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The greatest tliing a human soul ever does in thls world is to see snrac thing and teil what it saw in a plain way. Hundreai if pcoplecan talk íor one who can think, but thousands can i hink for one who can seo. To see elearly Is poetry, phllosophy, and religión, all in one.- Ruskin. A farmer and bis wife went Intoa entist's. "How mueh do you charge for fillin' teeth?" asked the farmer. "Frora two to live c'.ollars." And for pullinM" "Fifty cents." "Mariar," he sald, torolog to his wifc, ' you'd hetter get it pulled." - New Vink Sun. Out of every one thousand people bom into this world of sin and sorrow, nlne hundred and ninety-nine eitlier do not know a good story wben they hear it, forget it after they have heard it, or do not know how to repeat it thcmselves, or haven't eood judgment about when to introduce it - Cape Ans Advertlser. "How does it happen, Bridget, that Hiere are as many feet of gas charged for this month as last, when Mrs. Blossom and myself have been out oí town three weeks?" "Sure an'Ican't teil, sur, savin' that whin the glntleman caine to luk at theraathur there wosbIx f:it" uL eoal an' wud i top of it, an' he obsarved that I nfedn't bother wid it: le"d take a luk at the pracaydin' liggers. Maybe he added the six fate ofwud andcoal, ] don't know." - Harper's 13azar. He Kopt the Whole House Awake. Washington, D. C.Mr. F. O. McClcary, a prominent soücilor of patents of tliis uity, was troubled for several weeks with a severe cough, which not only deprived him of sleep intannoyed otliers. ïhe only thing which did him uny good, he says, w s the ncw prepar:tion Re 1 Star Cough Cure, a purely vege'able compounl, free fr m opiates, narcotica or poisons of any kind. A celebrated phyelcJan declares thaf'Hunt's Remedy will cure any case of kidney disease that cah bc cured." S. B. Durfey, mate of steamcr Arizona, had his foot badly jamlned. Thomas' Electric Oil cured it. Nothiug equal to it for a quick pain reliever. As f-un-ly as day eonqtiers night, the ciiuse of hcavcn shall prevail, and He shall reien whose right it is to reign. - Baptist Magazine, London. Thz Clergy, thb Medical Kacultv ani tuk Peoplb all endorsa Burdock Blood Bitter? as the best system renovating, blooil purif ing tonic in the world. Send (or testimonia's. Conti 'ïitiiicnt lies wlthln ■ man. in the heart; and the way to lic comfortftble is not by having our barrels filled, bul our mlnds quleted.- ï. Watsoq. For Bukns, Scalus, Beüises and all pain and soreness of the Qesb, the grand household remedy is Pr. 'Jhomas' Electric Uil. Be sure you get the genuine. Nothing Is so strong as gentleness; nothing so gentle as real strength.- St. Francis de Sales. . The Rev. Wm. Stout, Wiarton, Ont., states: After being ineffectually treated by seventeen different doctors forScrofula and blood disease, 1 was cured by Burdock Blood Bitters. Write him for proof. If the heart be given, all Is glven.- Hugh Stowell. Scrofula I-urks ín the blooJ ofnearly every on e, in many casos inhf ried lts sevcrest iorm is ihat of running sores on Ihearms legs or teel. Bunchesintheglaads of ihc ncck, pimplts, cancerous jyrowths, swollen ji ia s, and thickeninj; of ihe upper lip, are other Symotoms. MflOd'ft S.irsnpn ill.i h is had wonderful succe&s in curinj: scrofula. It thoroughly erulicttes the humor from the llood, and givt-s it new vitality and richnes. Albct BtUt, S E ist Pine Strett, Lowc 11, Mass., had heen troubled with scrofulotis humor from boy. hood, and in the summer of ISS4 bad a Jarge running" sore on his log1. On taking: Hood 's Sarsap.irilla the ioregradually dlsappeared, and