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ú There is a dearth of local nevfs. l Council meeting Monday evening. Domestic pets- Matrimonial sulks. A weli-dressed foot is athingOf booty. '" Butter ia á mighty scarce articlé just DOW. 8. Knight of the third 'wwr-d, is quite ■seriüuslj ill . ; Uiêd, iu tliis city, :July 22, Mrs. Ü.J. Feil, aged is8 years. Miss Nellie Ames is visitiog her lincle, A. Durand, in Chelsea. Mrs. C. C. Warner and daughters are visiting in Oatland coimty. i A large nuinber of Pontiacers are in . the city to-dav ori au excursión. Next Bunday the Rey. ö. H. Adanis will preach at the M. E. clinrch. ..;■ Grrasfthoppers aro. unid to be destróying :;wfaeat,aad oats in soiiie localities. ; Albeït Congdon of St. Gloud, Mint)., ..ia visiting his unclö, A. W. Ames.The Two Sams advertïse great bárgains in elothin Read tbeir adv. (Jhas. E, Lowery will address the tempérance meeting "Bunday afternpon. . MÍ3S Gracë Black of Hastiügs, is visiting her sister, Airs. W. F. Stimson.. Excursión rates over the Toledo road from August 4 to (i, ouly fl.80 for round trip. Jao. Boirc of Lyndou, died at the cöunty house, Sunday. Friends aaw him buried. Soine TOO persons went on the excursión yesterday. The City band accom pain d them. A. F. Uangsterfer is re-flooring his ' hall, and will have the finest dancing academy in the city Jno. .MullhoHand, cashier of the Bhv City Savings bank, ís spending thé week with relatives in this city. W. W. Watts of the Palace, ha& been elected vice-president of the state asso. ciátion of rink proprietors. W. H. Burlson catered for the excur si(jnisi,B yesterday. He bid, $10 morie than F. Hangsterfer for the privilege. Ueo. Hall, who shöSyH signs of insanity, has been oommit:ed to jail pending an examiaation . by physicians as to his lunacy. C. A. Barry, who hns a position iu the : -People'p National bank, Jackson, is pending lus vacation at his home in this city. County Treasurer Belsèr will leave aböut the niiddle of August for a vacation of two weeks at üntonagon and other points in Michigan. Mayor Kapp has called a meeting of ihe citizens at the eourt house, this eveuing, to make arrangements for memorial services on the day of Gen. Granfs funeral. Oonley B. Covert, aged 2;i years, and a resident of the township of Superior, died, Wednesday, of hip disease. The funeral takes place this afternoon from his late residence. One spring to be utilized b the water works conipsny, now fiows 20((,0ü0 gallons of fine water every 24 hours. When cpmpleted there will be a water supply of 4(K),(K)Ü gallons per day. Suits for false imprisonmont, growiny f out of the arrest of the young Germán ; conple in the sixth ward, have also been I commenced Hgainst Hawyor aud Gidley and ühief Fall. E. D.'Kimiewill defendFalL Rfrs. L. L.Clawson who mysteriously disappeaied from her home in Ypsilanti, : sotoe weeks ago, has been heard from in Detroit. Tile News hh s that an effort will be made to induce her to return to her family. A new briek hotel KM)xK0 feet and two L stories high, is to be erected on the " north side of Whitmore Lake. to coet , S7,M)(). Thé foundation will be laid next month, ind the building completad in May néxt. . ■:... The Buffalo Express fathers asíate- ment that Prof. C. K. Adums' iiceeptanoe - of the Cornell presiden y was in the hands of President White betore the latter'genïlêmap passed iu liïs rèsignation . td the'ti.ustoês. . A house' ón Fourth . treet, oraod liy Srs. J. G. Norton and oocupiéá by L. . -llifiduft, Vuuííht-rirc Tuesday. Ak tiierö" ..-'.-had ijuau .