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Drinking sal) water will cure lunacy, accord Ing to a thtory elaborated by the secretary of the London swimming school. T7ORI)IHEAH('.S of honea fcnd -attle, notlitng " compares wlth Veterlnary Carbolfsatve, lt Ib the only preparation that lea vea do bc&t nml ín variar ginal color, oíd by drogat 50 cents and tl.OO. UMan reMEDi _ OUR ES Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Sciatica, Lumbago, Backachc, Headache, Toothache, íiorvTlno.Tl.v , l!iiif..S!iv:iM.i;ruleA ISiim. Scald, Front mie, 1SD A ti, OTHKK IIODII.Y PAIX9 ANU AdlES. ; .JIjjDrLiígiBtaAliilli i .-. Vinj Otiutaaboltlo, Dirertluns fn 1 1 Iiik'ii;'!1. THE CHARLES A. YOGSLEK CO. r8MBMMtf toA. VOOKLBC&CO.) líaltinior,-. 51!.. U. S. A. BROÏÏ5! Uil i K - W S e best im a This medicine, combinlng Iron with pure Vegetable tonics, quickly and comjiletely ('uros IïviieiHi;u i ttílifrfHíion, Wpakneas Iinpureniood, Malaria, Cliills and levers and Neuralgia. Itisan unfailingr rcmcdy for Diseasesof the KlilncvM miíl i.ivrr. It is invaluable for Diseoscs peculiar to Women, niid nll who load sedentáry lives. Itdoosnot .jujure the teeth, cause headache.or . produce constipation - othr Jron medicines do. Itenrlches and purifies tlieblood.stiniulates the nppetlte, aids the nssimilation of food, relieves lleartburn and Belchlng, and strengthens the muscles and ñervos. For Intermittent Kevers, Lassitudc, Lackof Energy, &c, it has no equal. 43r The prenuine has above trade mark and crossed red lines on wrapper. Take noother. Aadeoitlrhj RROWN CHEKICAI. O., BAI.T1MORE, Hi MAIT BITTERS, If you wish a rertnln cure for all nlood üiseaaos. Koüiing was ever tovented that wíj! cleanse the Blood and purify the System equnl to Hops and HAIr Bitters. It tones up the System, puts new Blood in your veins, restores your lost nppctlto an-! ■leep, and brings rou perfect hoaitli. lt never falls to givo rolief in all of liidnfj or Llvcr Troublee, ïilüoiisn; f, ïndlK nt ion, Constipation, Sicic Hcado:hes, DpepNla, Nervous disorders, and all F"cmaï vomplalnts $ when properly tr.kf-ii it i a bu: t cure, s Tliousands have been Iionviitcd by it in this and otlier Western Stntes. It is the beit Combination of Vegetable remedies ar vet discovered for the nstoration to health of Die AVeak and Dc-bilitntcd. Donotget Jrilops and WLAIjT Bítícrs confoundeü witli inferior preparations of Biniilar nam. I proscribo Hops A Malt Bitters reftularly in my practfee. ■ Robert Turner, M. D., BTat Koek, Midi. For sale byall drustjists. " HOPS & MALT BinERS C0„ Detroit, Hkh. T.H.HINCHMAN SSONa Detroit, Mlcb ( Wll,ul JAME8B.DAVI. :.Mi.:li., jAgSrti DR, JOHN BOLL'3 SifsTonicSyros FOR THE CURE OF FEVER and AGUE Or GHILLS and FEVER, AND ALL MALARIAL DiSEASES. The proprietor of this celebrated medioin jnstly claims for it a superiority over all remedies ever offered to the public for the SAFE, CEKTAIN, SPEEDY and PERMANENT cure of Agüe and Fever,or Chillsand Fever.whether o? short orlong standing. Ho refera to the entiro Westcru and Southern country to beai him testimony to the truth of the assertion that in no case wha tover will it fail to cure il the directiensare striotly followedandcarried out. In a great raany cases a single dose has been sufficient for a cure, and whole families have been cured by a cingle bottle, with a perfect restoration of the general health. It is, however,prulont,andineverycase more eer tain to cure, if its use is continued in smaller doses for a weak or two after the disease has teen ohecked, more especially in difficult and long-standing cases. Usually this medicine will not require any aid to keep the bowels in good order. Should the patiënt, however, require a cathartio medicine, afterhaving taken three or four doses of the Tonic, a single dose of KENT'S VEGETABLE FAMILY PILLS will be sufBoient. TJse no other. X3L%. JOHN BULL'S SMITH'S TONIC SYRUP, BULL'S SARSAPARILLA, BULL'S WORM DESTRÓYER, The Popular Remedies of the Day. Principal Office, 831 Min St., LOUISVIIiLE, KT. HAGAN'S Magnolia Balm is a secret aid to beauty. Many a ladyowes herfreshness to it;vho would rather not teil; and you carit teil.


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