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A Chinaman Outwitted

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"Look at that fellow, Ralph," said Charles Powell, dcsignating with his fingcr a slim Malay, who stood a little aloof from the gauir of noisy laborera crowding the pier :it Batavia. "Did von ever see a thinnor specimen? Looks as though ït had been somo time since ho had even heardthe mention of lood." Charles Powell, a young Now Yorker, and his fricnd Ralph Somurs, an Englishruan, had, just iho day before, niet in Balavia, the foriner being on his way to Hong Kong, while the latter, after a two yers' service in China, was returning to England on leave of absence. The Malay in question fully qualified by his appearance the remarks of tho young American. Ho was a thin, spare man, half-clad, and with a turban wound around his crisp, black hair. He stood for a moment gazing moodily into the water, and then, as if understanding the jocular remarks of tho young man, he tasada toward him with a look upon his face halfsneer, half-frown, and tho next instant sprang from the pier and disappearnd beneath the surf we of the muddy water. In an instant Ralph cast aside his coat and sprang after him, and in two minutes the man lay upon the wharf. At lirst he preservad a dogged silcnco whcn questioned by his rescuer. "Come, come, now! Braco up, coolie! I say, now, don't get so dre.idfully hip'ped, man," said Ralph. He linally confessed that it was poverty that had led him to an attcmpt to take his own life. it was the old story! A pair of willing .hands, but more applicants for places than there were situations to lili. Out of woi'K and out of money, with a sick wife starving before his eyes, despair had driven him here in the hope of gettiDgr even the poor employmenl that would earn a few cents a day, and failiug in this, ho had momentarily lost his reason. "Cheer up, man," said Ralph, handing him a silver coin. "Here is something for your present needs. Don't try to feed the tishes again." The poor fellow but half comprthended tho words tho Englishtnan spoke. He gave one tloubtful look at the eoin and at the giver, and then murmurinsr a blessing upon the youug man, turnud and disappeared. Ralph, dripping wet, sought the nearest house, which proved tobe that of Chan Fong, a rich Chinese merchant of Batavia. As our friends entered Chan Fong was seated upon one of the porcelain stools in front of the counter. He half turned as they entered. "Yung Faa, as l'm a sinner!" cxclaimed Ralph, as his eyes feil on the Chiuaman, who, howcver, returned his gaze with an uumoved countenance. "Are you not Yung Faa?" questioncd Ralph. "No," said ho; "[ am Chan Fong." And cooly askctl: "But who are you?" "Wcll. if you aro not Yung Faa," said Ralph, disregarding tho inquiry, "You are his ghost." "I ara Chan Foner," sententiously rojilied tho Chinaman. R:ilph apologized for his hasty exclamation, and dismissod tho subject. Ho callcd for a draught of brandy to ! koop the cold out, and the young men i doparicd for the Hotel Buitenzort. 'Ibnt man is Yung Faa," Ralph carnestly said to his friend, when out of ear-shot of the Chinaman. "But for heaven's sake wko is Yung Faa?" asked Powell. "Young Faa," said Ralph, "was about a year ugo tho slirott', or paying olork, for the house of Gilbert & Masou, of Hong Kong. His bond was $30,000, wiiioh was deposited in bank, accoiding to custoiu, when he tirst recoived tho situation. He was intrusted with the expenditure of large sums of nionev, and üso had charge of the Hong stamp or seal of the firm. About a year ago he disappeared. A I week afterward a body was found I floating in the harbor, wliieh the I oner decided was nono other than i Young Faa. The tirin of Gilbert & Masou, deeply regretting his loss, gave hini a magnitieent funeral, and the bond was relun.ed to his ; ed ffcmily. "Yon can imagine tho chagrín of Gilbert & Masori when tlicy discover cd afterward that Yung Faa had been guiliy of mimerous thefls. The credit of the lirm deiuandud silence on the subject, and many debts, contracted in the name of tho firin by Yung Faa, were )aid, ralher than to allow tho damaging truth to be known. The nrm'slosses aggregatc nearly $100,000, and none now inourn more sincerely the death ot Yung Faa than his too contiding eniployers. "Yon can imagine how astonished I was to see him here- for if that is not he, I will eat mv hat! Uut come, I must gel rïd of these wet clothes, and wo'll take a turn through the Botanical Garden." Ko sooiicr had Ralph disappeared than the Chinaman followed him, Keepinp; wcll out of siglit of the young im;n, he satisfieil liimself whore thcy were stoppiugs snd then made all ]i-sib'c liastfl loward the Mala)' portion ol tiie city. 'l'lncnd'ii'r h's way thrniigh one of the n:nov.est sITeets, ho linally paused boforo a w retened hovel; then abmplly puslüug back the mat which Urn muy lor i uuur, ar, wimuui ïuiwier -rtMiionv, entered tliis house. A man aróse frora a corner of the room and advanoed toward him, with j. türeatenlng flanee, as if to question this rade cutriuice. "Quiet yourself, Nablar," said Ohan Fon;. "ï mean you no harm." "She ah all not be troubled," said the Malay, huskily, pointing to the corner, where, upon mat, lay hls sick wife. "She shall not be troubled," echoed the Chiaanian. "I como to give you uioney. Nublar not to tlemand it. ïou shall be wel) pftid. You shall get cnough briht silver dollars to place yourse'.f and her forever beyond want. Can I U' enough to explain what I wish of you?" "The Malay's mos glistened. He kucw that "what was wanted of him" ! was .sonie rascally enterprise. 