booming indnstry it Jaeksonville just now. Down in Alabama the cows begin to lie as soon as peopio begin lo trim ;heir mock-oranaro trees. A South Carolina planter raisos sea sland cotton íor a Frencb. spinner, ind receives $1 per pouud. Fiflnnn men havo been indicted in jarasota. Fia., for compJicity in tho nurder of Poslmaster Abbo. A resident of Lnkn City, Fia., has tixty-tbree rarietles t grvpos on his )lace, and one hundreit of "oses A Lawrenco eoniity, Pcimsylvania, egislator can not uso his hands, and lis wife acts as his ama'nufDBis. A census of the populution of tho ítavo of New Yorl will We taken this year by tho statu uutjioritisy. The United Statoa lish coinmissioner íalka of ostablisuing a sha1 hatoherj n the St. John's river, florida. Mand S. has ji;.-l eelebrated her jlovenlh birthday, and will soon be put on the traok to "beat her record." The present populafcion oí St. A.ngustine, Fla., inclu'liü the stranzïrs, is not far from twunty tliousund. Gov. Moody, having the appointtnent of eight officials in Morrow sonnty, Oregan, divided thetn equally Betweeu republioana and deinocrats. Ladies who desiro quiet in New now tit up artistic sitting-rooms it the top of tho house, whexe they reseive only intiiuatc friends in a veritable sky parlor. Sybella June, eolored, died at Sutton'8, Williamsburg county, S. C, a 3hovt time ago. She is said to have been 110 years of age. In Woburn, Mass., last Friday, svhile men were cutting ice on one of the ponds, robins in the trees on the shoro were singing merrily. Miss Addie Kurlz is the deputy sheriff of Franklin oounty, Pennsylvania, and she rocen tly escorted seven male prisoners from the county jail to tho penitentiary at Philadelphia. Tho Salvation arniy In Oakland.Cal., is rapidly breaking up. About once a week some one of the hallelujah lassios elopes with some outside barbarían, and there isn't a corporal's guard left. A church at St. Clairsville, O., secured &n injunction to restrain the manager of the skating-nnk from opening his place on Thursday nights, when prayt'i'-meetings are heid. The two buildings aro so near together that the noise of the rink inlerrupts the services at the church. Childreu of school age must bo remarkablv scarce in some sections of New Hampshire, judging from the following taken from a Boston papert In Warner there is one school district which contains but one pupil, four districts have but two pupils eaoh,and two have only six between them. The name Metis nsed frequontly in counectioD with the Riel rebellion, was originall}' applied to all the mixed breeds ot the norlhwest. There are two divisions of Metis- the MetisFrancais, or Canadians, and tüe MetisAnglais, descendants of the Scottish olficers of the Hudson Bay compauy. The lire relief committee of Carthage, N. Y., request all who sont money for the aid of the sufferers by the great lire in that place in October last, and who havo not veceived acknowledgmeut from tho treasurer, Charles P. Ryther, to comuiunicate with that gentleman, giving amount sent, and to whom. When the druggist is rung out of b d a,t fouro'clock in the morning b)' a cusiomer who wants to purchase a two3ent postage stamp, he begins to think that life is not worth living. - Boston Transcript. Scène: A concert for the pcople. - Dist'nguished Amateur (about to make bis lirst appcarance in public) - ' 'b, I :lo feel so nervous! Sympathetic Friend -Oh, there's no occasion to be nervous, my dear fellow. They applaud anything! - Punch. A Philadelphian went to a physician witli what he had feared was a hopeless 3ase of heart disease, but was relieved Dn lindiug out that the creaking sound vvhich he had hcard at every deep breath vvas caused by a little pullejr on his patjnt suspendei-s.


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