Michigan ÍTentrai The Juagara Falh -Route. TIMB TABLE, MAY 24, 1885. Aïtrains run by Ninetieth Merininn, or Central Standard Time. aoiNe KAür. 8TATIOH8. d J _! "' SJ L A.M. A. M. P.M P.M. P. M Jhicago Lv. 7.20 9 00 4.00 8.4j 9.30 Nlles 11.45 12.15 7.45 11.50 12.55 Desatar 8 30 1.43 Lavton 8.45 a. m 1.58 Kalamazoo.PM 1.42 9.15 6.45 1 15 2.3! BaleBburg 7.03 2.01 2.49 Battle Creek... 2.23 7.31 2.83 3.17 ÏBrshall 3 07 7.57 3.42 3.40 ilbion 3.32 8.20 4.03 A, M ackson Ar. 4.30 ackBon Lv. 4.34 4.15 9.15 is.25 4 60 JrasgLake 4.63 9.36 5.12 -■lielsoa 5.17 9.57 5 33 l'exter 5.33 10.12 5 48 flnn Arbor 5.53 5.30 10 2d 4.40 6 07 ïpeilanti 6.10 5.45 10.45 4.55 6.23 tfayne June... 6 35 6.05 11.05 5.18 6.45 Spiingwells.... 7.10 6.35 11.35 5.50 7.80 Uetoit Ar. 7.20 6.45 11.45 6.00 7.30 P.M PM St. Thomas Ar 11.15 10 80 3.25 A. M. Weiand 2.03 1 22 603 Fals View i 55 g 32 Niágara Falla 8.31 2 00 ti. 37 Sua. Bridge.. S.40 2 15 6.47 Búfalo Ar 3.35 3 15 7 in GOING WEST. i ut 3Á ■& II f! LliM M.ÍÍ A.M. r. M.P.M. A.M. A.M. Búfalo L. 6 00 11.30 5 00 11.35 A : M. p. m Su. Bridge.. 12 30 12,35 Niágara Falls 12.43 12.53 FalÑView p. n. 1.02 öt. Thoinas... 3 00 4.05 9 20 4.45 li-tioit Lv. 7.35 9.05 4.00 7.00 9.10 Spilngwells. ... 7.45 9.15 4.10 7.10 9 20 Wa, nu June... 8.23 9.43 4.45 7.45 9 46 V'pálanti 8.52 10.13 5.12 8.0? 10.07 AuBArbor 9.12 0.28 5.30 8.23 10 20 Duxter 9.371 5.52 8.44 Ohelsea 9.57 6 07 9.00 'raes l.ake._... 10 27 6.39 10. lü p. m. Juctson Ar. 9 85 Jactson Lt. ,11.00 11.42 7.07 11.56 Albfou 12.S2 8.10 9.58 12.42 Niarihall 1.05 8.48 10.38 1.07 Battlt' 'Jreek.... 1.31 9.22 10.58 1.36 A.M. Qslcsburg 9.57 U 23 Kalamazoo 1.58 10.20 4.45 12.05 Ü.32 LuwtOD... p. m. 5.18 12.45 . Decitur 5.35 1.00 .... Nllei 4.00 3.45 6.40 1.4Í 4 13 Chicago Ar 8.20 7.10 10.35 6 00 8 06 The New York Express, a f ast train leaves Ch! ïago at 3.30 in the arternoon and makes the fol mwitg stops, Michigan City, 5,17: Niles, 6.13; Kal imazoot-23; Battle Creek, 8.01; Jaokson, 9.15 Ann Arbor, 10 U0: ifpsUanti, 10.21; Springwells 11.05; arriving in Detroit at 111.5 P M Tbe Chicago Express, a íast train leaves Detroit at 1.00 p m. making the folowing stops: Wajne Junction, l.?4; Ypsilanti, 1.50; Ann Ar bor,8.02, Jackson, 3.01, Albion, 3.32; Marshall 3 48, Battle Creek, 4,08; Kalamazoo, 4 38; Niles, 5.48; Michigan City, 6,55; Chicago, 9.00. 'Smday excepted. JSaturrtay & Sunrtay exceptea tDaüy. O. V. Eugolss. H. W. HAYES, O. r liA.. Chicago. Agt. Ann Arbor. Toledo, Ann Arbor & Northern Michigan Railway. THUOUGH TIME TABLK. i'aklng effect June 21, 1885. Qoipg North. Going South. "4 i 21 STATIONS. i i 3 Ex. Mail I Standard Time. Ex. Mail. p. m. a. m. ieave Arrive a. m. p. m. 500 7:05 Toledo 9:30 5:0C oui 7:14 Manhatten Junetion 9:28 4 55 5 15 7:28 Alexis Junction 9:16 4:47 55 8:1? j Monroe Junction 8:42 4:14 B H 8 30 I Dundee 8 30 4:04 6 10 846 Azalia 8 20 3 54 6 21, 9 0;i Milan 8 06 3 45 63S 922 Urania 7 52 3 30 64S 932 Pittsfleld 741 3 22 702 950 Ann Arbor 7 27 3 10 _7 4S 1045 South Lyon 650 2 25 Counections at Toledo with rallroads divergIng. At Manhattan Junction with Wheeling & Lak Erie R. R. At Alexis Jnnction with M C R. R L. S. R'y, and F. & P. M. R. B. At Monrot Junction with L. S. & M. S. R'y. At Dundee withL. 3. & M. S., and M. & O. R'y. At Milao with W., St. D. & P. R'y. At Pittsfleld with L. S. &M. S. R'y., andat South Lyon with Detroit Lansing & Northern R. R., and G T R'v H. W. ASHLEY, W. H. BENNÊTT Oen. Superintendent. (Jen. Passenger Agt. GRAND; TRUNK RAILWAY INCLUDING THK GREAT WESTERN DIVISIÓN. The Niágara Falls Short Line. Pullman and Wagner sleepiiig Cars and Elegant New Dining Cara on all Express Trama east and west. All trains arrive at and depart from Bnish-st deptt on Central Standard time, which is 28 minutes slower than Detroit city time. Main line train via Port Huron. DEPOT FOPT OF BRUSH STBEET. _ Leave at Arrive at Toronto, Montreal and East 8 00 am 8 25 am Buffalo 8 00am 5O5pm Port Huron Express 4 20 pm 5 05 pm Toronio, Montreal andEast.SU OU pm +9 35 pm Buffalo Fast Express 12 00 pm 0 8f pm Great Western División, Depot Foot of Brush Street. . Leaveat Arrive at Atlantic Express 8 35 am 68 35 am Express 12 05 noon & 20 pm London Express 5 8U pm 8 50 pm For tickets and intormatlon appiy to Qeï7eral Ticket Office. 