-ïm.Urt; in the.phicu fur ■anmeT" time sj)outa.n_eous opnilustion is the "' supposed cauge. Loss,. $10U. The iron work for the nevr gail has ar rived. There will be uo term of cotirt unti Hept. 7. J. E. Wynian of Detroit, was in the city Tuesday. The Barrj place, on Fourth street, is oflered for sale I. A. Urawford had a horse die from sun-stroke, Sunday. J. M. Wilcoxson will take the census in this school district. Miss Bell Berry spent last week in Detroit with friends. O. F. Webster moved his family to Owosso, Wednesday. Mrs. T. K. Hascall of Detroit, is visiting friends in the city. The attempt to foist another pohcemán on the city, didn't work. Mrs. Dr. üunster and daUghter have )fone east for the sumnner. The stone pavemont around &xe ooiirt. yiird is tu be re-laid in places. Wcdnesday was another hot dny witli the thermometer üp in the ninetiës . Berg. D. Payne in at YpsilarjH, on a two weeka' visit witli Guy Oreahnan. Miss Mattie Harriman has gone on a three weekB' visit to' f rienda in Oleveland. Willis Boughton has gone to Kansas on a visit to his mother and other relatives. Last Sunday the Rev. Dr. Steele delivered a discourse on the death of Gen. Grant. Niohols Bros. will occupy their dental parlors in the M aeonio block about August 1. Prof. A. Pattengill, Mr. and Mrs. J. T; Pattengjll, and Mrs. J. C. Knowlton, are at Charlevoix. SI. Donohue has opened a shoe shop adjoinüig Walsh & Gibney's place on North Main street. Peter Carey is putting a new foundation under the south side of his building on Detroit street. The flrst hydrant of the water works was set Tuesday, corner Hiscock and Fountain streets. Mrs. Maria Renville of Brooklyn, NY,, mother of Mrs. Dr. Breakey, died Tuesday at the age of 80 years. With fine weather to-day and to-morrow, the wheat erop in this county will uil be secured in üne condition. Aug. Schmid was in Detroit last week and attended the Onyx excursión, Friday événing, on the Detroit river. A lawn social was given by the ladies of the Episcopal society, Wednesday afteraoon, at the residence of J. M. Wheeler. :.: : ... :_... The case of Walsh & Gibney, for keeping their saloon open after 10 o'clock, will be heard August 6, before Justice Freuauff. Chief Fall has been instructed by the council to enforce the ordinance relative to persons lounging on the grasa in the court yard. Already many first-class theatrical combinations have been booked to appear at the Grand opera house the coming season. Frank Minnis was robbed of $8 in; money, a gold pm and silk handkercbiefj Monday night, between Diyision and Fifth streets. A member of the pólice forcé is to be detailed to look after the uurully fellows around thé Michigan Central depot and the fifth ward. Georsre, a bod of Dr. Frothingham, had his hand and wiist tladly laceiáted, Monday night, by being pushed through a pajje;pf glass in Jno. cfunaman's laundry. ■ An excellent portrait of Judge Cooley painted for the niversity by L. T. Ivés, the Detroit artist, ia on exhibition at M S. Smith & Co. 's jewelry store, in that city.. . . Miss Lou Canwell, last week left Detroit, where -she was on a two weeks' visit at the house of J. Wyinan, for Ionia, whére shë will pay a week's visit to hor sister, Airs. T. Preston. :The state teachers' institute of Wash;enaw county, will bein session at Ypsi laüti AuguRt 17 to 21. The exercities will be cónductéd by persons of experieuce, known ability and éiainent success. '. Saturday fflght, about 12 o'clock, a frëefight occurred iii a saloon ou Main Street, which resultéd in a negro hámed Hurst being slíót in the leg, and anotlier negro, Dan. Cobb, ha ving a "head" put ij. Moxfisba Imh been arrested for the caréless üse of tire arma; Tbe following invitatiou which we received last week explaius itself : "Camp IndoleTice- Whitmore Lake. - You are ordially mvited to visit us at our camp t Wideman'a Grove, from July 23d to aignst 6th. Eiia Tompkius, Estelle (ï. Vlozart, Anna Mozart, committe oö invi'itions. Monthly meeting of the pomological ooiety to-niorrów, August 1, ín the buse-, ment of the court house. Topics for disoussion: " Kaspberries," "Causes of riape Eot," and "The Handling of 'i ates by the