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Prairie ehickens are nearly as thlck astiles In Iowa. The oldest inhibtant of Rutland, Vt., ha3 been a recular reader of the Ilerald of that place for 90 years. French railroads have to siand the vigorous opposltlon of transportaron Unes on 4,57! miles of navigable rivers and 2,'JOO miles of auals. A California girl liaving sued a man for breach of promise, the deiendant has put on record one of her letters containtng the fiattering e.xpression: "I woulcl i ather raarry yellow i!o? tliun you." The French weatber bureau claims that lts predlct'.ons lastyear were verifled In !:o oases out of evcry 100," the percentaje liaving risen from 81 in 1381 to i' In 1832 and ST In f-.83. In Holland, Mich., C. J. Doeebury publishes the News, a:nt in its columns strongly recommends Dr. Thomas' Eclectrlc 011 for conghs, colds, sore throat, catarrh and asthma. Mr. Hard, Maneheste ', Vermont, reiently received a telegram jent to Mr. Hardman, Cbester, Vermorit. ___ A FCBE AND Rsi.IABLE MEDICINE. - A (ompound Huid extract of roots. leaves, barks and berries is Burdock lilood Bitters. They cure all diseases of the blood, liver and kldneys. Lunenbur;; vlllage, iu Verraont, I 3,000 feet above sea level. Land in the vicirlty Is very fertile. Fok Earaciie, Ti othacbe, Sore Throat, Swcllcd Neck. and the resulta of colds and lntlammatiou, use ür. Thomas' Ecloctric Oil - the great pain destróyer. ArtesiHii well boren have Mr, :ek a bed of marble, 2.0J0 fect underground, ncr Atlanta, Ga. Adoli Lalloz, carrlage mamü'aeiurer, 119 Carroll street, Bufialo, '. Y., statcs: I was troubled with nausea of the stnmauh, slck hcadaene and general debility. Burdoek Blood Bitters cured me. Methodlsts In one of the Georgia confer enees are forbidden to ttnd baseball matchen Relief from si,k Headache, Drowsiness, Nausea, Dizzlnegs, Pain In the Side, &c, guaranteed to those usin Carter'a Llttle Liver Pilis. These eoniplalnts are nearly always caused bv torpid liver and eonstipated bowels. ii sture these organs to tbelr proper functions and the tronóle ceases. Carters Little Pilis wUl do this cverv time. One pill Is a dose. Forty in a vial. Trice 28 cents. HBOWMAN, Ashtabulíi, Olilo, myn Ms lioysc's foot waB bftdly cracUed from the f rog to tcp of heel and badly dricd up. ererlnary t.'arbolisalve compIetAly cnrd Ir, and rucre are no sigin of lameuess, even after bard drlving. Lady Granville Gordon has defied easte and opene 1 a mlllinevy shop in Parjt street, Grosvenor square, London. 'E0U0H ON CATAEEH." Correct offcuslvc odors at unce. Complete c;ire worst caseB,also unaqualed as gargïe for Diphttieria. Bore-Throat, Foul Breatli. i.ic:. There are no white servante at the White House. THE HOPE OF THE NATI0N. Children, slow In development, pimy, soraway anJ delicate, use "VVell's Health Ronewer." Parlslan belles now earry pistols. pkTktÈB. OF THE BLADDER. Pt'oimi, lrrluiaVn. laflammatlon, all Kldney na Urinorjr Cbniplaln''. cured b "Huchu-Palba." 1. Colored geins and preelous stones are havlng a great run in the east. The purest, swectest and best Cod Liver 011 In the world, inanufacturcd from fresh, healthy llvers, wp on the sea-shore. H Is absolucely pure and sweet. Vatii'no who have onct' takLMi it preferlt to allothers. Physlclans bave deeided Ir superior to auy of the other olls In market. Made by Caswkll Xazakd, & cimppcd Xands, Face. Pimples, and Rough Skin, curcd by uslns Junlpev T:ir Sua]), mad by Caswill, Xazaru & C(.., New Vork. klalfnrriQnuoa Kxpresily forfamlly use. OnljBOld naiIOraSa J Já a Oouiea. item aml cheapeau DR. JOHN BULL'S" Siti'sTöBicSw FOR THE CURE OF FEVER and ACUE 0r CHILLS and FEVER, AND ALL MALARIAL DISEASES. Tlie proprietor of this celebrated medicine jnstly claims for it a superiority over all remedies ever offered to the public for tho SAFE, CEETAIN, SPEEDY and PEEMANEHT euro of Aguo and Fever,or Cliills and Fever.whetker of short or long standing. He refers to the entirs Westorn and Southern country to bear him testimony to the truth of the assertion that in no case whatever will it fail to cure if thedireotionaarastrictlyfollowedandcarried out. In a great many cases a singlo dose has been suffioient for a cure, and whole families have been oured by a single bottle, with a perfeot ros toration of tho general health. It is, however, prudent, and me very case more oertain to cure, if its use is continued in smaller doses for a week or two after the disease has been ohecked, more especially in difHcult and long-standing cases. Usually this medicine will not requiro any aid to keep tho bowels in good order. Shonld the patiënt, howerer, requireacathartio medicine, afterha ving taken three or four doses of the Tonic, a single dose of KENT'S VEGETABLE FAMILY PIIXS will be suffioient. TJse no other. DR. JOHiSf BUÏiLS SMITH'S TONIC SYRUP, BULL'S SARSAPARSLLA, BULL'S WORM DESTRÓYER, The Popular Remedies of the Day. Principal Offlce, 831 Min Sfc, LOCIS VILLK, KY. XM . ILWQluvv 2 Ir "''iSfil O e d l' Men Think they know all about Mustang Lisment. Few do. Not to know ia not to have. Pennsylïanii Agriraliml Wsrks, 'hú, Pa, oMHhi;itit'i Standard Esgiíei i Ba Bilk .iggggliè yff - Eend for niuitnud ÏFRAOËS ! ÉLIQUID LUE Awnjed GO'.D MEDAL. LONDON. 15S3. ÜKd bv MiBon & Ham):n Orpaa nd Piaoo Co.. PuCman Palie Cr Co.. Sc Slfri oclr bv the RUSS A _ CEMENT CO. GLOUCESTER. MASS. SöLB tSSS" EVERVw'HERE. da-Samiile Tio Cu bi Mtli. ft WN. U. D- 3- 35 Many a Lady is btautiful, all but her skin ; and nobody has ever told her how easy it is to put beau ty on the skin. Beauty on the skin is Magnolia Balm.


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