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A Maine War

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Particular." have been received of a flerce battle, in whicli about 75 men engaged, which took place on the anemoon aud evening of .luly 4th some mlle aliove the forks of the Kennebec river. A cavalcade of teams belonghm; to :i larire party of Frenchmeti was moving northward along tne rivcr road. The wagons were loadeii with produce, liquor, tobáceo, etc., and the turn, rn or 60 in uumber, were on an expedltlon whicli had both trade and ternporary employnient lu hnrvesting the hay erop Is lts objects. At about 1 o'clock in the afternoon the train was suddenly attacked by a gang of thfrteen river drivers who were cefeliratlng the holiday. Tbe assallants made a sudden rush with clubs for weapons, drove off tne Frenehmen, upset the wagons and seized such of the coutents asthey considered of valne. The Frenchmen were "ut well armed, but they soon rallied and made a savas charge. One of theni had a revolver and he handled it so well that three of its flve shots took effect, mortally woundlng one man and crippliug two others. The rivermen then produced one or two pieces of flrearms. A snotgun in their hands did some eiecution, but the wounds it lnflicted were slight. The next man 10 fall was Kobert Bean, a luinberman, whose head was split open by an ax wiclded bv au infuriated Frcnchman. He will probablv die. Another river driver, pursued at the poin't of a pistol, leapcd dewn a bank twenty fcet high toward the river, receiving fatal injuriis. The tight conlinued with van ing advantage and occasioual lulls uutil 10 o'elock at niglït. Tho overturued wagons were ugsd ns barricades, and the fort was several times captured and. recaptured. Xhe rivermen fought moet espr f cly hit tli i l:mon v,rr nnt 10 ourageoa . As t!i" :.. c: "I h" i'n my was reunced, however, tfcelr tourajrc iucreiweA Bí;fíre th ; last attui k vis tnad8 teD of the lurabcrraea were stretched üu the üeM with wounds cither fatal or completely disabled. The remaininp: three fougbt as ik'spuratelv as at the outset, and the Btruggle diil not end untll only one remained on his feet. He and bis wounded comi'ades were made prisoners, and now are In eustody at the Forks. liesides those whose injuries are describcd above, anotlier still lies insensible and In a critlcal condition from the eitects of a blow on the head wilh a club.


Old News
Ann Arbor Democrat