'Telt uio." besaid, bnelly. "A man has JDJnred me and you 1 must kill him! "That," pointing to I the loai. wavy .Malay knife which Nabloi' wore in his girdle, "will be suüicieut.'" "Tho money?" deuiauded the Malay. "I v i il give you live bundred Me?;ioin dollars," said Chau Fon - "half n,jv, anj the remaioder whon you yw ht th mau is döadjM As he spoko ho produced from his voluminous gown ívyo rolls of silver, which lie placed in the bewildered Mala}7' hand. "Ín ten minutes 1 will return," said be, "and wil] then be able to tell you where to iiudyour man." Chan Jong dlsappeared, leaving the ; Malay doubting whethor ho wasawake or not. Nablar touchod the rolls oí monoy. This was real. Opening one ' of the rolls, he allowed the bright ' silver to glide írom one hand to another. Ho thought little of the crime ' to be coiuniitted. Hard as his life had been for years, he believed that he i did not owe much to society. At any rate, here was health und happiness for her who lay helpless beforo hia eyes. He was still plunged in thousrht, when Chan Fong hurriedly entering, said: "Quiok, Nablar! Your man has just f one to the Botón ical Garden. Come! will point him out to yon." The two had proceeded but a short distance, when the Chinaman touched his compam'on, and said, pointing to a 8niall carriage, that was passing at break neck speed. "Thero üe is in that oarriago. Your man is the one with the blue ribbon on his hat. Make no niistake. They eo to Botamoal Garden; ywu must follow." A strange look settled upon the Malay's face. In that rapid glance he had recognized tno occupaats of the carriage. Ho sped after them, and was soon out of sight of Chan Fonir. "That is iinishcd." said the Chinaman as he returned to his store. The jingle in the Botanical Garden slightly stirred, as our friends stood ; gazing at theantics of some half -dozen oaged Javanese monkeys. 'Master?" said Nablar, softly. "Hey, coolie!" said Ralph, "what brings you here?" "Master," said the Malay, "I speak little, I speak truo. Chan Fong will kill you!" Ralph started. "And you have come hore to tell me this?" hesaid. "Chan Fong has paid me to kill yon. Had I not come, he would havo sent another." "I seo It all!" exclaimed Ralph, to his astonishod frieud. "Ho is Yung Faa, :ind but for tho gratitude of this poor man he would have carried out his desisrns upon uiy life. Thanks, coolie! What is your nauio?" "Nablar." "Well, Nablar, you shall be no loser by your fair dealing with me. How much were you to get from tho Chinaman?" In brief terms Nablar informed him of the promise made by Chan Fong. "The scoundrel!" muttered Ralph. "But come; we must denounce the f ello w." "Stay, Ralph," said Powell, "that course will never do! You must die. In f act, you aro deud already," and taking tho blue band from Kalph'shat, he handed it to the Malay. "Here, you have iilled your contract; present this and claim your money. You will not see us again." The Malay disappearcd in tho jungle as suddenly as he had appeared. Powell hurriedly explained his proposed plan, and tbey too. disappeared in thethick undergrowtb, and skirting the main road, made their way back to the hotel. It was dark when they reached the city. Immediately, Ralph embarked on a stcamer leaving that night for Hong KoDg and the next day Batavia was astir over the death of the young Englishman. Powel), when interviewed, could givo no clue to the murderer. He had been for a short time separated from his frlend, when he heard loud cries and struggles. He saw, only a short distance away, a Malay running at full speed toward him. Fearing for his own lifo, belled, and made his way as bi'st he could to the city. A searuh was instituted, but no trace of the body could be found. Thatevening, Chang Fong received an anonymous letter, mforming him that his share in the murder was known. His conversation with Nablar was repeated, sufliciently to convince him that he had been overheard. Chan Fong was warned that both he and Nablar would be brought ïo justice. At dusk a steamer was to loave for Bombay, and Powell, having concealed hiuiself on board, kept a close watch iipon the ciubarking passengers. As he had expected, one of Üie lirst to step on board was Chang Fong, quite plainly dressed, and booked for Éombay. No söoner had the steamer left i!ie harbor than Powell announced to tlie captain the crime for which the Celestial was waDted. The captain, advancing to that part of the vessel where the Chiiiaman sat, in quired his name. 'Ah Hing!" coolly replied the many named individual. No attempt was made to control his movements until the steamer was nearing thfi port of Bombay, when a private signal from the mastbead announced to the authorities that two pólice officers were wanteri. Before the vessel had yet anchored, a bont came alongside, and two policemen stepped on board. 'Arrest that man!" said Powell, sho-.ving himself for tho lirst time to the astonished Chinaman. Yung taa, alias Chan Fong, alias Ah Min;i, made an attempt to leap into one of thw numerous suiall boats that were now surrounding the steamer, but the offleers were too quick for him, aud soou, securely handcuft'ed, he wan transferred to tho prison at Bombay. Two weeks later Powell with his prisoner, appeared in Hong Kong. The iirst man who met them upon their landing was Ralph Somers. "You!" gasped the Chinaman. "Yes, me!" responded Ralph, ungrammatically - "and also you, I perceive," he added, coolly. Again in Hong Kong, Yung Faa was speedily brought to justice and the tirm of Gilbert & Mason were repaid their losses by the sale of the property of the Batavian raerchant. Nablar was not forgotten, and is now the proud possessor of a handsome carriago of his own. He can any day be seen, shouting as vociferously for a "fare" as any of the hundred hack-drivers of "Batavia. Ralph Somers viaited England after all a linio later, but with a handsomo reward from Gilbert & Mason for consenting to be a dead man for awhile, and very proud of having been the means of outwitting a Chinaman.


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