Servants of Express Com jaiiies." There will also be an exhibim of fruit. The terms of Hon, W. D. Harriman Pli. Bach and A. M. Doty, as school triiKtees expire September 1. We understand that Jud e Harriman, who has held the office for twelve years, persistently declines a re-election. Mr. B. has been a member of the board for twenty years, while A. M. Doty has held only one term. Enterprise: The Manchestester cornet band will give a harvest picnic and bowery dance at Gerringer's grove, near Silver lake, in Freedom, on Thusday, August 6. Several bands have been irjvited to attend and a general invitation is extended to all to go and enjoy the sport. There will be a dance in the aCternodn and evening, and the bandB will give a parade at 3 o'clock in the afternoon. Mrs. Plymton, a teacher in the f ourth ward school, bus been promoted to the position of principal in the first ward. ftiiss Louisa Taylor has been appointed to the vacancy caused by the resignation of Miss Mattie Strickland. George A. Rhodes has been appointed teacher of history in the high school, vice Geo. S. Kuight, who resigned to accept the chair of history in the university at Columbus, O. In case Prof. Wilsey de clines the appointment as music teacher at a salary of $400 for half time, Prof. Geo. W. Renwick will be asked to accept the position. If the ruckets which occur nightly on our streets, more particularly around the court yard square, are to continue, the soóner the council decapitates the entire pólice forcé the better. In any event there will be a saving to the city of $2,400 annually, and it can't possibly be any noiser thau it is now between the hours of 11 and 2 o'clock at night. The pólice seetn unable to abate the nuisauce. It is a matter that the council should take cognizance of. We have the names of a nuraber of citizens who wül make affidavit, if necessary, to thé oareléss manner in which the pólice have of doing business in the third ward. The hallooing Tuesday night was kept up uutil 12 o'clock No gas lamp hud to be extinguiahed that uitrit. Between one and two o'olock Tuesday morning M.Sheehan heard some ouerumaging about iii his cellar. He jumped up in his nijjht shirt, and with revolver in hand went to look for the midnight prowler. A student carne to Shee han'H ïelief, armed with a policeman's whistle, wliich he commenccd blowing líke a good Tollow. He soon started down street blowing the whistle at every unap, and he kept the thmg going, hopiag to attract the attentiou of some patrolman, but none heard his oall, except a niííht watchman. 'Vho two then went to hunt the patrolmen np aiid in the coui'bc of time they were fovind on Ann streit, liying on tlie platform m front of Stimson'H grocery, both fast asleep. Two or tliree ood jerk awakened them and they started for iSheehan's but disoovered uo one who looked like a. burglar. The mechanica! laboratory will coet $10,000. , ■, Mis. Chas. Woodward spont this week in Letroit. Ann Arbor dealers furnish ice for residents of Tpsilanti. Al Stevens has purohased the Lake house at Whitmore. Mrs . Ellen Deedy died Sunday, in the 89th year of her age . Jno. J. Robison was in Pinckney Monday and Tuesday. The citizeiis of Slilan are favored with serenades by the Minnis family residiutj there. tolieeman Sipfley has been preseDted with a handsome silver-plated self aoting revolver. Howell gives a bonus of 820,000 toward the consti-uction of the Toledo road to that place. Mrs. A. and Mrs. L. McEwfen of Plyruoutli, visited their sinter-, Mj-s. E. K. : Curtis, last week. ,. Prof . Pemmiiu wijl have ehargq. Qf the teaclirra' instituye in Charlotte, c(?iniiicncmg Augwt 2-1, Burglara attempted au entrance into Dr.. Wilson'.s house, Sïmday night, but were frightened awav. . Mre. iMary Schrnid of Council Bluffs, Ia., is visiting her father, Fred. Stabler of West Huron street. Isaac Dunn left Monday on