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Concerning "sea Beans."

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Chlcigo TribuneLittle is certainly known relating te this singular vegetable production brought by ocean currents totheshores of Key West and Florida, These beant of which there seem to be va rieties, are exceedingly brilliant in their shades of carmine, sometiines with white or browu edges. They vary in size from half an incn to two inches or more in diameter, are flat, andusec soly as charras or manufactured inte ornamental boxes. They ar generally supposed to have been floated fron: the West Indies to our shores, and have been botanically relegated to th( genus Ipomea, or tbat class to whict our so-called morning-glorles belong A Canadian land corupany last yeai sold $20,000 worth of lar.d' and paic out $30,000 for salaries of officials The stockholders begin to think tha' it is an cleemosynarv institution. They have struck oll near Saratoga. Arab wonien are almost nvariably ugly. Coffee can be raised in Florida witli proflt. They ralsc 20-pound cantaloupes in Georgia. New Zealand is the paradise of sinall farmers. Cleveland masons are putting up a $100,000 temple. The Orkney Islands have an immense trade in cgfs. Postal cards are not quite as popular as they used to be. Old people in Persia consume a frightf ui amount of opium. Belva Lockwood's favorite shoe buttoner Is a silver hairpln. Tbc' wine product for 18S5 Is estimated at 15,000,(100 gallons. Ne. York state has 3,500 rallroad bridges wlth:: its borders. It i two years since the White House had a fresh i at of paiut. f""1 Mil :Us is the tirst Engllsh pointer who ha been n.m'ca baron. FlorU'a gooseberry "bushes" are really trees; often 10 feet high. In London there are 60,000 families occupying only one room cach. Water sold for 8 cents psr gallon last week, at and near Afhland, Pa. England bas Ib7 rngged schools, for the educatlon of 50,000 poor children. You can get a good dinner in a flrst-claas hotel in Norway for 10 or 12 cents. The dudea of IJiua, Peru, wear petrifled human eye balls for watch charms. Fully 10,000,000 dozen of bircli and boxwood p] pons are inudc in Kussia every year. lt is claimed tbat Grant volecl for Jame iuchanan at the presidential electlon of 1856 The culture of llowers is one of the most ox tcnslve and profltable industries of the Scill islands. Pontifical high mass was celebrated, for th the first time since the rcformation, recently a Copenhagen. Kngllsh hogiaisirs are worrying over tb malignant character of swine lever, now quit prevalen t. Men In Japan nevcr, or hardlv ever, swear The vllest epithet one is likely to hear there 1 ' beast." The oldest living gradúate of We3t Point i J. H. rfewitt of Baltimore, a member of th class of 1818. A Canadian doctor argües that 50 per cent o all diseases must bc ascrlbed to the use o stimulants. Bismarck. havin? "sworn off" smoking, de clnres that he regards cigarettes as both nox otB and ridiculous. The plan for a 75 acre botauical garden i Mouut Knyal park at Montreal is being pushe( fi.Tward to realization. About 2S5 years ago potatoes were first eate i Kngland as sweetmeats, being stewed i sack wine and sugar. A national convention of string bands Is t meet at Pittsburg in September. The cats o the city should cet up an indignation meeting In round nnmbers, 60,C0O separate! book and pamphlets have been pubüsbed by tb order of congress since this governmen start ed. Sandwich Islind doctors want to stay th spread of leprosy by vacclnating the peopl with leprosy mierobes; but they can't flnd an willing victims. A governor of Kansas once "cooked hl rolitical goose" hy declaringthat 'the averag Kansas town will vote bonds to buy a can t tie to a dog's tail." A society of child killers who, pretending t be nurses, poison babies "in order to save them from the vcxatsons of Ufe," have their heac quarters at Bostov, Kussia. The inventor of barbs on fence wiro reccives a royalty of $120,000 a year. New Mexico spent $45,000 for churches and $6,485,000 for liquor las year. A 60-pound Colunibia river salmón vas recently sent to James G. Blaine trom Portland, üregan. All the prizos this yoar awarded in tho University of Mississippi were jarried off by young women. A now fish, the cherna, bolonging to the halibut familv, has made its ap penrance in the Gulf of Mexico. Sixty pounds of uoney to a hiye in two weeks' time are reported from an apittry in Inyo nounty, California. . xne egg-piant aun uio comaio iorm the chieí vegetable erop of Florida, shipmenla of these being made twice a week. California papers stato that John W. Mackey has gïvén $100,000 to Bishop Monogue for the crectioa of a church at Sacramento. Fourtoen women are employed at gathering the erop of a cherry orchard near Suscol, Napa county, Cal. They carn $1 a day each and thoir board. The crazo among young ladies for military buttons has brought together several collections, vvhich include army insignia from every nation in the world. Fortinin, the French cook of the white house, recently dismissed, was paid a salary of $1,800. The colored cook who now does up plain dishes gets $1.25 a day. The second prize in politicalscience at tho Columbia law school was awarded to Mr. John M. Ward, oue of the best professional base-ball players'in the country. Prof. Dwight told the graduates of the Columbia law school that lawyers were divided into four classes - tho jurist, the advocate, the toiling lawyer, and the shystcr. I_t appears that the Cleveland geni which tho enterprising manager of Miss Minnie Palmer claims to be worth $30,000 is not a pure stone and is not worth moro thaa $3,000.


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