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Healthfnl Vigor for the Oirls. Mrs. Liverruore says, in one of lier lectures on Girls, "1 would give to girls ftqual intellectual and industrial training with boys. Yes, and give them cqually good health, too." When your girls are suffering froni paleness and debility, it is a sign that tüeir blood is poor and thin, and that they need Brown's Iron Bitters. The only preparation of ron that can be taken safely. Mifs Barton. Ches" nut st., Louisvillc Ky., says, "Brown's Iron Bitters curcd me of rheumatism when everything else had failed." A re-survey of the lands of Frailee bas iust been eompleted, to repair the loss caused by the burning of the otlicial land registry hoeks in the days of the commune in 1871. How to Save Money, and we mlght also say- time and pain as w 11' n our advice to good housekcepers and ladics gcnerally. The great ueefssity existing always to have a períeetly Baíe remedy convenenl for the relh f and ] rompt COTO of the ii il- DeDtS pccull&T to womau - iunetiunal imLCU nrlty, constant paius, and a!l the eymptona utendant apon aterine induces us to eeomraeud ftrungly and unqua'üiedly Dr. ?lerce'8 "Favorito I'rcs-iintion'' - womans est friend. It will save ruoney. Ilorncd loids are light feeders. Two house flies will keep one in good order for six raonths. Loss of Flesh and Strsngth, with poor appetlte, and perhaiis slight roiich n the niorninir, or onflrsl lylngdownal aig&t, hould be looked !o in time" Persons affllcted vith consumption are troorbüllv unconseiors of theír real stat?. Mo;t casfs ommeneo with isorderetl livcr. leading t i bad digestión aud nipcrfte. iMimUation of food- henee tlie maoiation, or wastin." of the flesh. It is a orm of scroin'oua difcac. an;l is enrabie by he use of that fjroatest of a'l blo jd-clcansing, nti-bilious and invigorating cornpounds, cnown as Dr. Pieree's ' Gold n Medical l:overy." The governinent pays a man Í60 a month to v 1 1 1 1 tie clocks in tne Interior department milding. Manv iraitaLor.:f hut no etjiial, has I"r. Sage's ?atarrn Remedy. los DYSfEi'MA. i SDIGBSTION, (lepress:on 01 spirits nd general debilliy, in thelr various forma; also .1 prevfiulvc agalnst fever flml ükim' aiul tifher Ínterniiitent fcM-r. riiv "Ferro-Phosphorated Kllxir f Call&ftyn" DQadQ v i':iswell Hazard A: Co., Kcw Vork, and söld by all Bnigglvta, fs the best tonlc: and tor pfttienti trom rever or otlier itclcaess, It haf no crjual. Halfnrriíaiifa Exjreily forfamlly usü. Onlyaold nailOraaaUCS ,n (,otMes. Best and chc.aposu A Sample. Box oí Wrltíng Pens Freo. For 5 two-ceut etainps to p.iv pOdtAse, et-., vou can get a fino metallic box of best ssfoi tel teel pens. ono set elevant (fold and silrer picture eards anJ copy of the Cultira'or mul Hoiiscker)iei; also 14 valuatile recoipta sbowiny how lo mefc;? beet black writln Ink for lüc a fcííllon. j.-oo.l iitul cbeap artiBeial uoney and 12 othcr fArmulas wortli $5.0() lo any one. This offor is made lo Introduce the pens and tbc Cultivator Adiirc&S tb Cultivator, Omaha, Nrid. 1T WILL PAY YOU TO GO TO DETROIT AND HAVE YOUR EXAMINED AND FITTED "WITH SPECTACLES OR EYE CLASSES AT ROKHM te WRIGHT'S IMPOUTKR8, JEWELERS AND m TICIANS. 