169 Jsfferson avenue, corner Woodward, or at Depot Ticket Office foot of Brush street, Daily. Except Sunday. WM. ROBINJSo5!6KSON' Generi" MaDagerMich. & 8. W. Pass. Agt., Detroit. GilbSrt Bliss Pas & Ticket Ast.. Ann Arbor. I I Ia" I Wfor working people. Sen 10 ets. IJL I Upostage. and we will mail you f ree royal, valuable sample box of I ■■ I" I goods that will put you in the w ay of makmg more money in a few days than you ever thought possible at any business. Capital not required. You can live at home and work in spare time only, or all the time. All of both sexes, of all ages, grandly successful. 60 cents to $5 easily earned every eveniiie. That all who want work may test the business, we make this unparalleled offer: To all who are not well sat isfled we will send $1 to pay for the trouble of writing us. Full particulars, riirections. etc, sentrree. Immense pay absolutely sure for all who start at once. Don't delay. Address 8TINSON& Co., Portland, Maiae. ' JOHN WOTZKE ! THE if M and Sta Uk ! AFirst-Class Hand - Se wed Shoe Worth $8 for S6.5O A FAULTLESS FIT GUARANTEED ! The Only Establishment n Ann Arborthat Manufactures its Own Uppers. Repairing Neatly Done ! CALL AND SEE SAMPLES. No. 53 South Main Street. looiToutT Gentlemen can Save Twenty-Five per cent. by having their lililí Maae ! BY FHED EHHIS Who has opened a Tailor Si.o-p I No. 65 South Main Street. No slop work, but everything made in a workman-like manner A Perfect Fit is Cuaranteed. FRED. EHNIS, Ann Arbor, Mich. nnHE BILLIARD PARLOR - OF BLISS k W No. IO NORTH MAIN STREET, Has been rsfltted, and we have the Finest Billiard Parfors ïn the City! A Full Line oí TOBACCO & CICARS! The Original W. W. Bliss 5-Cent Cigar, BEST OF ALL. BLISS &, BLISS. MACKIJMAC. The Most Delightftil SUIVIIVIER TOUR Palaoe Staamera. Low Rutes. Tour Trips per Week Betwean DETROIT AND MACK1NAC And very Wek Day Betwean DETROIT AND CLEVELAND WritO for our " Picturesque Mackinac," Illustrated. Containo rail Partioulam. Miüed Froo. Detroit & Cleveland Steam Nav. Co. C. O. WHITCOMB, Ocn. PASS. AST., DETROIT, MICH. TA ARUCDTIOC alHl niectwith succcss reI W HU f Cll I IOC quires a kiiowIcdRe of th value of newspapers, and a correctly displayed advt. I'o secure such informutum llinininilCI V aswillenablcyoiitoMdvereiseuUUIlllUUoLT consult LORD - THOMAS NEWSPAPER ADVERT1SING, CHICAGO, ILUNOIS. Mí Anuí Anontiuit ! Now is the time of year that people are looklng for BIG BARGAINS ! !n goods. I will say that for the next thirty days I will make pants and suits lower tlian eret they were made before in thU city. and persons can not put money to hetter use than to come right in now and leave their orders. I am reduclng my summer stock, whieh shall be very Iow. and I am also receiving Iarge invoices of Fall and Winter Patterns oí all the Leading and Nobby Styles, which I shall put up at wonderfully Iow prices. Now come andsee me, and you will not be disappointed. A perfect flt guaranteed or money cheerfully refunded. Eemember the place St James Block, W. Hurón St., next door to Lewis Gibson's Photograph Gallery. W. C. BURCHFIELD. That are Strictly Pure, FOR COFFEES That are Perfect in Flavor, FOR GROUND SPICES That are not Adulterated,! Tosts That Never Turn Red and SALT BY THE BARREl ! -GO TO- J. D. Stimson ANN ARBOR. MICH.
Old News
Ann Arbor Democrat