Real Estate Transfers
Very little property is changing hands iii this county, as will be seen from the following sales recorded since out Jast issue: N. B. Hill to Jerry Walsh, property in Ann Arbor, $850. Adaline 8. McOmber to Marrhall 8. McOmber, Ypsilanti, $350. ■ Sarah M Joslyn to A . L. Parker, Ypsilanti, $500. Uelos Townsend to Phebe Townsend, York, $1,000. Doretha Frey to H. Hardiugbaus,Ann Arbor 'SI.3H2. John Frcy, bjr adminiatrator, tq same, Anu Arbor, $0,000. Jno. Frey, by guardiaa of heirs, to same, Ann Arbor, $6ü. Jonathan 8. Gould to Abraham Maybee, Augusta, $2,000. Jas. N. Wnllaoe to Elvira Glough, Yp sflauti $ 1,000. : ; ■ : F. H. Sweetlandto Allenton C. Swetland, Sylvaa, $9,645. Mary E. Bátwell to Dora Bichmofld, Ypsilanti, $950.
Real Estate Transfers
Real Estate - Ann Arbor
Real Estate - Washtenaw County
Old News
Ann Arbor Democrat
N. B. Hill
Jerry Walsh
Adaline S. McOmber
Marshall S. McOmber
Sarah M. Joslyn
A. L. Parker
Delos Townsend
Phebe Townsend
Doretha Frey
H. Hardinghaus
John Frey
Jonathan S. Gould
Abraham Maybee
James N. Wallace
Elvira Clough
F. H. Sweetland
Allenton C. Sweetland
Mary E. Batwell
Dora Richmond