140 WOODWARD AVE. I THEY MAKE NO CHARGE POR! TESTINO EYES, AND SELDOMI FAIL TO GIVE RELIEF. A Pliiladcljihi;1. chemlsi B&ya that the Amerl can style of kissing is what plays liob wlth th teeth. The coral trade at Naples Is at the lowes point It ever reached, ownu' t the disuse o the article as a fashionab adormnent. The mortality from BWlne tover in Kiiirïam has reaehed a point when about 'UO animal perlsh every weck, or 1OU.00O per vear out o &,000,0ü0 swine. Albert Wol ff, the famous Figaro f ritic, say tbat French art ha latterly underrone a ser: ous decline, though still ahead of that of a' other nations. The inajority of literary people now spell th name of the great dramatist, Shakespeare, an( the mlnorltv are divided up on several difter ent spelling of it. Richard Wagner's represeutatives, says th London Trutli, have posltlrely reftued toallo "Parsifal" to be perfonned in America on an terms whatever ezcept as an oratorio, as it wa given in London last wiDter. The area ol New Mexico is estimated at 78, 000,000 acres; that 70.000,000 acres are iit onl íor pasturaje, and 2O,C(K,000 of this. by dest: tution of water, Is available only for sheep This leavcs 50.000,000 aerea for catUe, but th availability of this la jjreatly diminished by th scarceness of springs and streams. The Erie in Oregon. Mark A. Miller, traveling agent fo the Erie Railroad wrlteifrom Portland Orejón, thatan attaok of p'curo-pneu monia left behind it a severo and pain ful cough. After trying several reme dies without suscess, ho began using Reil Star Cough Cure, and upon takin; one bottle found himself on the roat to rapid recovery. Mr. Bessemer's steel process patents hav yielded hlm $600,000 a year for twen tv on years. Every wornan who suffers from Sick Head ache, and who dislikes to take bitter doses should try Cartcr's Little Liver lJills. They are the eastest of all medicines totake. A positíve cure for the above dlstressinfi cora plalnts; givcs prompt relief in Dvspepsla and Indigestión; prevent and cure Constipatioi and Piles. As easy to take as sugar. Only one pill a dose. 40 in a vial. Price 25 cents. I you try them you wül not do without them. VErYImPORTANT. A cold In the Head causes much discomfor and annoyance and lf of frequent recurrenc often produces serious results. The membran of the nasal passage becomea inflamedani stopped up, an acr.d and poisonous virus i formed, f ores form in the head, deafness. head aehe and roaiing in the ears ensne and the suf ferer llnally dljcovers that be has the Catarrh This loathsome dlseaae Is by manvconüider cd incurable but nerer fails to vicl.i to the power of Ely's Cream Bahn. TMa ís an articlt of undoubted nu rit, not a liquid nor a snurï but a pleasant, cleanlyand emcactoas remed; which a cliilil can ase. t te applied into thi Qostrfls where it is absorbed, it opena the pas sages, allays Infiammation, heais all sores cleanses and soothes the membranal llnlng and restores the sensts of taste and smell. 1 gives instant relief; and a thorough treatmen will crrtainly cure. Price 50e. at drugiists or by mail. Kly Bros., Druggists Owego, N. Y. 