he has had no Ín (lic;Uiin of the humor sirce. Mrs. Wn.. McDotiAld, Wooster, O , for 13 months sufTered with scroftilous swe Üng; of Ihe glandsin theneck. Hood's SarsapaHla gave iinmcdiatc relief, the BwelUflgl being larptly rcduced 8he thinks :here is equal lo 11. Hood's Sarsaparifla Sold by all drugglsts. U;ilrforS. Madoonlyby C. I. HO0D & CO., Apot Ucearles, Lowtll. Mass. IOO Doses One Dollar. % ##♦♦' : jm VEGETABLE COMPO'D fl; . is a rosmvE cure tor.1 V5Lï M A11 '" palnfal Coinplalnt' ySfW ♦lid Uelmi'Se8 o eonimoii ' Sk toour bent ♦,,' JjUSS FKMALK POPUI.ATIOS. , 1 Trie $t la lliiüd, ptll or '.osci; form. UmoL ai the relief of pain, a,.d thatJ u it claim to do. thousattds oflacíits can gladly Usltj'j. It wlU euro enUiely all OvrUii tro'ible, IiiBajnnif tlon and Ulcoration, Falling añil bisplucumeata, an consequent Spinal Wcakness, aiid ir parlioularl. adapu-d to the ohanfee of lift1. ■, It removes Falntne. lintuli-ui-y, lUstroyaal cmvlm' for stimulans, anj relieTec Weain. a r Mom.vh It cures lüo.uinií, Hodachfs, Pro.lratlon. Gneral Doblllty, Bil UeproalOIl nnd Hul: gestión. Iba fecllng of Daarin down. caatn pto, Sonduwmp to I.yni,; ná, for wimpnlrt. Letter o lnauiryaonlicloiitlally -■"!■'■' r"Oi'"" 1FPAOËS ÉLIQUID GLUE Awanlnl GOLD MEDAt. LONDON, VS. Oed by Mrsoii & llamliii Orna and l'iauo Co.. PullmaD Falace Cai Co., ui-. MlM onlv bj RUSSIA CEMENT CO GLOUCESTÉR. MASS.SOLD "y EVERYWHERE. Tin Cnu by Mail, Ittc ÜEBÏUTY. iofí Kanïïooo! Fr-craature 5c!ïy! Wcakncw. -Dmlimandallforniaof l)t bi'itr In Men froin earlr ECSVïALE TREATMENTS nojrfirnilyM uWiihedin Amerleaolli „„ li.nurli rREE tov:irnet I mi tt I !■■ rn, (nnt toltovg, or curio fitj- Illwrtrated vork on islirmri af ïoet !'"""" rl"1""J' "IL-""". Bruin ,in,l rvo Sea'1 ■ l 01mtosthnonlaIikS H f RADWAY'S P K READY lllllli RELIEF. A CUKE FOB AM. NUMMER COMPLAINTS A tcaspoonful fik linif n tumblei irïll In & few momentB mr ■ ( ItAMPS SPA STOM ACH, N Al S] A. VOMITIN'U, IIËAUTIII I!X, NKRVlAI BE, IBU8, COLIC, i ! :ii.i:mv, wh m.i. ixtkhnal I A 1 N s. For CHOL1 : ■ of tlie iorcgolng Compu MAl.AHIA IS VARIOUS POBHS I-EVEH .y AU: I . Tlier' r.'.n u-orltl tliat w(',l curoFevcrai : Rlllona, and othcr fovi ; qnlckl} ■ RAUS .CUE FOR EVER1 P "■. :' l'OOTHAi HU, Hl IAT. ; ISi, . , Blti i-Ks, PAINÍ Thci ' ■part :.!torl ■ fül !. I' v,: om.v I'AIN REMEDT ■ ■ ■ p .ls. :il!)iys iDDan uiatluu, ■ ■ ■ ether of the Langs, Btomnck, i'.. ■■ ins by üne Bppllcatluii. PRICE, M CENTS i er liutile. Soiü by ilrumflu. DR RADWAY'S cARSAPARILLiaN RE OIVENT, The Creat Biood Pu--ifierFOB THB ( I RE OF i HRONIC !)1EASES. i in cRheumal -n-,. Scrofala, Olandalar Svelllng, HacklDK, Drs Coa(?h, anccrou An.'ctiorifl, Syphiiurc Complalnt, Blcwlin:: of the Langa. Dyapepaia. Water Vlmples, Blotches, i and II! ) UiKi'itM), Mercurial Dia I umplafnca,Goat,DrpjMrf ■ nptlon, Klilney, B plalnts, etc. Dr iudwny's Sarsiparillan HcsoJvent. of Ineredlents of cxtroordlnary medical propcrltlca, esBenual to purify. hert], repair and lnTlKorate the troken-down and wasted body- Qcick, í'leasan r, KAFiin'Hl Pekmaxext In its treatmtmt and care. BOIJ) BT ALL DRÜGQIST8. One Dollar a bottlc. DB BA WA Y8 KF.GULÁT1NO PILL, The Great Liver and Stoniach Remcdy. Pcrfectly t&st oleas, elegantly coated. purge, repúlate, pnrí i Dr. lïadway'H Pilla, for ihf cure uf u disorders of tne Btomacn, .ver. Bowela, Eldueys, Iïimidcr. Ncrvon Lppetlte, ïli-ndache. ConKtipatii.;' i . [fono nes, Fe ver. Inflaimnatton of the Bowela, Piles, oodall dearanecments f xh: Iutenril Viseen. Purely vegetable, routalnlng no mercury. utinerals. or doleteruu-4 drugs. Price 25 cents per box. Soïd by all drugglsts. REÍD ílFALSE AND TRUB.1 Send ft letter stamp tg DR. RADWAT & CO., Xo. M Warren Street, New York. J3r"Iiifoniuiion wortli housands will be -ut toyou. iw tlïat the mor allty among ttitldrea II far greater In tin1 Bummci ■ al any uiher notlon of die ttowels are assured by the use of KIdge'fl Food, ltlanettinU In its actlon, la readily taken by tto ■ b, occasions no tu apon ■ I ana ís a bimüated when the stoma t:li rejectfl all ROCKFOROWATCHES AreMnequmlled í 7SXJ.CT1N SERVICE. .rrr .