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The Country At Large

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A high official States that the Dominion government , has no intention of hanging ENGULPED VILL.AQE8. A distrous flood in the province of Cantón, China, resulted in the death of 10,00;) persons, and great destruction of property. PAKDONED. President Cleveland has pardoned Miehacl Muilen, of Cineinnati, who was sentenced to one year's imprisonment for imprisoning 100 voters to prevent them froni voting. GIVEN TO ANOTHEB. The contract between the United States government and John Roach for the construction of the f our vessels named in the contract, has been declared forfeited. Contracts will be made with another firm and the vessels finished. IN MEMOKIAN. A large crowd of people from Appomattox Court House assembled a few days ago and draped the house in vrhich Gèns. Grant and Lee signed the terms of surrender in April, 1865. It is proposed to allow the draping to remain 30 days. DOWN TO DEAT1I. Jarvis Snyder, hls wife and young daughter, Wm. HeBron and George Hansen started across the Colunibia river at Cascade Locks in a sailbapt. The wind died down and the boat vvas earried over the rapids and all were drowned. None of the bodieswere found. AN OUNCE OP PKEVENTION. The Italian postmaster general has notifled the United States postoffiee department that, owing to the prevalence of cholera in that pprtion of the French territory throdgh which mails from the United States destined fpr Italy must pass, all mails sacUs of the ordlnary kind will be fumigated. He suggests that to avoid detentlon from fumigation tarred mail saeks be used. The superintendent of foreign mails has lssued instrüctions carrying into effect this suggestlon. POR A W0MAN. Wm. Parks, a negro living in Amherst county, Virginia, has been arrested for starvng his children to death. In the last flve months flve af Parks' seven children have died of starvation, and the others are emaciated and suffering from want of food. Parks not only refused the little ones food, but would not allow others to give them aid. The reason he assigns is that he wanted to marry a woman but she would not accept because he had so many children. HOME AGAIN. Maxwell, the suspected murderer of Prellar In a St. Louis hotel, bas been brought back from New Zcaland, the steamer reaching San Francisco Aug. 10. Maxwell, when questioned, positively refused to make any statement respecting the crime he is charged with, 6aying iie had been so advsied by his counsel before leavicg Auckland. He looks cheerf ui and says ie never feit better in his life. The oflicers were equally reticent, declinlng to discuss the subject of crime oi Maxwell's supposed connection therewith. POUL MURDER IN CHICAGO. Mrs. M. Walsh, a widow 60 years old, was !ound the other day in a small back room at 509 Fulton Street, with her hands tied and marks of violenee on her body which led to the iupnosition that she was rnurdered. The arms anil ürnhs were tightly bound together with a imall cord and auother cord was orawn tightly round her throat, causing death by strangulá;ion. The murdered woman was thougrit by jer neigbors as somewhat crazy. Everything n the house ransacked. There is no clew to the perpetrators. LOST IN THE ICE. The schooner James A. GarfleM, twenty-six lays from the Arctic regions, arrived in San francisco a few days ago, with news of the ark Napoleon of New ljeilford that bad been ■rushed in the ice and twenty-two Uves lost, ncluding W. Hogers oE New fiedford, first oficer, and Thomas Pea=e of the same place, hird officer. The Gazelle of San Francisco, ivas also crushed in the ice, tbc crew heing nvect The steamer Baclcn, also of San Francisco, was stove in by the ice, but had been suffleiently repalred to finish the cruise. The leason was stormy and late, with an unusual quantity oí ice. THHODOH A TKESTLE. A passenger train on the C'incinnati & East irn railroad, which leftCincinnatiat lOo'dock he other morning, feil through a trestle over line-niUe crcck, about twentv miles trom CinMnnati, with fatal results. Tbc distanee to ,he creek was forty feet, anti 'the entire train onsistina; of an englne, one passender coacb and two coal cars, cragfaed down. Mrs. l)onaldson, wife of the master mechauic, was killed outright and her two cbildren dangerously nut. Conductor Durharnhad an arm and two ibs broken. ilarry Moore of New Kiebmond md J. Sutton of Bátava sustained grave injures, and nine otber passengers were soriously mrt. A cnncK. Aetins; Commissioncr Walker, of the geueril land office has Issued a circular, approved by ,he seeretarv of the interior, to recelvera and egisters of land offices, reetricQng the power of land-grant roads in making eelectlons of inemity lands. The circular requireí tlieroad .o file a list spadfylrjg the particular tracts of ands lost through the operations of the generlland laws witnin the iirnits ol ttieir grants. Where indemnity selcctious have already been made without speeifying the particular seetioua I which have been lost, tho local offices are required to make such speeifications before allowing them to make any further indemnity seleetions. Where deficiencies exist for whicli indemnities are al'owed by law, the roads arë raquired to make their selectlons from tho nearest unappropr!ated landa. Ileretofore the roads have not been requlred to specify landa ; whioh they elaimed to have lost and were praetically allowed to go anywhere within theix indemnity limit; and select the choicest lands, wbich were thus withdrawn frora settlement by the railroad eompany for years.


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Ann Arbor Democrat