'E0UOH ON CATARRH." Correct oflfensive odors al unce, complete cure worst cases.alao uneqn.ilyil au gargle for Dlnhthariit. Sore Throat. Foul Urcath. 5üc. Therc are no white servanta at the White House. THE HOPE OF THE NATI0N. Chlldren, slow In devoloument, pnny, gcrawiiy aal delicate, nat; "Well's Healtn lienewcr." Parisian belles uow carry pistols. CATARRH OF TEE BLADDER. RtlnRlnp, Irritatlou, inllnmmiulon. all Kltluey and UrlnaryCumplalnts. cured by "Buchu-Palba." 1. Colored gems and precious stones are having a great run In the east. A Splendid Dairy. is one that yielJs its owner a goo:l proflt through Ihc wholc scason. But he muat supply the cows wilh whal they need In order tbr them to bc able to keep up their product. When tbelr bnttcr gets liffht in color he must malee it "uill edged" by using; Wells Richardson Co's., Improved Ilulter Color. It gives the golden color of June, and adds five cents per pound to the value of the butter. PATEHTS obtained by Louis Bafrger &Co., Attorneys Washington, D.C. Esl'd 1864. Adrice f ree. Wliat Everybody Says Mustbetrue. And th unanimoua prafse which pco ple who liave used It glve Hood'a Sfirsaparllla, shouM convince thosc who have uever tried th(s medicine oOts great curatlvu powers. If you suffer from lm" pure blood, that tlred fetrllng, depressed spirits, üya pepsia, or kidney and llver complalnts, give HooU's Sarsaparllla a fair trial and you wlll be greatly bent'. fltcd. "Iy wifc hiushad very poorhealth foraloug time Bufforing from Indigestión, poor appetite, and con. stant hcadache. Shc found no relief tlll ytn: tiicd Hood'8?Sarsaparilla. Slie ís now taking the tlilrd bottle, and never feit better In her Ufe, We feel it a duty to recommend It to every one we kiiow." G. Sombrvïlle, Moort'land, Cuok Co., III. "I had catarrh nine years, and auffered terrtbly wlth It. Soon aftcr I bcgan to take Hood's Sarsa. parlllathe catarrh troubled me U'a, and aftcr taklng three bottles I was entlreiy eiirod." Jank Hom Lumbcrton, Cllntun County, Qliio. HoocL's Sarsaparilla Bold by all druggists. tl; slxfor$5. Prepare J by C. I. HOOD & CO., Apothccarles, Lowell, Mass. IOO Doses One Dollar. DROPSY TREATED FEEE. DR. H. H. GREEN, A Specialist for Eleven Yeam Past Has treated md ts oomplfc&tiona wlth the most woiuleriul tncceêi : u1" vegetable remedies, ntirely harmless Removes all syinptoms of dropij In elght to twenty days. Curea patleut9 pronouncjd h.ipeieas by the best oí physlcift'ís. Froni the fint dose tin1, ymptoms ra;ilUy dlsap pear. and in ten d:iya at lcait twu-thlrds of all symp torns are removed. Somc may cry humbug without knowtn an.'thtng ftboutlt. liemt'rnhrr. Itdoes not (-o; ■ on auyihtaj to rculize the merlts of mv treatmen" vonrself. I ain consranily uur. u tí cases oj' ug s'nndluff. case iliat have bcn tupir i a numïier of il nes. and thi patleui dcciarcii nnabie to live : week. i.