a visit to tüfl sons in Dakota. He expects to be absent some two weeks. Jno. O. Forshee of London, Monroe oounty, was in the city Monday, on business in the probate court. Brighton taxpayers have signed a bond guaranteemg f 10,000 for the Toledo, Ann Arbor and Northern road. The temperance people of Ypsilanti are raising money to continue tbéir meetings and secure good speakers. Birtie, son of Henry B. Dodsley iged .3 years, died Saturday of inüamation : of the bowels, after a week's illness. The Ann Arbor city band will attend heiestival to be given by the Monroe ■ jand on tlte occasion of lts 2í5th anniversary, in August. A buiglar attempted an entrance into ■ Vuditor General Stevens house on ; ;alls street, Friday night, by turning the ' ront door key with a pair of nippers. A new flsh cal'ed the chema has been I lisciïvered in the Gulf of Mexico. He'si ooi enough to mte au unbaited hook. : Why don't they oall it the officë-Beeker. ! The large field of horses entéred and; the libèrality displayed in the amount of ; the puïsea, ïnake the coming races at ; Ypsilanti an assured süccess. 'I here are; noted horses among those nominatedi and some very f ast time may be expected. ; Ann Arbor wiLl furnish her f uil quota of j patrón s "How is it, Mr. Brown," said the mill-i owner to the farmer, "that when I carneto measrare those five barrels of apples Ij bóught from you, I found them nearly a barrel short?" "Singular, very singular,! for I put them up in some of your ownj flour barrels." "Ahem! Did, eh ? Wèll,. perhaps I made a mistake. Fine weath-; er, ien't it ?" ■ Milan Leader: The R. E. Commiss-; ioner, of Lansing, met the people of Nora at' the depot July 22d to see about open-j ing a station ut this point. A commit-í tee was appointed to look up the matter! and report at the next meeting, ta be; held at said depot August 7th next.- - ; Cyral Forman has purchased the three lote between iíra. Jones residence andi the .depot on First street, and is prepar-i ing to build him a house and shop. ïpgilanti Commercial ; ..Eliaabeth! Cronkhite wat} bpra in Hosaic, N. TJ Pee. 27, 1797. . She was married to James Hutchinson on her 21st birthday. ,,: In} May, 1835, they, with tüeir family of five! children, three sons and two dáughters,: moved west, and settled at Ypsiïanti Mich., where , they had three more sons They celebratèd their golden Wedding in I86y, an occasion of much .interest ; In 1874 she wás left a widow and kept house for two years after. For nearly nineyoars she has lrved with her youug-j est daughter, Mrs. Caroline Benuett, on! Bivér fitreet, litiiing wlnoh time she, )ih failed gradually. Wilhngly aud huppilji ne went to her rest. ; Bill Nye says: "Don't attemptHd ehent an editor öut of a year's subscrip tion to bis paper, :or any sumi the minister, oheat the doctor, öbeat the lawyer, éheat anybody anc everybody, but if you have an, ragart for future consequences, don't fooi witl the printer, Hewill .geteven with you and more, too. You up.for office some time, or want spme. public favor f oí ypurself or some ei your friends, a.n4 just wheu you think your luck is a thiná; of beauty nnd a joy torever, the printef will open upon yon and knock your air Dastles into a cocked hat ut the lust fir4 He'U subdue you, and then you'lj cusfe your stupidity for a dri reling idïoi;, go and hire. some man to knock you down and kick you then for falling. Dq not. laugh, at the drunken mai reeling through the streets, howevek-: ludicnius the sight may be; just stop to think. H,e ia going home to some tendet heart that will throb with intense agony!; some doting motlier, jierhaps, who will grieve over the downfall of her oncfe sinless toy ; ór it may be a fond wifé, whose heart will always burst with grief as she views the destruction of ïdol. or it may be a loving sister who will shed bitter tears over the degradaron qf ler