Real Estate Transfers
J. L. Lapham to W. P. Lanc, land iu Salem. $1,600. Jane P. Forbes to F. L. Thompson, Ypsilanti, $l,20n. Harvey Blackman to Daniel Eckard, Sharon, 2,000. Jaa. Kelley (administrator) to Aoher C. Taylor, liridgewater, $2,475. John Sperry to Ghaa. T. Henion, Ann Arbor, 1500. Elmer S. Prudden to Perry C. Depew, Sylvan, $1,000. Geo. J. Nissly to Daniel Nissly, Saline, $2,000. Jno. Baunigartner to Bernard Norton, Ann Arbor, $500. Daniel Hand to Ann Arbor Waterworks, Ann Arbor, $500. Cliiy A. Green to Mary E. Foster, Ann Arbor, $3,020. " I do think that thirteen is really an unlucky number," said a port young miss who had juet entered her teens; "it is too old for dolls and too yoitng ior beaux!" "Is the man honest?" asked old Hyson. "Honset as the day is lonp ;" was the reply. "Ye-es," said old Hyson; "but then he won't do at all. I want him for a night watchman."
Real Estate Transfers
Real Estate - Ann Arbor
Real Estate - Washtenaw County
Old News
Ann Arbor Democrat
J. L. Lapham
W. P. Lane
Jane P. Forbes
F. L. Thompson
Harvey Blackman
Daniel Eckard
James Kelley
Asher C. Taylor
John Sperry
Charles T. Henion
Elmer S. Prudden
Perry C. Depew
George J. Nissly
Daniel Nissly
John Baumgartner
Bernard Norton
Daniel Hand
Clay A. Green
Mary E. Foster