í ve f uil l Isl iy of case. Kaue lex, how lonRatficted, hm badly 8w uil en and wherc. Is Ivc, bftTC loei t,u:a:cd an'l ilrlpped water. Sciul for fie.' pam hlor, conralnlng testimoniáis, qucstioiií, e e. 10 iluya trentment fiirntshott free by mail. Epilepsy ntH posltively CQl lf order trial, send 7 cents in stampsfopay nostage. H. il. GREEN, M. D.. 55 Jones Avenue, Atlanta. Ga. OTlio BUYERS' GUIOIS Is isaued Sept. and March eacli year. ü Ü50 ituc, S'ill1., inclicSfWltli over 3,LüOO illuutratloiifl - a wholc Picture Gallery. GÏVKS Wit oléale PrlcS direct to cojiftumcrs on all oods for onltr, and jivj;i exact coat of everytlitng yon use, cat, drink, wcnr, or have fuu wiili. Tlice INVALUABIiE . BOOKS contain iuformaiiois gleaned front the markets of tlie world. We ■vill mail a copy NIES! (o tmy a:!flrex.i opon recelpt of 10 ctn. to dcfray expense of mailing. I'Ct ua Ikear from yon. Respect fully, MONTGOMERY WARD & CO. 827 dfc 23O Wnbanh Avrnue, ( hiüjo, III. HAY FEVER I have been a Haj- VflöDLl rpver :u!fcr i three _Q E L-aSsK ?3 yaiv;Ih:ivrfio:ilii':irdV-Stsj3-lULSJl ily's ('rcain Balui rolc-lfflfiBKTrTBH n of in the blghestKSTinfLY S H crms,did not tak? much VWlcAtM BA-vSri8 cines. Afriíndper.-uad-WroAift ij-J edmeto try the Balm FHArFEVER:í and wltb wonder. uli" t ■i'-'B succe-s. - T. S. Geek,SB' vLêSs Örea.m Balm0a ut at fon wherever kni)'"!Í-.'xo jA lnto each noMril: no pa!n:jJi 1 P Ir ïfrn agreeable to use. íí 9 Ik' "ll PrlccSJc. by mail or at drugglsts. Send for circular. '■'Y BROTHEliS, r):u.-sists, Owcgo, N. ï. CO UtíTFR FJEI TE11S B E WARE A Michíang Concern Enjoined. [Fromthe Rochester Morning Herald "1 The followlng iijuiution bas been obtaincd by the Hop B t'era Company, ot Kochestcr, N. Y., against Collatlmu I). Warner, of Readiugi Michigan, prohibitine liini frjm manufactur Dg or selling "Germaii Hup Bitters." The President of the ÜMtd States of America to Collalinus D. Warner, of Jieading Mlch., his servantSy v:orkrnent salesmen and agentst and cach and evenj oj them: Whereas, it has been represen ted unto the Justices of our Circuit Court, tlic Hon. Stanley Matthews, and the Hon. Hcnry I. lí, at Detroit, witliin and for s;iiil district, setting as a eourt of Chanccry, that you, Collatinus D. Waruer, are manufacturing and selling a rneiliclne named Germán Jlop Bitters, in friiiiiinlml imitiit'um of the Hop Jutters made aml sold by complaint; your saiil medicine belng üetixed, calcuiated mul Intendtd to miilead the public into pnrcbaglng such counterfeit goods as the manufacture of the oomplainant. We therefore, in conslderatlon of tho Í remises, do strictly enjoin von. the said Colatinus U. Warner and all and every tb ■ persons before named, from winy the word "Mep Uitters'on uiiv Unida contalned fn botüea so as to Induce the bellet that rach tlui la are made by ipla'nant; and turther, trommanufactnrbiKi selllng or oiterlng for salf, any bitten orotlicr tlnicis iu the boules and with the labels, and in the general form in whic'i you were manufactuilng and selllng the bitters called bv yon Gerumn Hop liittc:s, n li'iníí of tbc b 11: or in imy other bottle, orwlth any other laücli contrtved nr deeigned turepreseut or lndace the be'Iel that Ihe bitterg or liuids gold by yon are the goods of Ihe compluitiitnt, until the lurther order of the court. w The Hon-orabi.e MORRISON K. WA1TE. Chief