- , Used by tho Chic" 'PïSföiÖïêfcwv Meehunieiun f tlu. iKmBrS7-':t U. S. 4;:irit Survey : 0j(oS555írV'-'1-iy tli e Admlral "r7t1 JJyCYyxy"'' oiniraiuliiif til tho 3Blfflfifflfc-MJffiMlfflraiMÍreLL atory, lor AstromSSmêEsSSêSS n oni ' s work ; and rtjggjT J1 PfsV ft n jf í iï o e r s, C onintii. They are Tllf RrPT" "íní ïn"iliüity ar# re111 .llciri. h nnd townbyíhCOMi clk ULU i PANT9 exclusive Asrents iMdlacJnnUn,} wlio'vo ;i PuIlWarranty. Tlir P0C1T I11!' Drlllsthowell and pumps out th tncuniAl I ID. entUnn of the Diill ac oach t LJ B f rr-Brlti oke. Prives Üie calmar o r dril la WnlW I a lu te líder it to let ft follow. liiri i nflll I I i Hl Tcs-tdtlitt wüll v i;hout removing IilLL UnlLL l.yütouis! BQuttasttr any other fjgET1! and drut'S tho toóla áUBLÓOMIS & NYMAN, BBBHBBaBB?'" tiffin, ohio. CITic Oldtst Medicine in thc Wtr]il S ■ prolwbly Dr. ISAAC II elebrated Eye Watefl Tiíla arttcle la a carofnlly preparad physictan'f prescripción, unil has been in constant ae Tot nearlyacentnry, tuH notwlthstwndinif tvio oianj olhor prepamtioñs that have been inlriKluced I tito the niarket. the anle cf thls article la consiantly incroasIne. If tbe d;roctioa are followed it will nvor f uil. Wepariicular'y mi vite ) iittentionof phyaicians to lts moritó, „ John L. Thompaon, Sqdb. & Co., Troy, N _y_ por riíR's 10AV t.{.llRR, j(jLH ' Atíache:] 'ü wapo dollvOí winrow . u;ir!in o iheh:iy raclc. xm liclp, i coïi btnarion wtrh ■ -tt. Porter's Hay Carrier reucesthe rxpi'nse oí liaj■ ■ citan hlf. Seni 9(4crnian AMíninaCuroneveryttiatogivoiri.H WÊmettia'STtiit 'ni tüc worst eiiMV,insuree comfort- Hable eUtci); eilecta curca -wborea luthers f ail. AM Ëtrütl eojivinet-f the moA $t.-rp; cal. PriCOíjOo.ft'TiB ■ l.(MoLIi-mnrIiitnrlv!:!a:l. Knin-l 1 CFi: ■M Bt mi ' IimTmW&VwWWWÍMMÍwiÍÍmJ CONSÜMPTION. I havo a positivo romctiy fui 1:10 aluvo dlsêa.o; by lu nis [huusam'4 o f casos OÍ c lio woint ktnd tiU f long itftDdlniïhavotueu cu red. I mlofi!, ■■ o rtinnsls my fitlth InlueffloacT.thai i wl.l wimïwo norn.KS fres, togetherwitlio VAl."AHI,ETItEATISK on tlusdtseaM tú ftuy aufforer. Glvoexpress um! P O. nJdr ss. _DR.T. A.SLOCL'M.lsircarlSt., New York. ffl Lorillard's Ciimas Plug Zjyyy horlng a ((( tin tng ; I.oriIlftrd'S ■■■ lifiifnïKTur.: th:it i.urlllard'.t - ( lipning an.i ( Lorlllwifs Suaü, aii ■ :tu i oheaiw ■', ualitv cousJüeréa t, TJ P T xr re E : EGANS iMri:i:r.i, tüüss Tilla iiiw íniss Ims a ilril fc.irlngand 8BADVATBD VJÏF88I uvery tnOtion, ratklsliur the .iIwhvs. [c:uics. lf 'ini i'ay aml s'iotiv uitíi comfort. tn-lose S einmp for Clrciüar. (Taed lu bott Hospital!. Ukyqgrdrugglat. EGAN'S 1MPKB1ALTKUSBC0., BoxíSJ Anp U'bor.MlCb. ' HE BIST 18 CHEAPEST." wgiük, THPFQHCR'QSAWiiiLii Hersf.Powen ' nnr-OnLnO ciorer Bailen fSult1tÜ) pecUon ? rite for IH1K UJoi. PaaphJ aud rriern t Th AuJttif A Tajlor O.. HuuSiii óiukt, ET I I IWS Bro.7onatnan's Jokes ff" K J ■Hnnr.iíPü.Ilínstmtcd. Sitt, B Vr B sB !■ ■■; '...l.íor'i'iTclvcCoot, Uzv'-'irfíilxlteUuIIouu, !! ür..'tmauSU.NY. W. N. U. D.rT3'.7.27 TC I FRRfiPilV TADOHT AND SITÜATIONS CLCUnKrnl pi KNISMKD. Clrcol fre VAI.KNTINK BBO3.. J aovillo. Wia.


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