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COOK HOUSE, ü H. HUD8ON, Proprletor. JCJ Newly Furnlshed. The leadlng houw In Ana Jkibor. UNION HOTEL. lT?IRST-CLA8S in all respecte. BYerything UU ne; fine rooms, well furnlshei Terms, 91 per day and upwarda. Special rates to wekly ooarderg. Meals 25 cents. John Schneider Jr., Proprietor. Corner oX Washington and Seoond Etreste, Irni Arbor, Mich. NICHOLS BROS., XST" Wj & A. C. NIOHOLS, D. D. S.,Denta Office Masonic Temple Block. over Savinei Bank, Aan Arbor, Mich. WILLIAM CASPARY, Q AKERY AND COHrECTIONKET, Cor. Kourth ana AnnHtreet. ' EDWARD PATE, MACHINIST, and rpalrer of Surgical Instru ments, LocJcs, Ümbrellas and Parasol Fine Machine and Bicycle Work a Speoialty. No 86 North lialn-st., Ann Arbor. Mich. RUBÉN KEMPF fpEAOHEE of Piano, Organ and Theory ol X. Muio. No. 6, ïlast Wahinítoh-Et., over Rlir sey 4 Seabolt's. Leave otflers for Piano tuniogi JOSEH CLINTON, MerchantTailor. shop over Wrn. AUaby'a boot and shoescers. Ali worlc fcuaranteed or no enarfe. john p: láwIíence, :' A TTOBNEY AT LAW. VOmoe, Nos. 3 HUI 's Opera Home, Ana Arbor, MJoh. E. B. NORRIÖ, A TTORNKT AT LAW. Does a general law, ajl collsotion and conveyance Business, A moderate patronage is rsspoctively solioited. Oalce in the court house, Aan Arbor. O. C. JENKINS, SUEGEON RKNTIST. Boanu No. 19 South Main Street, opposite theTlrst National Bank tan Arbor, Mich. ANTÓN ElékLE, DBALSR IN MONUM"5WS and Qravestoaeg manufacturad f rom 'i nnessee and It&lian tfarbl and Seotoh and AmeMeán Granite Saot r. Detroit ard CatheHne sts., Ann Arbor uiCu. WILLIAM IÍERZ, ; HOUSE, SIN, Ornamtntal and Fresco Pain1 tr. Qildloí, Calsimininj, Glaiing and Paper aanging. All work don In the beat style and rarranted to sire satief actipn. Sliep No. 4 Wes (Washington street, Ann Arbor, Michigan. WILSEY'S MUSIC STORE. DÍANOS. ORGANS, SHEET MUSIC, InntruoL tion Bpok, Vioüns, Guitars, Flutes, &o.. rhap at Wllsey's Music Roomii. east side ï'ubllo Squar, Ann Arbor, MioUiffan. The largeat and Mt Stock oí Musical Goods eTer brouglat into ñTaahtenaw County. Violin and Guitar StrlnKs a ipecialty. N. B.- It wlll be to your lotsrest to rail beier purchasing anything in the Musio Ine. Abstracts of Titles on Real EstáteE HAVE a complete compilation of the Official Records of Washtenaw County to date lncluling all Tai Titles, Executions.any incunjhrance a Real Estat, that ia of Record In the ftegisters tfflce, is shown by my books. Oflk-e, in the uffieo at the secretary of the Washtenaw mutual Murinoe company, in the basement of the cour louse. C. H. MANLY. Aun Arbür Mich C. W, VOGEL, Proprietok, Late of Ohelsea, at THOMAS 51ATTHEWS' OLD STAND On Ann Street. fBBSH AND SALT MEATS KEPT ON HAND The Ann Arbor Savings Bank preanized 1S69, uoder the General Banking Law f this stato has now, including capital 8 toet itc., etc, ' OTER $500,000 ASSXT3. Business men, Guardians, Trusteea, Ladies and ither persons will find thia Bank a SAFE AND C0NVENOT Place at whlch to make Deposita and do busilis. Interest is Allowed on All Savings Deposits Of $1.00 and upward, occording to the rulis ol ibe bank, and interest compounded Bemi-annu Uy. Money to Loan in Sums of $25 to $5,00O, iccnred 6y Dnincumbered Real Estala ana otcor ;oed seeurltiee. DIBEUTOB?- Christian Mack, V. W. Win W. D. Harriman, Wlll'iim Ueuble, David Itinsev Denlol Hlioock und W. B. Smlth OFFICEHS-Cliristlan Mac. Prostdent: W. W Wlne. Vice President; C. K. Uiscock. Cashicr D. KIERSTEAD'S WINDOW SHADE FACTORY. 3.1 North Fifiü street. Tlie Favorite of every Houstkerru The attention of the public is most respect 'ully called tomy manufactura of Superior Wooden fehades, known aa the Iiustic Wiudow Shade For Durabilily, C eapncss, fonvenience and Beauty, they can not be eicelled. J]y aitn is !o supply a line of good of genuine morit, put l-o m elegant stvle, r.nd at fair ratea I am n.)V manufscturing a Superior Shaile, the besl of the kind ever otïerpd in this markit. Weatlio Stnps of every varipty, for doors and Windows at, my establiEhment. Get Your Property ïnsured By C. H. MILLEN, iisrsurtAivcE agkivt, No. 4 South Main street, inn Arbor. The oldeet anency in the city. Established a quartor of a century ago. lteprenenting the follnwinfr ftrstclaes compañías, with over $30,000,000 a&ists Home Ins. Co., of N. Y.; Continsntal lnB.GoAa N. Y.; Niágara Ins. Go., o N. Y.; Qirard Ins. Co., of Fkila.; Oriënt jji. Co., oí Hartfoid; Commercial Union of Londci; Liverpool i.ud Londou and Globe. Loosaii llb"I!'".v Jiiwtoa mi


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