Jnstlce of t'ie United States. At Detroit, tais liftemth day of July, A. Ü. 1S85 B. Waltcr S. Ilarsha, Clerk. Prosecute the SwinUlersü! If whon fon i-all for Hup Bitten the drogiM hands outanythlngut"Hup Bittbbs" wlth aereen cluster or op uu wliUi' label. sliun that arugclst as you woulil n vlncr, butaken yonrmoney .uüumituir Indlct hlni fr the fraud uii'l ioe alm for ilaimtKes for the swindlc and we wUlreward: rally for the convictlon. Sced.s. iu.; Iniunctlon agatiul CD. Warner, KeadlnK. Mie i , ■■'uil hls galcsmen. agent a. ilrugKlt!. aml ut' e P : mliators. We Want 3,000 Moro BootC Agentólo sen The Personal History of ' y. s. Báüf. t3 KJA jflpjBMHjB g- Tb. bnok mbrtccith ip.enl'i ntir mWtj, cirll mrlw, a ritU cwctr, uil Is tb ment compUl nd rcliatlo hlitorv Lf hun x Uut. A larf badfOB wMm voLum, uiyirLlj ü'njUfttH Wewant aimfentia ciorr Uurl AthtTmi mt l-i.rry towrllilp. Bi for ruil pilkulr nixl fcWjlAL TfcltMi TO AGÍ M'S. er ccuk () ftt oac tr inllrr öttti. far eutdt. M!ttSon (!■! prT 1 Addrcig AMERICAN PUliMSHïNii CO., 'llnrtfoW Boton Chicago CJucliiiiaUi or tet. loui ♦" " " #♦ iPl VEGETABLE COMIPOVND Yih A posrnTE cure you ÍLflf All those pninfal CoinptaintA yZfffl and Wtuknesttes 80 commou J' ÍW?bc to our best #♦♦ APy FEHALK POPULITIOS. Price 91 la llqaM, plll ar Loif n-fi fum. ♦ Tta jmrposê is aoleïy ƒ07 the UgtttmaU kealing 0} and the relief of pain, and that it does all it claims to do, thousands of ladic can gladly tcstify. It wJU cure cntiri'Iy all Ovarían troubles, lufl&iuaat' tion and Ulceration, Falling and Iiisplacomeats, and consequent Spinal Wcakuesn, and Ir particularly adapted to tho cbange of ü Te. ### "" It remores Faintnees.FlatolencT, destrón all ovrntt forstimulants, and reUevf j VVeattwas ui tho Stometu, It cures Bloatinr, il o (laches, VarvoxtB Ioslratlon, Qaeral Deljiliiy, Slecplousne, Uepreffiilon and Indigestión. That tccliug; of bearinff duwn, cauaing pain. an backachc Í6 alwáy.- pcnnaticQtly cu red hy lts use. Send Ktamp to Lynn, Mu.s.h., for prunpliUt. Ittorao íuquiryoonuilcjitiüilyaiiswvr'jí'.. For salatdr.yfW JOYOTTS, HAPPY CHILDBEN aro Iiidpedtlio f?rentC9t boon of mnnkind. The tndl pcnsjbh-oualücatlon fr thls Is hcalth; and It Is tha cluim of tlic nutnnfactorers, Indorst'd by buodredi, thatKIdge's Fuod Is the best food for a growiug cblld. $50 REWARD will be pala for ny Grata F of im sil thi tn cln ufl bt m muvh ftrain er Sec-d ín oo dar uoor Patent MONARCH rain and Secd Kcparalor and Bagger nr our Iinpravea Warrhousa MUI itb Lull Er whicb we offer chep. Ciro lar atid Frlce Lil nnilïed frtC ColumtKM. OÜi L8taltlshetl 1806. FAY'S MANILLA ROOFING! Iteaemblei Uno lenther: ror ROOF8, OVTSIDB WALL8, and [N8IDE In place of Piaster, Ven trans tnd ilnruhlf. CABPETS and BÜG8 oí ■ ome innternl. Catalogue w[t)t trstiiii'iilHls and samplt's Frfc. W. H. FA1 ft CO., Cmden, N. J, [JOSTPHGTLLÖTTli STEEL PEMS SoldBy ALL DEALERSTiiFwuoKnn-THE WORLD] ■SOLO MEDAL PARIS EXP0SITIOM-I87B.1 I havo a positivo romot'y í"r tho abovo liío 4190 ; by lts ÖS9 thouaan'iaof cnfiea ol tho wor?; ktQdilHdol long staodlnK havo been cincii. Ijidoo.l, of:-(inl mi flth lu ltaeñlcftcy.llmt 1 wïil aofulTvo BOTTLKS i'HKH togethcrwltlip. VAl.rAllI.K'f KliATISK 011 thl.t diso&M to llüy SUJTcrer. Ijlvooxpresa alul P. O. adtlr ne. 1)!'