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An Indiana Tragedy

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A shocking tragedy was enacted at Marshfleld, Warren county, Indiana Aug. 6. Since last April Dr. Orín Aborn oí Marshfield, has been insane, and preparations had been made ; to oonvey him to the state asylum, and he was : to have been takeu there the day of the , edy. The doctor heard of the arrangements ! and went to Williamsport to stop the proceedings. He was taken in charge Dy Dr. C. R. Boyer, a life-time friend, wlio conveyed hiro back home, and to satisfy the family agreed to stay wlth them all night. At midnight Dr. Aborn got out his case of surgical instrumenta ostensibly to show them, but "when they were opened he seized one of the sharp twó-edged knives and started for his wife's room. Suspecting his intentions she fled from the house when he lirst got out the instruments. While he was out hunting for her A. B. Cronkhlte, who was present, went out for assistance, and when Aborn returned to the room only Dr. Boyer remaincd in the house. Walking up to Boyer the madman drew the knife across his friend's throat. Boyer then grappled with him and a death struggle ensued. The knife again descended with vicious force, striking 'across Boyer's breast, and in the back, over the shoulder, and under the arm. Boyer is a delicate man, but the knowledge that it was a flght for life gave him superhuman strength, and he finally got hold of the knife with both hands. In the struggle for its possession Alborn turned it about and the sharp edges gouged Boyer's hands until they were nearly cut in two, compelling him to let go. Aborn then stopped for rest and Boyer made his escape. His garments were soaked with blood. Aborn held possession of the house for some time though the streets wa3 full of men. He finally walked out into the yard, plunged a knife fhrough hls own throat and drank a quantity of iodine. He lived several hours. Boyer was taken to Williamsport in a dying condition.


Old News
Ann Arbor Democrat