brother, shorn oï his manlinesá anjl. selfrespect. Eather drop a teár in silent sympathy with those tiearts sb seenly sensitive and tender, yet so prouÜ and loyal that they cannot accept synjjathy tendered them in either words, ooks or acts, although it migbt fa}l upon their crushed and woundeS hearts is refreshing as the summer dew upon ;he withering plant. Saline Observer: Town Clerk Howie reporta the following number of woocjchucks slaughtered in Saline township for tlie periods named: April 1 to July 20, 1884, 384, for which 38.30 bounty was paid; April 1 to July 20, 1885, 274, for which 41 . 85 bounty -was paia. The jounty last yêar was 10 cents, which was ncreaaed to 15 cents a peace for the 5 reeent yeur. A close calcularon indicates that not less than 25,000 óf . these destructable brutee were killed in this county dimng the year ending july.0 The York mili dara sprung ïnother teak Tuesday. The water worked its ■way through the earth a distanee of 30 feet, following underneath a large wooden Bill tbat forms the foundation of the dam. Whether it is a muskrat that is loing the mischef, or somethïng else, is hard to teil, but it is certainly a very remarkable sort of accident. Mr. Hoyt bas lost heavily by this mifortune. The work of replacing the dam in the spring cost him $250 bésides the los to his bus iness, which he is illy able to stand. He is deserving of the sympathy and aid of of our people. Evening Journal : In response to a cali issued by James F. Joy, James McMillan and Bela Hubbard, a company of repre sentative gentleman of Detroit assembled at Mr. Joy' office Wednesday morning, to arrange for the reception of the American associaticu for the advancement of science duriug its m eting in Ann Arbor next month. Henry Knssel, of the Michigan Central railroad, has been energatic in pushing the matter, and ha arranged a program. A special train will bring about 500 membere of the associatiOQ from Ann Arbor in the morning, ünd at the Third-st. dock a transfer will be made to the steamer City of Detroit. The boat will run to; Marine City, where opportuuity will be given the wis'e men tö iuspect McElr'iy's mineral welí. Dinner at the Oakland, and the ride back to the city and to Ann Arbor will consume tlie rest of the day. Arrangement are not fully completed, but it is expected that tlio program as given will not neet to lie ehanged. The necessary fundafor defrayin? tlie expenses ar promiiwd by the gentlemen who were present or who re interested. It is nót designed to show the guests the city, as Ann Arbor ia so near that individual can readily come here at will. ThiB" is tbe age of ocean travel, the steerage,, A Gorman whose name we did not learn, had his arm broken yesterday by a plank falling on him from the Stabler block. The marriageof Mr. Ambrose Keamey of this city, and Mrs. Mary Costello of Chicago, was solemnized in the latter city J une 16. The Evening News says it is pretty well understood among those who are ön the inaide m university matter that the professorship of history at Aan Arbor, vacated by the departure of Prof. C. K. Adams to OorneU, has been offered to Judge T. M. Cooley. Tüe arrangement includea the return of tbe judge to faculty of the law school. If the plan beara f ruit Judge Cooley will take charge of all the American history courses in the literary deparment and will deliver.a sliprt series of lectures to the law studente, besides lendiug the weight of his name to the latter department, which, sihee the resignatioh of Cooley tmd Campbell, has ëxpèriencd á painfül laok of gieat uames in its faoulty list. Judge Cooley is said to regard the offer wjth á good deal of favor, and this, tog-ether with fact that his family are very anxious to remain in Ann Arbor, makes it probable that the jadge will be the successop of both Prof. Adams and Judge Campbell. ,


Old News
Ann Arbor Democrat