.. T. A. SLOCUM.leiroarlSt., No-.vYork. " sf-m'aB ALUABLE- V a-3 vr The Grand lin])i,ls yyy lillsl1s College ■Jrls f Jr L aoeg „ .,,. "fiourlsS" n tl' wny of Mnls :ind ft:i.' - I' I ' I : ralner niiil 111.1 lt pupila Ar th vooatlons 1 buslneas viu, allthal : ipiles Send for Journal. iddrus C. G. 8WBM6BEBO, c;r;i"d linpld. ilU'li. Lorillard's Climax Ping bopríng a red lin taqi that IoriilnrcCi il;t-i Leaf fine ooi ; thai Lorlllard (nvy Jüpilnff and that I.orlliard's Suuti3t&-1 , aü 1 (;)ieapt -", jualltj cinsi'!ered ? 2OL AGIÍNTS fora NEW aucl ■ ontj )ot lifeofGRANT Thií WorNI'iiprrpRtefit poldior, aml the Natïon'a nio?t hoiion'd cJtlzeii. Low prlce, fC :ipul ■ vh, P.W.ZIEUL.KR A CO. 113 aífa HIGHi ANtT M 1, TA3a"V ACAIEiMrV, Worasu-r, Vlai . - oth vcar begiua Se t 9, 188 j. Stndits; Mtt pmciicl Éojrlish Branches, Phvsïcs, Chcmistrjr, M-rc mtiie Stadies. Swrvtfvinjf, Krcnch, l rnwn - a-tsict) etc C. B. MKTCALF. A, M.Sip-rint-ni1i-nt. taÊftj] fnSnw 'ïliïir-: i'-rn city : :,iitóni) BKfiaföitf hfo ■ki.T.Sui'i'orU'i -. SmiirlQ Ufi Vi -iV tiutfltfreo. A ■:,-■ h -ll uUl mE0 Suspender Co.. Gindauati o SËED WT1 KA TT, BEST VARIETIES. SENDFOROE I 1. K. AddresSj T I. BUTTON, Sutton P. O. Lenawee Co., Mlch. ABBBHBBSS3MSS9ttü2 re roller i umrtir i KiÖDER'S PA3TÏÏ.5 ü II Hll 3 tMlays. Nia-.-l lCured. UIT IÏ56Ï3 ÜK. .!. M.N.: . -. l.dM-01, W. N. ir. D- 3- 3J FOR Man and Beast. Mustang Liniment is oldcr than most men, and used more and more every year. HENRY MÁTTHEWS, Hul the pleasure to Infonn the public thatkeb ready to receiTe them in hisnew briok MEAT MARKET ONE DOOB EAST OF LEONARD HOUSIl Kvurything in Lia Une wlU be first-olM, snó At (ReascnabSo Rates. He returns his sincero thanks to all hla old en. tomers f or their generoua patronage, fiTid eorïa ally Invites them, and all new cuBtomers to h. new quartera, where he hopes by fair deallag J eclargf hls airead v crowing buslnes EBERBAGH&SONi Dealere In Drugs, Medicines Anda One lot of French Hair Brushes AND English Tooth Brushes. We cali special attentlon to our stock of Chemical Glass-ware, Apparatus, AND Pure Chemicals of our own 1 mporiation, A full line of TIEMAN'S SURG'L INSTRUMENTS At lint prieel. STTTZDEUSTT S Are oordlall; Invited to examine our stock aL qtiality and prices. EBERBACH ASOH. Emanuel Wagner, -ATU No. 33 South Main Street, At AMBROSE KEARNEY'S Old Stand, Has opened a New Grocery & Provisión Store. ALL KINDS OFCANNEDAND SHELF GOQDS. TEAS, COFFLES AND SPICES OF ALL KINDS ATA VERYLOW FIGURE. AILES & CO'sTpÁTENT FLOUP KEPT ON HAND. A FULL LINE OF TOBACCO, I OIGA RS AND SMOKER'S ARTICLES. Emanuel Wagner. JACKSUN FIRE CLAY CO. Manufacturera of Stone Sewer Pipe AND ZDDRIHSr TILE I All our Prain Tile aromadO of Fire Clay, are of unusual strength and ligfat weight, which materially reduces the breakage and expense of' transportation. The ditohing of this class of tiling is less ezpensive, as they do not require to be lald below frost but only deep enougu to escape tbeplow. While this is more economical it also alas in obtainiog a better fall or grade to the drain. A full assortment of all sizes, for salein small quantities, or car load lots, at the FERDON LUMBER YASD, James Tolbert, Agent. ' THe, the Greatest Labor-Savlng Machine of the Ase." To the Editor of The Chicago TrUntne. Dwiobt, 111., March 16.- One of the strongest and molt convincing f acts that I have yet seen wíld regara lo iue iirainaee ib uruuxni out m the December report of the Agrlcultural Dep&r ' ment of Illinois. It is this: ACRF.AQK. ' ACKge in corn in Livingston Coufity, ; 1881. S88,M7 I Acreaee in cora in Logan County, 1881.. 140,869 Livingston over Logan 137,788 YIELD. 1 Yield of corn in Livingston Countv.1881. .6,983,522 Yield of corn in Logan County, 1SS2 6,C70,94 Livingston over Logan 1,908,58 In other worda. Logan County has raised near i ly as much corn on 140,859 acres as Livingstoa county has on 268,597 acre. Put it in anotber ; form, the farmer in Livingston County have been obliged to plow nearly doublé the acreage of land (248,597), and have raised but a very tmiall percentage of lncrease of corn over thefr bretbern in Logan County, who only had to plow 140,869 acres. Let us give it anotuer twist! A A farmerwho has his land well tilled need only work elghty acres of land nnd grow just about as much corn as the man who plows 160 and lakes all the risks of drouth and much befides. It is not fair, then, to conclude thatthe greatst labor-saving machine to-dayof the ageisthe til drain? From the same source of inJormaiton I gather the following as regards the progres of tile-dralnage in these twocounties: Fcet. Total number of f eet laid in Livingston Countyupto 1861 1,140,79 Total numoer of feet lald in Logan Countyupto 1881 8,1(89,48 This table proves beyond all thtory tbat owing to the f ree use of tile that one county hai ben ble to produei nearly as much corn on 1)0,000. teres of land another county has produced ■pon 268,000 acres, which is nearly doublé, ad he beauty of the whole is that it was done wlth kalf thawork! Mr. Editor, suppose a kind Provldence should lenethen out the spin of our day wo saw Illinois thorouglily tile-drained, where would bu put the corn that this State would produce, and what would we do with our "lllver dollars?' Samuïl T. K. Pbimb.- RINSEY & SEABOLL No. 6 & 8 Washington St. Have on hand a completo stock of everrthing in the Crocery Line. Teas, Ooílees and Suar, In large amounts, and at Caslb. ZPn?cOs And can sell at Low Figures. The large invoice of teas thy Buy and Sell, la good proof that in Quality and Price ihey Give Bargains. They Eoast their own Coffees every week, and none but prime af ticles are used. " Their Bakery turns out excellent Bread, Cakes and Crackers. Cali and see them. PricesGone Down A large stock of Wall Paper Kolliiig at A GREAT REDUCTION! I claim to have the largest and BEST SELECTED STOCK Of Wall Papar and Decorations in the county, and can give perfect fotigfaotion in Goods or Work . Paints and Painter 8upplie8 a specialty. A-lTDeic-b Sorg, Successor to F. AA. Sorg, 26 & 28, Wahslngton st, - Anu Arbor


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